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Emmanuel Abraham


Cassey Henderson was determined to walk in the footsteps of her billionaire father, Martin Henderson, and become her Boss— Martin Henderson was not only a genius but also a business tycoon who was the founder of Force Craft International. A multinational company based in California with branches all over the globe that engages in the usage of hard drugs, female trafficking, and prostitution. As Cassey grew, she soon discovered the worst side of her father and had no choice but to copy— The thoughts to explore her sexuality created by her Parents' divorce made her find love early in life, and the first handsome man, Marcus Ragan, who got her in bed, made her his love prisoner. Several months later, Marcus Ragan was on the run because of a murder case linked to him. Cassey was in shock when she soon discovered that her lover was one of the agents working for her father in Diaspora— She must cover up for Marcus Ragan now by threatening her father that she would hand over a black box containing several incriminating tapes about Force Craft International to the Police if he does not stop his hunt for her lover, Marcus Ragan— How did she get those incriminating materials amid bloodshed? Will she blackmail her father for her lover? Who does she love most now? Her father, who supersedes her imagination by concealing his evil schemes far beyond her reach or her criminal lover, she can’t stop loving? What has come over her? Was it true love or something eternally hidden, but spawned in hell, she can’t even fathom? As tension piled up, she soon meant her mother, Karen Henderson. And her hideout was revealed to her by a spy, Andy Bennett— Will Karen save Cassey from her father, Martin Henderson, who had played a perfect father in the eyes of Cassey? Or abandon her to her fate? A few months later, Marcus Ragan and Martin Henderson were jailed, and Cassey Henderson could not boycott being the next president of Force Craft International. Her emergence brought about the good, the bad, and the ugly— She soon discovered her father had been on a hot seat on the throne all this while, and his negative actions were not just responsibility driven, but a burden on him to respond to the weighty task. And now, she felt the same way too, and cursed the day she testified in court against her father— After a few years of battles, trials, and errors, she sold Force Craft International, and Travis Jackson, who bought it, soon became a thorn in her flesh— The moment Cassey Henderson thought the battle was all over. The most mysterious and deadly underground movement ever known by the secret name of Monsters of the night was hired to murder the top ex-management staff of Force Craft International. And Cassey soon discovered she was the number one target on their murder list. Will she survive their blades and their sophisticated guns? And now, she knew she had a handful already and for her future to be secured. The battle to survive with her loved ones around her must be fought now and not tomorrow—


The moment the clock on the wall chimed, Cassey Henderson's thoughts ignited. She knew many ugly things had happened these past few days. The more her thoughts tumbled within her head, the more she felt a cold chill walk past her spine.

Many horrible thoughts have fed on her brain cells but the worst of it all was living without a mother. It wasn't only frustrating for Cassey, who would be turning fourteen years old two months from today, but this ordeal has affected her mental health.

Doctor Lyons has visited her several times to check on her well-being but knew the only way Cassey could become herself, and recover fast was for her parents to reunite. The more he thought about this, the more he knew Cassey’s father, Martin Henderson would never want to make that happen for strange reasons he still finds so hard to understand.

And now Cassey’s health is deteriorating and her father seemed not to be bothered about it, but wants Doctor Lyons to perform a medical miracle on Cassey and to make matters worse for Cassey, her mother, Karen Henderson, who left home when Cassey was five-years-old, had insisted, and vowed never to return to the Castle.

Three years later, Martin Henderson filed for a divorce that Karen gladly consented to, and now their separation had not only been a medical problem to Cassey but a psychological one too.

Staring at the wall clock for the sixth time, Cassey was shocked; she had been sitting alone on the sofa for roughly three hours. She looked away and allowed her thoughts dropped for a while.

The more, she struggled internally to displace a few of the hard-fighting thoughts within her. The more she knew she was failing. She hissed angrily and sat on her bed with her eyes now on the drugs Doctor Lyons placed on her reading table a few hours ago.

Why is he insisting, that I take drugs?

Does he have a drug I can take that will bring father and mother back?

Or does he has the one that can cure my unnatural depression?

