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Love Is True

Vionna Chen, A naive young girl at the age of 22, Ophaned at an early age. She strives to live a life which she can contain with and make her daily earnings without being a bother to any one. Fortunately, A friend of hers recommended a job to her. To work for the classiest and highest ranked elites in the country as a maid in their residence. With no choice left, Vionna braced herself to accept this job. How bad could it be? But little did she know the life of the rich was not as simple as it displays to be. What lurks within is not something to dream about. Liam Liu, The youngest son of the Liu's, Finally arrived back to the country after many years of being abroad. He came back to fulfill his responsibility as the next heir to the Liu corporation since his elder brother Nathaniel Liu, had no interest in leading their family's legacy. At the age 25 he was pressured by the Miss of the Liu household, Catherine Liu to get married, to extend the position the Liu corporation holds in the business field and also for the maintenance of unlimited power and invincibility the Liu corporation holds. "I do not need any business arranged marriage to bring the Liu corporation to the top mother!" He said, putting pressure in each word so it could sink into her skull. Will he give in to his mother's constant nagging? Or will things change with Vionna in the picture? How will Vionna take the shitty deals going on in the life of the elites?. *. *. *. * Disclaimer: Cover not mine, credits to the owner.

Chapter 1 New Job

In the huge castle like living room, A lone silhouette was seen seated silently and self-conscious.

The whole place was screaming money!, From the furnitures, to the antiques, to the designs adorned and so on.

She was informed to wait at the living room for the one she came for.

"Try not to touch anything." This was the warning that was given to her by the person who directed her in. And she had been doing just that. Trouble was the last thing she needed right now. So obeying the instructions was cool with her.

She kept herself busy by thinking about the new job she will be getting, honestly working in this kind of place as a maid isn't that bad, from the look of things, the pay is going to be quite high.

This are rich people for f*ck sake, Elites! of course the pay will be high. She can become rich by just working here for a month. She giggled softly when this thought crossed her mind.

Light footsteps were head alighting the stairs, interrupting her from her dazed mind. She hurriedly sat up straight and put herself in order trying to look presentable.

The clicking sound of heels was never ending as the one in it was still fast approaching. The series of stairs was a long way that even after several audible approaching steps, the person was still not in sight.

Vionna's gaze were held High, patiently waiting, it looked like the person seemed to be doing it on purpose, making her wait for her excruciatingly slowly movement. 'She could fasten up her pace if she don't mind'. Vionna mused in a little whisper while twitching her long slender face.

And finally, just when she thought she would wait forever, The awaited person was in view now, gracefully and elegantly alighting the remaining stairs left. Her movement screamed Elegance.

Vionna immediately stood, For courtesy.

When she arrived at the hilt of the staircase, she gave Vionna a fleeting glance before walking over to the sofa which was opposite the one Vionna sat.

Now, Vionna was all feets Infront of her. "Good afternoon Madam." Vionna greeted with her head bowed, not daring to make eye contacts.

"Sit!" The word rolled out sharp and simple.

Vionna could feel the sensation of nervousness rushing up to her. The aura of this woman was so frightening that she could wet her pants, but she pulled herself together. After hearing the lady's response to her greetings earlier, She let out an inaudible sigh while squeezing her hands on her sides.

'Wow! this one's tough!' The voice in her head spoke up, which she agreed with a small nervous nod.

It looked like the nod was an answer directed to the lady Infront her, but she still stood clutching her palms tight.

Catherine Liu, who was seeing the girls strange behavior slightly raised her brow while scrutinizing her. "Didn't you hear me? I said sit." She repeated, this time mellowing her voice down a little after knowing the girl was quite nervous.

"Ye..Yes ma'am." Vionna stammered out incoherently before she slowly lowered her body to the sofa. She didn't even sit properly, she was unrelaxed and tensed, as if, if she sit properly she will sink into the cushion or get burnt by fire.

Though this didn't go unnoticed by Catherine, she paid no heeds and acted ignorant like she didn't see the girl's discomfort.

"So you are?" Catherine threw a question, running her glances at her again.

Vionna pried her lips to speak when.

"And please do hurry up with your introduction. I have got no time to waste." She interrupted.

"Yes ma'am. I am Vionna chen." Vionna spoke up, coherently this time.

"Mmmm," Catherine nodded.

"And how old are you?" She made another inquirement.

"I'm twenty two ma'am." Vionna's reply was curt and simple.

"Alright, are you perhaps aware of the job that is vacant for you?" Catherine muttered, a slight smile gracing one corner of her lips.

That expression of hers told Vionna that this woman got something up her sleeve. She bit her lip in nervousness, she nodded Making the smile on Catherine lips stretch to a full widen smile.

Catherine nodded slowly with that smile on her face, resulting in the increment of nervousness on Vionna's side.

"Well..if you say so, The job is...?" Catherine asked, now leaning completely on the back of the sofa with her legs crossed.

"A maid." Vionna kept her reply short and simple.

Catherine gave another nod. "Not just any maid dear." She gave a pause staring back at Vionna.

Vionna's mind was on haywire already. 'Do this woman want something from me, Does she want me to do something bad for her. Oh no I was not trained to be a serial killer.' Her brain came up with all sought of nonsensical thoughts frightening her to the core.

She gulped down waiting for the lady to complete her statement.

"A personal maid." Finally it landed.

Vionna literally released a breath of relief like she was saying 'phew thank God.' She felt like rubbing her chest to calm her frantically beating heart, but she remembered she's not in a situation to do so.

"Alright ma'am." She replied with another nod.

"My son will be coming back from the states by tomorrow evening. And you will have to attend to all his needs and make sure he has no complains what so ever. And by his needs I hope you understand what I mean?." She raised one of her brow as she dropped this question.

Vionna was a little bit startled by this question, but she got the cue of what the lady meant. "Ye....yes ma'am." She stammered her reply.

"Good! I don't want you throwing yourself at him."

Vionna could not help but widen her eyes at the lady's remark. Does she look like that? Oh Lords this lady is going to drive her crazy.

She nodded.

"Good. You got the job." She plainly said.

"Thank you ma..." She was interrupted again.

"Someone will brief you on your work here. My time is up." With that statement she stood and walked gracefully but hurriedly back up to the stairs.

"Tch why didn't she hurry like that when she knew I was waiting for her, arrogant!" Vionna scoffed and mocked in whispers.

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