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The Alpha's Gone Mate

The Alpha's Gone Mate



Aurora didn't know how it began. Maybe it began when she was born an omega, or when the pack started calling her names, or when her sister was to be Luna and be with the boy she craved for, or perhaps it was when her grandmother died and left her everything. She couldn\'t pinpoint the moment in time when everything went to hell all she knew is that all her life she was living in the shadow of her eldest sister, An Omega born into a long line of Beta\'s. Always in the shadows, always being used for laughs. She really thought that her life would change when Adam, the Alpha called her his mate, not her sister, but her, the girl in the shadows, the omega everyone knew about and tortured simply because "why not?" But he had rejected her under the moonlight after they had spent the night in each other\'s arms after she had felt for the first time in forever, loved. What could be worse than being rejected? Finding out that you\'re carrying another life inside you. So she runs, but life keeps bringing her back to him, will she be able to start again? Will she steal her sister\'s destiny and become The Luna? or will she run again and again and again, never finding true love?

Chapter 1 Parties and Mate

The party was loud as were all teenage parties, the mask on her face was making her face feel irritated and she struggled not to look at the three people on the kitchen floor making out to the point that clothes were beginning to get discarded, and the sounds of mourning spilling out from the tree on the floor. Aurora sighed as she placed the granola bar in her mouth biting in anger. The sound of the music outside the door was blasting and she could hear the chanting, some idiots must be in a beer contest.

She’s much rather hidden in her, rather watch a free sex show than be out there with her pack. If they saw her she’d probably be in trouble. They liked torturing her, using slurs like slut, whore, retard, and others.

On a good day, that’s all she was called really but on an ordinary day, she’d be picked on, thrown to the ground a couple of bruises here and there and be told she should throw herself off a cliff one day and just die. Sometimes she wanted to do that but she always chickened out on the very last moment and crawl back to her life, her family that to her was merely blood. Diana and Richard were somewhere in this house, her twin older siblings had always been close. Richard was supposed to be the next Beta just like her father is now and how her grandfather great-grandfather and six other generations of them had been. Diana was beta but she was going to be Luna, she had the grace and the charm, a slim tall brunette like their mother, the life of the party. Aurora, on the other hand, was in most cases the black sheep, an omega, something that her mother constantly told her was in a way a curse to their family.

She’d been placed on the outside, watching her sister and brother gain the favor of the pack while she was being shunned, She was considered emotional and irrational, a black cloud upon her families legacy, but not her grandmother. No, her Grandmother Martha loved her, it was a pity she died last year, poisoned, and the killer was never found. She was all alone.

Her Parents had forced Diana and Richard to bring her to this damned Party, The theme was supposed to be costume not dress like a slut and hook up but it was the 21st century and wolves were horny creatures at their age. She was Eighteen, been eighteen for two weeks now but no one noticed yet, her parents had been too busy Grooming Diana in the art of being a good Luna to notice that they had forgotten their daughter’s birthday again for the seventh year in a row only this time there’s no Grandma Martha to remind them and berate them for forgetting their child she was now fully invisible.

The kitchen door opened up revealing a boy with brunette hair and blue eyes without a shirt and soaking wet, he walked towards the Fridge dodging the three teenagers who were now in only their underwear and limbs tangled in angles that looked to be physiologically impossible, he took out a bottle of coke and was about to walk out when he noticed her sitting on the counter and raised a brow.

“You smell weird.” He said after a while of carefully scrutinizing the person in front of him. “Isn’t that my hoodie and sweatpants? Why do you smell like that seriously?”

Aurora looked at herself, he wasn’t wrong they were his clothes, she’d stolen them a while back but Richard, her brother never noticed until this point. She was comfortable in the oversized clothes and the black mask covering her face. Everyone was too drunk to think twice about who she was and as for the smell, she didn’t know. Diana, on the way here, had sprayed the scent on her claiming that at least people won’t recognize her if she smells like another person.

“Yes they are and Diana sprayed that thing on me, Can I go now? I’ve already served my time haven’t I?” Aurora whined as she threw the half-eaten granola bar at her brother who dodged it skillfully.

“Hey stop that! No, you can’t just leave Adam is looking for his mate today-“

“Adam is going to pick Diana! Diana is his mate so why should I be here? Everyone in the pack knows that Mum and Dad have been slaving themselves for weeks trying to prepare her for this.”

“You’re only jealous because it wasn’t you Aurora, can’t you be happy for her and accept it, stay and see your sister finding a mate will you.” There it was he had said it so casually as if he hadn’t weaponized the secret he had shared with him years ago.

