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JULIAN, The Disabled Warrior Pup

JULIAN, The Disabled Warrior Pup

Tollywhase Inscribes


Julian, born with disabilities of twisted legs and arms, and Jordan, prophesied by the moon goddess to be a destroyer rogue were born amid the pack’s unrest caused by Beta’s treason allegation. Both grew up and met when their wolf was to be trained by the gamma of the pack. Finding strength in his disabilities, Julian's wolf became a feared wolf fighter, took back his father's role as the Beta of the pack, and reclaim the alpha’s reign. Jordan, became head-rogue, hired by other packs to confront Julian's pack. The main problem erupts when Jordan falls in love with the lady meant to be Julian’s mate leading to a war that affects several packs with numerous wolves losing their life. Jordan finally wants to live a normal-gentle pack life but to the disagreement of other rogues who set him up. This led to Jordan's death, and sorrow for Julian. Find out how it all unfolds in this captivating novel.

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

The war that involves different and many packs have just ended. The council of elders of Cold Sun Pack — which consist of old, arrogant, and power-hungry ex-alphas, ex-betas, and ex-gammas has gained power and reigned over the Alpha's power.

The Alpha, Desmond has consulted them on regular basis during the fights and they have always given him the needed solutions— Little did he know they will grow wings and make him give in to most of their will after the fight.

The Alpha Desmond prince, Raymond was determined to conquer other packs that has extended, overridden and infiltrate their lands. He challenged the council of elders; he wants to re-write the history of Cold Sun pack and regain the Alphas' supremacy and order.

With the confrontations of Prince Raymond, the council of elders knowing that he might eventually won set him up with the help they can get from other packs.

He was accused of treason which the punishment when convicted is public execution.

Jude—the Beta of the pack decided to take the treason accusation upon himself.

The Beta was sentenced to death along with his family. The Alpha cannot save him from the gang up of the council of elders and other pack because of the peace treaty they signed to bring an end to the war.

What will happen to the Alpha’s prince, Raymond?; Will he accomplish his desire to make the elders relinquish the power?

What happens to the Beta's family?

Who is the disable and Warrior Pup?

The love interest of the disabled pup and rogue fighter?

Find out in this thrilling novel.

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