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Love In Bargain

Love In Bargain

mark jeff


Rose a common thief with high intelligence was disguised like an angel to wreck the life of the richest tycoon in the nation. She's gonna loose everything including her poor family if she stands to reject the proposal. She had to penetrate into his mind and retrieve a very important vessel for some unknown strangers who threatened to mess her life. Would she yield to save her family or fall into her lustful desires??.

Chapter 1 Episode One

"No one moves.."The captain of the guards shouted after he detected that the golden parcel has been stolen.

Rose creeped passed the officers who mounted the door searching every single soul that comes out.

"Hey you stop!!!" one of the officers screamed.Rose didn't hesitate to take to her heels.

"get me if you can!" she mimicked the officers while running swiftly as they chased after her.

"off course she is the thief" an officer shouted loudly. Rose,a university graduate is now a kleptomaniac who can't stop stealing. Not that she's a poor person, she just sees it as fun. She often steals and give to the needy.

Often times, she's chased by the cops but never had they got an opportunity to catch her. she's always the smarter one. Although,her Mom had warned her about the repercussions of her actions,she always feels indifferent about it.

"ahhh!!....." Rose exclaimed when she finally got through the officers chasing her.

"Am always the smarter one.."She praised herself for being the best escapee.

"What a precious piece.."she whispered silently while staring at the stolen parcel.

"the children will really love it..." She walked majestically to the car pack where her car was.

Indeed,she'd took a ride to the tower just to steal the piece and she's getting away easily.

Rose gently opened her car door, dropped the parcel at the back seat and was ready to ignite the engine only to get interrupted by some group of men.

"Miss rose" one of the men said politely.

She gently turned to see vividly the figure she's communicating with.

"oh my gosh!!" she became terrified at their appearance. They'd put on black suit and wore dark glasses with scowled faces.

"Come with us!!" another said to her.

She looked at their stern faces one after another and smiled while panicking inwardly.

"Emm.... Excuse me" she tried entering her car but got blocked.

At this point she knew there's a big problem. She stood for some minutes pondering on what next to do. Diverse thoughts flow through her mind buh she didn't know the best one to pick.

"I can't come with you for now so if you don't mind get out of my way.." she acted like she's really brave .

"Then we got no other option.."

She tried bypassing them but was pulled over by one of the men and threw over his arms.

Rose screeched while dangling her legs in the air. She was thrown like an empty jar into her car.

"Let go of me assholes!!" she wouldn't stop screaming.

"No one's is gonna pay any Ransom If you kidnap me.... " she didn't finish speaking when they slammed the back door.

Looks like the men weren't paying attention to what she's saying after all. They ignited the engine and took off speedily.

Rose wouldn't stop shrieking even though her face was covered with a mask and ropes tied across her mouth. She's a really good screamer and thus her voice irritated the men kidnapping her.

She was eventually knocked out cold.


Rose sluggishly opened her eyes.

"ahhh...."she felt a severe pain all over her body. She waggled her ears while observing the strange environment she found herself in.

She wanted to stand still just to realize she'd tied up to a chair.

"How on earth did I get here??" she questioned herself before her mind flashed back to the incident that occured earlier.

She tried to unloose herself but the more she struggled the more the rope becomes tighter.

Luckily the door to the void room was banged open. she saw some figures walking directly towards her.

"Hello Rose I've finally got to see you" a female voice uttered from behind.

She couldn't turn to view the face because of the way she was tied.

"Who the fuck are you and why am I fucking here?" Rose screamed as If she's ready to kill.

"Seems you haven't learn how to address people. Well am Miss Pat,am sorry for the inconveniences" she replied softly.

"To hell with your apologies!! why am I here?" Rose spoked in a harsh tune.

"You won't get any money from me so stop wasting your time"

"Quiet! I'm 100 times wealthier than u are so what makes you think I'm after your money".

"You haven't answered my question..

Why am I here" Rose glared.

"Okay, I'd brought you here because your gonna work for me"

"oh!! stop fooling around. I don't work for anyone, I'm the boss of myself and I wouldn't want to hear more shit! just let me go"Rose flouted.

The mysterious lady gave a signal and some men dipped her face into a bowl of water as she watched Rose being strangled for a while. She gave another signal and they removed her face.

