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The Billionaire's Virgin Surrogate

The Billionaire's Virgin Surrogate



"I'm pregnant." She suddenly blurted out. "Uh... congratulations. Or condolences, depending." He said with a shrug. "Well, that would depend on you since the baby is yours." She retorted. "Woman, whatever it is that you're talking about is not possible at all because there is absolutely no way that I could have impregnated you, I can not impregnate a woman." ___________________ Art Vegas is a popular and billionaire celebrity actor who hates children so much that after storing away a sample of his frozen sperm, he decided to have a vasectomy to avoid any form of mistake that could make it happen. But then a woman suddenly showed up in his home claiming to be carrying his baby and his planned out life started to crumble before his very eyes. Cara McCarthy has always been a goody two shoes, one that carried her family of four on her back since she was eighteen. But then in just a few weeks, her life came crashing down than it originally was. And thus has everything to do with three things, her mother's stolen surgery money, her Niece's kidnapping by the sharkloners and carrying the baby of a famous man who didn't want kids.

Chapter 1 Goody Two-shoes.

Cara McCarthy | POV.

"Look, sis. I'm sorry alright? I had to because I knew that you wouldn't just give me nor let me leave. I need to make my own family now and I promise that this one is good, he's going to treat me so well. He treats me like a queen. He's cute and has been so amazing to me. The two of us, you'll always be the one who shines. I don't want to stay in your shadow, I need to find my own way. I know I'm bad, but please understand me. Take good care of my baby and also mom. I'll put the money to good use and refund you soon enough.



I read the message written on the paper over and over again as I tried so hard to contain the rage in me. Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and I immediately knew that it was too much for me to handle.

I needed an outlet to vent.

I bolted out of the house and into the bus... the moment it stopped at the next stop, I got off. The city was bubbling with life, music and people dressed in things so skimpy filled everywhere. It was the major place for nightlife afterall, I found the nearest bar, one that I knew wouldn't need a beautiful dress to get into. I found a seat at the bar, as music poured out, sounding like the most beautiful noise I'd ever heard. It was suddenly turned up, almost as if whoever was controlling it knew exactly what I needed, and so I shut out the world around me and I just... Let go. Of everything.

I allowed the darkness I felt swallow me whole for a little while, but the music felt like it was flowing through my veins, calming me from head to toe. Soon, I slowly emerged from the anger I possessed and I looked up at bartender, "give me anything strong. Mix it all up." I instructed.

I don't drink. I never did.

My family wouldn't allow it. But I needed alcohol, I hadn't experienced being drunk, I wanted to be chaotic, I didn't want to be sober.Life was weighing me down. I want money, the damn money.

Everything I have revolves around money.

I poured a mouthful of spirits into my mouth, and tears clouded my eyes.

My niece's words ring in my ears.

"Auntie, mommy came back today. I'm so happy. But mom only stayed for a while, and then she left. I'm suddenly felt so sad again." My eight-year-old niece, Brianna, saw me leaving work and ran over to report to me. Her expression went from giddy to lost.

I stroked her head; Brianna had been in my care, and her mother came back to see her once every few months. I was surprised.

"Don't be sad, mom will come back. You see she just came back a few days ago, and isn't she here again today."

I squatted down and looked at her, poor child. "What is she coming back for today?"

She suddenly pulled me to the room, "When mommy came back, she was looking for something in your room, I don't understand what it is, but I think she got what she wanted. She left in a hurry. But she seemed happy."

I was horrified by the chaos before me.

The room was a mess, the house looked like it had been burglarized, and yes, she was the burglar!

Immediately, I ran to the place where I had put the money and fished out the old broken metal box. It was empty!

Not a penny left!

That was the money I had saved for nearly two years for my mother's surgery!

That bastard!!!

The bartender served another drink.

I immediately took it down my throat and soon I began to feel dizzy and free. Everything seemed so close to me and so far away. It felt good to shake and shake. Let me just let go, let me just let go and forget about it all.

I smiled, but my tears were indisputable.

While he was mixing up another cup for me, I felt a consistent pair of eyes on me and I was forced to look in that direction to see who it was and what I saw was literally jawdropping.

His physical appearance had something to do with it. Even with the hoodie he had on, he was handsome, shockingly so. Unfairly so. Probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen—and that includes actors and super models. He had the type of physical perfection that makes you stop and stare. As if that was not enough, he was tall, his legs looked long even when sitting, and his shoulders were so broad that the heavy hoodie he had on still molded to his developed muscles.

A sudden flush of heat coated both my face and my thighs that I had to clench them together to chase away the sensation. I needed to focus on something else, anything but the liquid fire that I shouldn’t be feeling. But then I was slammed with something worse. His face. It was a force that hits you out of nowhere. There was a hardness in it, a zing of electricity that’s about to electrocute whoever is near. A volcano that’s on the verge of erupting. I’ve never found male beauty to be so captivating. I never had the luxury and time for the opposite gender. I tried so hard to look away from him but I just couldn't, I think it must have been the alcohol that got me hooked on a strange man like that. It must be . Not until the bartender distracted me by placing my drink before me.

He was the kind of man you don't see very often, and at the moment he kept staring at me, which made me feel like a Khardasian. such a gaze made me feel like I was being caressed by his eyes. It turned me on.

I needed to get what I was feeling out of me ,I don't have to be a good girl today. So I stood up to dance out of nowhere, something I would never have done if not for the fact that the alcohol was kicking in.

When I noticed that he was still staring so much, I decided to give him a show so I started to shake my body sexily to Justin Beiber's 'Sorry' which the DJ was playing, at a point, I even turned to shake my butt so happily, I felt on top of the world as I forgot every single one of my sorrows, until iI was interrupted by a man trying to grind me without my permission or anything.

Rude much? Ugh.

"Uh... please, step out of my space." I said as I tried so hard to be polite, and when he acted like he was deaf or something, I had to snap, "Please, leave me the hell alone! What part of that don't you understand?"

"Baby, is this guy bothering you?" A deep voice interrupted as he put his hands around my waist, thus drawing me nearer to his body, the heat that surged through me from the simple touch was arousing and when I looked up to see who it was, I was more than eager to take the cue and play along. "Uh... yes? He wouldn't stop suffocating me!"

"Would you leave my girl alone or do I need to call the bouncers to throw you out of here?" He threatened.

I was amused at how much respect he commanded with just a few lines and his authoritative demeanor and voice just did something to me. Could this man be more attractive?

"Hello, may I sit with you?" He asked in such a deep alluring voice, one that sounded like it was only bestowed upon twenty percent of men, I could swear that I almost wet myself right there and then.

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