“I am sure he has no idea,” Cassey whispered to herself.

She stood up from her bed and looked away from the drugs. This time, she had a headache.

She felt her feet trembling but managed to balance herself.

Was it a drug side effect or what?

The thought of taking drugs without having more food in her stomach ran through her head for a few seconds, but she never let it linger. She quickly trashed it and then blocked other unbearable thoughts that kept climbing on her tender skin to her neck and then her head.

She hated the idea of harboring thoughts that would subsequently break her down. As they came, she allowed them to go out of her unhindered.

It was sunset already, she observed. She walked closer to her window and stood there to view the little garden, Dovett Peterson, their housemaid, had been tendering after Karen left home. It was cultivated by her mother, Karen. And that was what Dovett told her a few years ago.

It was such a beautiful garden, and the lovely scent that comes out all day from the garden would want to make you ask why Karen abandoned it. It perfumed the whole air in the castle, and made living in it, more lovely than imagined.

Why did she abandon it?

Or did she?

Maybe she would come back for it and—and perhaps for her too.

The more her memory flipped, the more she felt dazed. She heard a scream within her and wondered whether she just screamed or the anguish of being raised by her father alone was knifing through her stomach and cutting her up from the inside with pains too much to bear. Her scream came again as though fighting away the unpleasant thoughts crawling on her skin like bees producing honey in their hives, but this time, on her skin.

She yawned and shifted her eyes from the window when she heard the chiming sound from the wall clock above her bedhead. It was a few minutes past 4 pm, and she knew Dovett would be busy with dinner downstairs. She strolled to her bed and sat at the edge, but this time, with a frozen thought.

The moment she heard Dovett’s tiny voice downstairs, she knew dinner was served.

Where is my father?

How come he hadn’t even come to check on me?

She hated the thought of Doctor Lyons coming around to check on her.

Why not her father?

And the smells of the pills on her reading table always make her want to throw up.

She stared at the pills for a while. She looked away, and the thought of going to look for her father crawled into her already congested mind. Instantly, she felt a cold chill sweep through her spine.

Suddenly, she saw goosebumps on her skin and wondered why the thought of her father made her sick. She struggled against this thought for a few minutes before she walked out of her bedroom.

Her father's bedroom is only a few steps away, she thought, and on the left side of the long corridor, she thought again as though assuring herself once more. She wondered why she does this most times, always remaining herself where her father’s bedroom is, in this mighty castle.

The more steps she took toward her father's bedroom door, the more fears crept into her. Her heart pounded against her chest, and her spine received the most excruciating pain she hadn’t had for years.

Unwanted nervousness set in, and the moment her lips shivered. She also noticed her fingers trembled.

Moving on, she thought she heard a sound.

Where is it coming from?

Her eyes swept across the long dark corridor for a few seconds. She struggled to hold her breath for a while and then forced herself forward. When the sound came the third time, she was sure of it now. It was from her father’s bedroom, and that means, he was not alone.

Who is with him?

Her thought exploded. She shuffled forward as her trembling hands drummed by her hips. Her lips shivered for a while, and by the time the sound came again, it was clear. It was a moaning sound that was not coming from his father.

Who the hell is with him, and making that disgusting sound?

The more she struggled to walk closer to the closed door, the more she felt the floor grab her feet to a spot. The moment she got frozen to a spot, her thoughts dropped.

She forced a large volume of air through her lungs, and for a while, she struggled to regain her breathing.

Soon, she stood before her father’s door. She pushed it, but it was locked. She called out calmly, “father—father are you in there?” she didn’t get a reply, but the moaning sound that had gained an increasing momentum greeted her. She stood dazed for a while, and then a thought came to her mind eye.

She bends over to peep through the little hole in the doorknob.

Suddenly, she saw naked human shapes. It was a naked woman moaning and a man right behind her. She could make out the shape of her protruded nipples and her round breast, but then, who was the other person making her moan?

Her thought drove wild, and the moment she repositioned her eyes to see more, the bold voice of Dovett Peterson gave her a hell of a scare. “What a hell are you doing behind that door—eavesdropping or what? Don't tell me you are spying on your father's privacy—” She frowned at her.