"I guess you don't have a choice here" the lady whispered in Rose ears.

"Damn!! I'll always have a choice. You ain't forcing me are you?"Rose replied her.

Miss Pat laughed mischievously. Rose could not but wondered what's making her laugh she's not just interested in anything they wanna offer her.

"What do you want me to do?" Rose asked. she has wasted some time and wouldn't want to waste more arguing unnecessarily.

"Good question!! I want you to snatch the pink star from Antony Taylor" she smiled.

Rose couldn't just believe what she's hearing.

" Wait! you want me to steal one of the most expensive Diamond from the hands of a ruthless billionaire.? Are you planning on getting my head hung on a spike or what? You better kill me here because that's not gonna be possible"

"You wouldn't be here if it was an impossible task"

"Do you have any idea how impassable his security is? How on earth will I ever succeed?" Rose was more inquisitive now.

"I've thought about all that before sending for you. You won't be going in there as a thief but as a member of his family"

"Member of his family?" Rose was more surprised then ever.

"Buh how can that be?" she asked.

"You'll be getting married to him Rose".

"Marry what??"

Rose was flabbergasted. How on earth will she get married to a monster she'd never known.

"No that's never going to happen, Never!!"

"Like I said earlier,you don't have a choice here. Refused my proposal and I'll cripple you and your entire family" The lady's look appeared very mean.

"Untie her!!" she commanded the men.

"And what if you don't see me again" Rose boldly questioned the lady.

She burst into laughter.

"You wouldn't dare do that. It's gonna be really unbearable".

"I'll need to think through this" Rose pleaded with her.

"Fine buh don't think you can run away from me or else your family..." she paused.

"Get my family out of this"

"That depends on you" the lady replied leaving the room.

"What a mess!! how did I manage to get myself into this??"

Rose was finally taken to her car and left alone.

She drove to her house where she stayed with her mom and only sister. Still thinking about the ordeal she had with the strangers,she just couldn't help herself but could only sigh deeply.

"My little angel, where have you been??"

Mrs Emily, Rose's mother was standing at the gate looking very worried.

Rose gave her mom a tight hug.

"Am so sorry for keeping you worried, am back now okay"

"Aunty Rose mom was really perturbed about you. she wouldn't leave the gate" Ciara spoke unhappily.

"oh my god!! am so sorry about that,I had lots of work to do."

Rose felt pity for her mom and Ciara who was just seven years old.

She faked a smile pretending everything was alright with her. She didn't want to involve her family in any mess so she tried not to break down in their presence.

"You really ain't fine you know you can always talk to mummy" Rose's mom perceived She wasn't okay.

"I'm very fine mom, let's go in I've got somethings for you" she gave her mom the bag and went straight to her room.

Once inside her room she shut the door. She couldn't resist the feeling any longer as she crashed on the floor and burst into tears.

Rose was on the floor for few minutes ruminating about her dreadful past.

She managed to get up and walked to the bathroom to freshen herself up.

Inside the bathroom, she stood facing the mirror while water was splashing over her body.

"God save my soul!!" she muttered to herself.

She was so confused about the decision to take. Of course, there wouldn't be any turning back if she agreed to their proposal.

She haven't met Taylor before and judging from what she'd heard he wasn't meant for her.

"I'm going to marry the monster" She questioned herself.

"No....No I'm not gonna try this"

She didn't want to get involved in any dirty games buh she wouldn't bare see her family hurt.

She slumped on the bed and immediately she slept off.

"I hope I'll be better tomorrow" she said before taking off.

Perhaps, on the other side

"I can't tell if she's gonna yield" one of the men in black suit spoke while discussing with Miss Pat.

"You really don't have to bother, Everyone on earth has its weak point and I know hers.She wouldn't gamble with her family.No one will" a lady replied.

"Yea your right.I saw the bewildered look on her face, I'm sure she loves her family than anything. She's on our side now" another man cheered while sipping his drink.

"And what about Tylor? Do you think he's going to marry her? Remember that bastard is a monster para venture he refuses, our mission is shattered"

Miss Pat smiled as if she wasn't paying attention to him.

" Anthony will marry her! be rest assured about that it's no big deal" she continue smiling as she poured some wine into her glass for a toast.

"For victory at hand" everyone cheered as they raise their wine glasses up.

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