She cared for Adam, she’d grown up adoring the Alpha’s son, always sneaking a glance at him when no one else was looking. But the blond boy with green eyes like emeralds never looked her way instead he was set to have Diana, her sister as a mate and not her. She’d told Richard this one night when Diana had been sick and her mother and father sent her to the hospital and stayed the night. In the dark, while they were sharing stories she had confided in her elder brother about her feelings towards his best friend and he had promised he’d never tell a soul, what he didn’t promise, however, was to never bring it up in the cruelest way like how he did just now. Using it as a knife to drag in the fact that in comparison to her sister she will always be not good enough.

This was written on everything in her life. How their parents forgot her, how they gave Diana everything and when she wanted something she was branded as selfish, how despite being younger than her sister and brother by two years she had excelled in her studies to the point that they were both in practice to become pack doctors when her peers were still in high school.

“Help your sister with her homework.”

“Your sister’s studying you wash the dishes she needs to study more you’re okay.”

“Your sister will be the next Luna, she needs the set of new clothes more,:”

“You should have taken care of your sister and not let her get drunk. She’s going to be the next Luna, it’ll reflect badly on us!”

“I know you got the lead in the play but your sister will be Luna soon, she needs to practice being vocal and clear just give her the role.”

“You know Diana is self-conscious about not knowing things don’t correct her in front of everyone, she really wants to be a doctor, you can do something else but she needs this.”

“I can’t believe my mother left you everything, don’t get it in your head aurora that your are special I won’t allow you to behave like that towards your sister you might have been grandmother's favorite but it’s not right to flaunt it in everyone’s face, talking about how you’ll redecorate her house, how do you think your siblings feel?”

“Stay home Aurora, we’re going to the Alpha’s house, you know Diana, the Luna simply loves her and Richard is staying over there with Adam for a boy's night, you’ll be okay, won’t you? There’s food in the fridge make yourself a sandwich.”

“Why can’t you be like your sister?”

“Why must you always cause trouble?”

“You’re an omega you should watch what you say don’t speak unless spoken to.”

Aurora could recite the hurtful words and actions they’d told her word to word, they were placed deep within her like a wound that never healed, instead, it festered with self-loathing and pain.

For example, the day they had and in their words “accidentally left her at home,” when they had taken a trip to Greece for last summer, two weeks after they also “Accidentally left her in the cemetery,” when they had buried Grandma Martha, she’d gotten pneumonia as a result and was bedridden for the rest of the summer. She woke up to find an empty house which wasn’t unusual until midnight came about and she tried to call her mother and couldn’t get her, two days later her mother did call back, but they were in Greece having the time of their lives. She hated them for it.

“No Richard I’m not jealous, unlike you I’m not allowed to feel emotions I just don’t want to be here anymore,” Aurora sighed as she stared at her wet brother, she’d inherited her grandfather’s Black hair and brown eyes, she couldn’t be more different from her family, this she always noted again bitterly.

“You have no friends, mum and dad aren’t home where are you going to go? Summer is close and the pack teachers aren’t around, you should enjoy this.” There he went again Richard telling her what to do. He liked that. He was a fixer, ever since he was young he’d take things apart and fix them back together, no wonder he wanted to be a surgeon so badly. She was her personal project. Throwing her into the depts. Of pack society and thinking she’ll be okay, she needs friends she needs to talk more, I can fix my little sister, I can fix anything.

“I have my books and I’m reading a good book currently now move out of my way, I don’t want to see Caroline having a threesome with Marco and Diego for the whole night.

The bodies on the floor were completely naked and going at it with moans of pleasure filling the kitchen, the smell of arousal and sex mixing with alcohol and something more.

Richard scrunched up his nose in disgust as he looked at the scene in front of him, He walked out of the door but not without throwing Aurora a pitiful glance, a pitiful glance that held so much meaning, he was saddened by her actions but she didn’t care, she followed him out of the door. The music was louder out in the living room with people getting drunk making out and dancing wildly in every corner of the large house. Alpha Eric wasn’t there and Adam had taken it upon himself to throw this rave. She walked up the stairs passing a few people here and there careful not to be seen.

Diana and Adam should have become mates by now and they’ll be somewhere else probably humping and sealing the bond. She was on the second floor when she smelled it, the smell of Rain and green grass, her wolf went wild. A hand was on her not yanking her into a dark room as she gazed into some familiar blue eyes and blond curls. It was Adam and he was staring at her. He uttered one word just one word that shook her to the core making her knees go weak.


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