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Hellbound With The Billionaire

Hellbound With The Billionaire



Jasmine Taylor- a young and ambitious lawyer. She had left her family and friends behind and ran away from home after the taunting from her mother and stepsister became too much for her to handle. After eight years, she became one of the best lawyers in Washington. Cunning, prideful, and cold. Caden Mclver- the cold hearted CEO. Having lost his mother some years back, he took a journey in life to find the killer of his mother. In that life journey, he met Jasmine in an unfortunate incident where he hit her with his car. Fate made them meet again when Jasmine had to be his lawyer for a sensitive case. Not only that, they made a deal. If she loses the case, then he'll take her life and if she wins, then he will reward her with a little part of his company shares. In-between all of these, Jasmine gets to trick him into signing a share transfer deed and he vows to crush her big ego and pride. He thought he had all figured out not until love came knocking. Will he be able to do this or something else will come up. What will happen when fate gets them tangled up? Hop in to roll in the rollercoaster of beautiful lies, romance, and unraveled secrets.

Chapter 1 Call The Cops

“Damn client. How dare the old man ask me to lie in court for some silly money? Why would I implicate myself for such a client? He was lucky that people were around us. I would have used his walking stick to worsen his hunchback. Such an unlucky fellow,”

Jasmine muttered to herself as she walked out of a tall brown building, which happens to be the Law firm where she works. It was lunch break and she had gone to the canteen but it was too crowded and noisy so she decided to go eat in the nearest restaurant which was just a stone's throw away.

“He better make sure he’s out of my office before I come back else I’ll make him cripple. I might have helped him if he had even begged me but as old as he is, his arrogance is top-notch.” She kept speaking to herself in anger.

Her black hair cascaded and blew to her face due to the breeze as she kept walking. Her legs stomped on the ground, showing how angry she was.


A luxury car was going across the busy road of Washington at high speed. A man of about 29 years was driving the car in extreme anger. He was an influential person in the city, Caden Mclver. He was known for his cold-heartedness and his ability to run the business world without stress, knowing every corner of it like the back of his palm.

No one dares look into his eyes as they were always blazing, but today it seems worse. His dark black eyes could make anyone weak in the knees. Forgiveness was never in his dictionary, especially not today.

Ring! Ring!

His mobile rang, and he put the phone on loudspeaker. "Hello," he replied in a cold tone.

"You punk, what is it I'm hearing in the news?" An arrogant voice rang in his ear.

"It's whatever you heard, grandpa, I don't know how those damn fake wires got into my warehouse and now, our company is being sued," Caden replied.

"Did you find a lawyer?"

"F*ck no, grandpa, all the lawyers are refusing to fight this case, and the company does not have a lawyer, ”he answered using one hand to control the steering and the other to rub the bridge in-between his eyes.

“I hope there’s an explanation for this later. A big cooperation needs a lawyer like air and why are you not here yet?"

"I'm on my way, I'll be with you in thirty minutes."

"You jerk, you're supposed to be here already. Why are you always late?" The old man yelled.

"I already told you that I'm coming, why are you making a fuss this time?" Caden snapped.

"Because I know all of this is your fault. How come you didn't know what was going on behind your back? You better find a way to settle this thing and not make me a laughingstock. If you ruin my reputation, I'm going to make you suffer," His grandfather warned and the line went off.

Caden hit the steering in anger as he speeds past other cars. His grandfather, Bernard the great, was the most annoying person he has ever seen. He always manages to make him more furious each time he talks to him.

"Just like every time, he manages to make me angry. I feel like strangling him to death right now. If he wasn't my grandpa, I would have done that a long time ago," he said and looked ahead. Suddenly he saw someone in front of his car and the person was staring into his eyes with mouth wide open.

He was lost in his rant that he didn't notice the person crossing to the other side of the road and because he just overtook a car, matters became worse.

"Shit, shit...what....the...." He exclaimed and matched the brake hard, but it was too late, his car already hit the person. Is she dead? What to do now? Should he go away? No, he should help the person, right? What if she's already dead?

"Damn! Now what?" Caden muttered and opened the car door slowly. People were gathered around the young lady lying helplessly on the floor. She doesn't look hurt except for the little blood coming out from the side of her head.

"Oh no, look how she's bleeding," he heard someone's voice from the crowd.

"These rich people only know how to drive recklessly. They don't care about other's lives," another man complained.

"We should rush her to the hospital immediately. She's bleeding," a woman suggested.

"Yes, I think she has a head injury. Call the ambulance quickly before she dies," the first man said loudly.

"Where's the culprit, he should take responsibility. We should call the cops." That was when Caden slowly moved toward the crowd and passed through them to get to where the lady was lying on the ground.

"Excuse me, I'll take care of it," he said in an authoritative tone, and everyone stopped talking to look at him.


"Omo, isn't that Caden Mclver? Oh my God," someone said with excitement.

"Yes, that's him."

"He's the one."

"What If he's the one? We should report the case to the cops," an elderly man said and everyone quickly agreed with him. Caden looked around the crowd. These noisy people. If the media and police get involved in this matter, things would become worse for him. His grandfather would taunt him more.

Seems like today has cursed him or did someone cast an evil eye on him? First, it was those fake wires, and now this. He stared at the lady lying on the ground, his car didn't hit her so hard, so why was she lying as if she was dead? Or maybe he was wrong, and his car did hit her hard.

"I'm sorry for this trouble everyone, I'll take full responsibility for this and take the lady to the hospital. Please don't worry," he coaxed and everyone calmed down.

"Yes, the ambulance is also here, let's help them," they agreed.

"And what if we don't agree? We should video this as evidence, right? He may just talk his way out of this." A bystander suddenly blurted, causing Caden to tense up.

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