Cassey turned around in shock. She never noticed footsteps behind her, perhaps she was swallowed by the female moaning sound. She stood motionless for seconds before she encouraged herself to speak but started stammering, “I—I came t—to see f—father, and I thought I heard a female crying and—” she looked disturbed, and Dovett felt sorry for her ignorance.

“It is the wrong timing, Cassey. Your father is busy right now, let’s go for dinner. He may join us later.”

The moaning sound continued incessantly, and Dovett knew exactly what was going on behind that closed door, but how the hell do Martin Henderson expect her to explain that to her daughter?

Dovett's thoughts drove wild when the moaning sound came again.

This time, she wished she was the woman behind the closed door enjoying every inch of Henderson's long dick. She rubbed her right-hand fingers near her sex organ as she struggled to suppress her sexual urge, but careful Cassey didn’t see her.

“Come on Cassey, your father is busy—I mean, he is fine and perhaps calming his nerves after the day’s work, you know how it is sometimes—”

“What is going on in there, Dovett? I saw a woman, looks like a stranger to me and—” Cassey never stopped insisting as she pointed her right-hand fingers to the door.

“Be quiet, Cassey. What you said you saw is none of your fucking business.” She pulled Cassey's tiny hand downstairs, but what Cassey thought she saw a few seconds ago, she can’t let go. She kept on imagining. “Are you sure my father was alright, maid Dovett? When I hit the door, why did he not answer me? Let us go and check on him. I am not sure he is alright—”

“Don’t start Cassey. I hope those pills Doctor Lyons gave you do not make you act weird! Cut the crab Cassey, and have your dinner—sit. And like I said before, your father is fine, and just doing his routine exercise, I mean his adult thing—”

“Doing his thing? What thing, Dovett? I heard a female crying and naked,” Cassey's face ashen. “I don't understand what you are talking about, maid Dovett—”

“And I am not going to make you understand either because you are underage, and please don’t make me say more.” She flared. “My goodness, you are so inquisitive. I am already stressed out cooking dinner. I would appreciate it if you would allow me to save some strength by not talking any further—just eat, and go upstairs to sleep. Do not forget your drugs. You must take it as directed by Doctor Lyons, understood.” She watched Cassey nod in silence before she hurried into the kitchen.

When she came out of the kitchen a few minutes later, she was shocked Cassey had not touched her meal. She glared at her for a few seconds and then sat opposite her at the dining table. “

Why are you not eating?” She put on a disgusting look. “I thought, you were almost done eating, and now—” She knew Cassey got a lot on his mind.

But what else does she want to know?

She cannot know what adults know or what is done to satisfy their passion at her tender age. She looked away in a way Cassey knew that she was angry with her.

“Why is father not here with me?” Cassey interrupted. She shrugged and raised her voice. "Father is not here but over there—I cannot eat alone. I want to go upstairs, to my bedroom, and be alone—” she pulled her chair back, and Dovett glared at her. She wondered what was going on in her mind.

Is it love for her father or just wanting to enjoy looking through the door hole to satisfy what?

Does she want to feed her eyes or enjoy childish lust?

“Do you want me to serve you in your bedroom since you do not want to eat here?” Dovett asked with eyes opened wide.

Cassey nodded but refused to say anything. Dovett understood Cassey's lingering thought but was determined not to restart their earlier conversation about what is going on upstairs in Henderson’s bedroom. “If that is what you want, I will do whatever you say.” Dovett picked up the food tray and watched Cassey walk closely behind her upstairs.

Dovett finally closed Cassey’s bedroom door, she knew for the first time Cassey had grown, and if Henderson was not careful with his sexual exploitation of women, he might turn Cassey into the sex lover he is.

The moment, she came downstairs, she felt she wanted Henderson, but Julie Thomas was always the love intruder. She licked her lips and touched her hips with both hands as she hurried into the kitchen with a lot of sensual thoughts that burns right within her head that kept her body demanding sex.

“It is her turn now. It will be me next. I will be waiting...” she whispered.

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