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The CEO's Rejected Bride

The CEO's Rejected Bride

hunny bunny


"She is a nobody. She's a low class. She looks so ugly. I wouldn't even want her going out with me! How can you ask that of me? She has to leave mama and besides, I have someone I want to marry! You can't just bring any riff raff and expect me to marry her because you picked her. I'm not going to do that mama, you should ask her to get out now," Brandon said to his grandmother even though Alicia who was the subject of discussion was in the same room, her mouth open and wide on his audacity, hatred bloomed and blossomed in that moment but she was at crossroads and this marriage could save her and her dying mother. "Since you're turning down my request, I think it's about time I pulled out my shares from the company. I've been wanting to do that for a long time now,"

Chapter 1 1

Chapter one.

Alicia had just left her mother's room in the hospital. Her mother was sound asleep when she walked in. She placed her bags on the little counter and looked at her mum who was fast asleep. She saw a little note by the counter. The doctor wanted to see her.

"I am sorry, but if you can't get the drugs to calm her down, we might have to withdraw from treating her here, asides the hospital bills that have piled up; we believe as a hospital and as a corporation we have tried the best that we can." The doctor who called Alicia into her office spoke with anger but on a mild level, you can sense how she tried to understand and how she held herself back. She adjusted her glasses and read through the files in front of her.

"I know, you have been patient and kind enough for me and my mum; Dr. Lawson." Alicia spoke with a sad tone, while she rubbed her hands on her laps, she sat down being restless. But who wouldn't be? She was called while she was on her job hunt. Her mother had so much that can't be paid if her life and her mum's life were to be used? It wouldn't be enough time to clear the debt her mum owed; it was since her birth after all.

She started working everyday after she dropped out of high school, with each debt she settles, another one pops up. With the various types of job she had done. She had never paid off the debt. Her mother worked hard too but it wasn't never enough. What's worse? She fell terribly ill; failure of the heart and kidneys they said.

The shock Alicia had when she was informed about this some months back, she had been working all day and night. This month hasn't been any different.

"I am glad you know and realize that I have been kind enough to be understanding in regards to you and your sick mother. But these bills are piling up and they have to be paid immediately. You know that; without these drugs I am afraid she might need surgery and that is like." Dr. Lawson chuckled before she continued. She was expressionless for that moment, the stare she gave Alicia gave her chills. She felt hot, her body generated heat from the thought of how she had to run twice as hard and work more than she did before. If she was working at the pace of a snail; she needs to power it up.

"That is a heavy cross, a very heavy cross for you to carry. And I won't be here to help, so if you may? You can leave my office and I hope the next time is for you to pay your bills." Dr. Lawson stretched her hands and pointed the way out of her office. Alicia sighed as she stood up.

She bowed immediately "Thank you so much." She gestured with the wai sign.

The talk she had with the doctor was one she didn't like.

"I should just go and see my boyfriend, I need a clear head." Alicia walked out of the main door and exited the hospital. She didn't want to think about how she would make the money. She shook her head momentarily and clutched her faded bag, it had a worn out zipper that could be managed.

She wore a long skirt and a short thrift wear top that she bought a few years ago, it's getting smaller but she wants to use it for its worth.

Her hair seemed dirty and unwashed. Her slipper had holes too. She had a little brown scarf over her head, she read in the weather updates, there might be a rain shower.

Alicia took a long walk to her boyfriend's house. Not a dime could be found in her body. She walked sadly and dragged her foot, with a clouded mind.

Alicia went to boyfriend's apartment. She had walked four miles, she was tired.

"I had a rough day." She hugged him when he didn't return the hug fully. He wasn't paying total attention to her either.

"Are you good?" Alicia asked as she dropped her bag on top of a piece of small cloth, she didn't pay any attention to it but her boyfriend did. He sighed as she walked away. He closed his eyes for relief.

"Yes, and what did you say happened today? Can we sit in the living room and talk?" He itched his head and asked her. Uncomfortable and nervous.

Alicia walked into the kitchen. He rushed in after her. "What's wrong?" Alicia asked with a chuckle. She found all his actions funny and weird.

She opened the water bottle, his eyes followed her. She tilted her head and noticed something.

"Oh my God!" Her eyes dilated and the thought she had. She didn't want to assume. The water fell from her hands. She saw his lips.

"I don’t- I don't use red lipstick." She said with a shaky tone. She blinked so many times. She didn't want to cry but who was she kidding?

She left the counter and opened the bedroom door.

She saw something she would have never expected in years to come. A naked woman who was comfortable in her boyfriend's bed.

"Babe?" The lady said, eyeing her up and down.

"You got a maid?" She shouted from where she laid.

"You better change this one, she looks broken". The naked woman spoke with no regard and cackled. Alicia has never felt horror like she was feeling now.

She gasped at the words she heard, she had goosebumps all over.

"You told her I'm your... Maid?" Alicia gasped

" I'm your girlfriend!" she laughed in pain. She tried to construct words.

A tear fell from her left eye, dumbstruck she stood and watched the terror that was in front of her. She couldn't think of anything. She could hear the sound of her heartbeat through her ears. Her breathing pattern increased. Alicia couldn't believe that her boyfriend of four years could cheat on her.

"I am sorry but it just happened." He reached out to her but she took a step backwards, leaving the room that now spun before her.

"How?- how could you?" She sniffed her nose as she yelled.

"And you didn't really think we worked out did you? You are always working like a dog, you aren't even a girl I can take home and what's worse? You don't even know yourself? You embarrass me!" Josh finally said, his face contorting in disgust.

"How could you?" She whispered and used her right hand to cover her face. She threw her hand up in a fist. She saw her whole life flash right in front of her.

Alicia knew he said somethings but she didn't hear him, she couldn't hear him.

She turned and grabbed her bags, she dashed out of his room with tears and a running nose. She lost her senses.

She shook her head as she walked down the stairs, she suddenly felt dizzy, a migraine hit her.

She wailed. On the stairs where she sat down and cried again. "A maid?" She raked herself and sighed again. The tears didn't stop, she had another episode. She replayed the words she heard over and over again.

She remembered the first day he kissed her and what he said to her under the rain, his words melted her that day. She wiped her tears and stared at the ceiling, she tried to calm herself down.

Her phone buzzed, she raised her head up to stop the tears again..

She checked her phone and it was a call; not the kind she expected instead it was from her childhood friend: Laura.

She smiled and picked up the call. "Hi." She said with a faint smile as she adjusted herself where she sat.

"Alicia! How are you? Where are you? Let's meet up and talk. We haven't had our girl time in a long while." Laura said over the line the excitement in her tone was so loud that Alicia had to move the phone away from her ear so she won't go deaf.

Alicia always had a hyperactive friend who was always bubbly and full of life.

"Wait. Are you ok? You don't sound ok. What's wrong licia?" Laura's tone calmed instantly.

"Currently at Josh's place,

She took a deep shaky breath

"—crying . He cheated on me ." Alicia replied with a sad tone, she wanted to hold herself back but she said it.


" Oh my God licia. I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"

There was a pause in between them.

"I'm in town for a bit and I know we haven't seen each other in a while, how about we catch up... Let's get over this ok?"

Alicia sniffled through the phone.

" I'd like that" Alicia said with a sad smile.

"Good. I'll buy the drinks and where we're meeting, I get icecream. I'll send you details, I'll see you soon" she said and ended the call.

A message entered, the details of the location.

Alicia sighed and waited. She didn't know where to begin anymore. Where would she start from? She thought she had her life planned but she obviously didn't.

"I need to work hard and make my own money."

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