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Tears Of A Vampire

Tears Of A Vampire



Samantha, a powerful vampire, believes that the only purpose of her existence is to kill and drink blood of the same kind. When she accidentally caught a sniff of a sweet honey scent of human blood, she didn't hesitate but claimed him as hers. What would Morgan do if, one night, she would appear before him and take him as her possession?

Chapter 1 Prologue


Under the radiant light of the full moon, the night doesn't appear spooky as it should be.

A slender woman in venetian red dress sits leisurely on the railing of the fourth floor building. She is sipping a mouthful of wine from time to time from a bottle as she glares at the proud moon with hatred and disdain.

If somebody can notice her from the ground, they will think she is planning to commit suicide.

"Fuck you moon, why can't you disappear from the sky? Because of you, this world is a mess." Samantha grumbles. "You know what, I can't understand these humans. How could they admire you? If they just know that your beauty carries a threat to their lives, I wonder how they will condemn you."

Samantha smirks and looks down to the bustling ground under her. Humans walking on foot and cars running rapidly fills her eyes. They are all in a hurry, but only come and go. It is a never-ending process to watch.

"Look at these silly humans, they think you are lighting their dark world. The truth is, you are sending them to their doom. Tonight is again Vampire's Hunting Spree." Samantha said to the moon. "Piss off!"

Samantha moves her gaze from the moon to the ground when she suddenly catches a scent of a man coming from the convenience store across the building.

The scent is fresh to her nose.

When the sight of a man stepping out of the door comes to her view, her lips subconsciously plaster a smile, "Hmm, finally, someone relieves my eyes."

The man below simply wears white shirt and black slacks, but his facial features are so exceptional that she can't help but stare at him.

"How about going down and getting to know him?"

When Samantha is about to jump down, she senses a vampire aura nearby and that aura carries a strong killing intent and craves for blood.

"Nah, work comes first before pleasure."

In a split second, Samantha dash towards the store, passing past the man in disguise as a wind, which made the man almost outbalance himself and frown.

Samantha appears in the girl's restroom without getting herself caught by CCTV cameras.

"Hey dude, you entered the wrong room.", says Samantha as she taps the man's back who is tiptoeing sneakily towards one of the cubicles, which is occupied based on the sounds of the flowing faucet.

The man turns around and immediately recognizes who she is. "Red? It's you?"

Samantha flips her hair behind and smiles creepily, "Yours truly."

Knowing that he is no match for her, he tries to escape. But before he can take a step, Samantha grabs his head and brutally bite his neck.

The man doesn't even get the chance to scream. His body vanishes into ashes after it shakes violently under the ruthlessness of her fangs and disappears.

By the time Samantha wipes the blood off the edges of her lips, a nerdy girl comes out of the cubicle and stares at her confusedly.

Samantha raises a brow at her and says, "Okay little girl, staring is rude."

After saying that, Samantha elegantly walks to the door and leaves as if nothing just happens, leaving the girl even more confused.

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