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You Belong With Me (Manik & Nandini)

You Belong With Me (Manik & Nandini)



Nandini Kapoor, a sweet, bubbly girl, gets a job in the top company in the world, where she comes across Manik Malhotra , the CEO, a rude and arrogant person. Will their life change after meeting each other? This story depicts Manik's transformation from an arrogant person to a person full of life because of one person, Nandini.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE



"One last question for you, Ms. Kapoor, "What motivates you to join MUSKAN?" One of the three interviewers asked the question with a grim expression, as Nandini smiled and answered confidently.

"I want to be self-sufficient, sir..." Nandini paused briefly and continued, "Muskan has been one of the leading companies that has actively encouraged and motivated women's empowerment through every possible means, and it would be an honor for me to be a part of a company that not only leads through figures but also supports and promotes such an important cause." She paused as she studied the faces of the interviewers before continuing, "I also want to tell the world that yes, I am a woman and I can earn more than a man and provide myself and my family with a luxurious life." Nandini answered confidently without any hiccups and was asked to wait outside till the rest of the interviews were completed to know if she got the job.

After waiting for almost 3 hours, Nandini was called to the COO's office and was escorted there by the COO's secratery.

"Please have a seat." Kabir Mehra, COO of Muskan, gestured Nandini to take a seat as she murmured a thankyou as she sat down.

"Congratulations Ms. Kapoor, you have been appointed as the Personal Assistant of the CEO of this company Mr. Manik Malhotra." Nandini was over the moon to hear the news, this is what she came to India for, and now that she got the job she wouldn't have to leave India and go back home to London. But the one thing that she didn't understand was why was the COO of the company giving her the news when anyone at a less important position could have done the same.

"Thank you sir, it is my honor to be able to join this company and I promise to give this job all that I have." Nandini was determined excel at her job and it was audible in her voice.

"You must be wondering that why are you here at the COO's office." Kabir came straight to the point as Nandini nodded and Kabir continued. "Ms. Kapoor you seem confident and determined to excel at your job, but my job is to prepare you for the job that you are taking up." Kabir paused as Nandini was confused hearing him, from what she knew this company was well known for its employee management and work ethics, she didn't understand what it was that needed to be prepared for this job that the COO had to be involved.

"The CEO of this company, Manik Malhotra is a perfectionist, and expects everyone around him to be a perfectionist as well, you make one mistake and you'll be fired, no if's and but's, if you are fired that means you are fired and there won't be any second chances. You will be provided a mandatory training of two weeks before you officially join as Manik's PA, your contract has already been drafted and I would recommend you to read it carefully, we do not want any troubles later." Nandini nodded blankly hearing Kabir, she didn't know what to do, the talks of being fired was already happening and she only got the news of her appointment a few minutes ago.

"The three interviews were really impressed with you Ms. Kapoor, and that is the reason why you, a fresher, are the one to be appointed instead of all those people who were actually more qualified than you." Nandini didn't know what to say, she knew that she was freshly graduated and there were highly qualified people who were present for this interview today, but she didn't expect that she would be told this bluntly to her face like this, was this a compliment or a taunt, she couldn't figure out.

"I trust our interviews and that is the reason why you are here today." A sudden relief passed through her body hearing Kabir as Nandini finally got a hold of her emotions.

"Being Manik's PA there are a few details you need to know and understand which will be explained to you right after this meeting, I have called you here today as Manik's co-worker and friend, I know Manik will not be an easy person to work with, and that is why we are going to train you, what you need to know is that Manik has fired 3 PA's in last 2 months and we don't want you to be the 4th one to be fired, which is why you will be reporting to me everyday before you leave the office, and in case you need any help you can ask Smiti, my PA, she will help you." Nandini was shocked to hear about the fired PA's, there was absolutely no news about this, and suddenly Kabir's words started making sense, now she understood why she was asked to read the contract carefully, why the interview process consisted of 3 stages, and all the questions that she had to answer during that process.

"I will try my best not to disappoint you sir, and thank you for all the help that you are willing to provide me, I will do my best to be the longest PA that Mr. Malhotra has had till date." Kabir smiled genuinely hearing Nandini as they shook hands.

"I hope you don't screw things up and ruin all the resources that will be provided to you by the company." Kabir's words of warning were clear as day to Nandini, she now knew that there was no room for error in her job, she would be fired for the first mistake she makes, small or big. Nandini nervously gulped down the lump that formed in her throat hearing Kabir which didn't go unnoticed by Kabir, who had been observing her since the time she entered his cabin.

Before coming to India, Nandini's uncle had warned her about Indian people, and her aunt has specifically asked her to be careful around everyone, and always trust her instincts, she was instructed to not trust anyone easily, which did scare Nandini but not enough for her to cancel her plans of moving back to India, but hearing about her soon-to-be boss, she was scared as hell, this being her very first job, she didn't want to screw it up and get fired.

And while Nandini processing everything she had just heard, Kabir decided to go through her files, she was an excellent student with excellent grades and amazing feedback from her professors and her employers under whom she had interned earlier, which assured him that she might actually do well at her job.

"I hope I have made myself clear Ms. Kapoor?" Kabir asked as Nandini nodded with a fake smile.

"Even though I am your boss, I will help you where I can, not because you are a fresher or because you are way too young, but because your CV speaks highly of you and I expect you to keep your words and become Manik's most successful PA." Though her family had warned her about the Indian people, Nandini could hear the honesty and care for Manik in Kabir's voice, and learning that he had high expectations of her, motivated Nandini to work harder and live up to his expectations.

"I will try my best to live up to your expectations sir, thank you again for speaking to me personally and assuring me that I will have support in case I need help." Kabir nodded as Nandini made her way out of his cabin after exchanging their goodbyes.

Nandini was then debriefed about her job as a Personal Assistant and was also handed over her copy of contract, she signed after going through it carefully along with a lawyer that was present there to help her understand the clauses. She then collected all the information from HR department about her mandatory training, she was also given an Apple Mac book pro, latest Apple iPhone, which was provided to every new employee of the company in Top level of Management for easier work environment and to ensure the privacy of the company data and plans, along with the copy of the contract that she had just signed.

After a long tiring day, and a new job, Nandini came back to her hotel room & soon drifted to sleep without even having her dinner as she was too tired mentally more than physically to do anything.

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You Belong With Me (Manik & Nandini)

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE
