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Being a billionaire

Being a billionaire



Five years of hardship. Charles has to survive until he gets his money back. he is back and ready to suffocated everybody that taunt him and revenge those that toss him to the ground.

Chapter 1 A stranger

He crawls to the corner, it was dark and everything was blurring, the rain wasn't stopping, Charles thought it was an advantage but with the results coming out, he was one foot away from death. His mouth was wide open, he couldn't breath properly, not when he had large cut in his stomach region.

“Look for him, check the corners” the commander of the gang's barks.

Charles wished he was deaf, hearing this made his head drummed.

“it's not safe here” he told himself, but he couldn't tell his legs. Standing up was death awaiting, hiding here was a sure death. Hot tears drop to his jaws, life has been cruel to him, his life has never been stable ever since that day, he cursed himself the day he borrowed from these monsters but looking back at everything, he will do same thing over and over.

Charles rest his head, he was tired of running, he tired of having a pounding heart when somebody calls his name, Charles bites lips hard, “how did my life turn this way” more tears drops.

“I should just—”

“I see blood!!” somebody shouted, water slashes as they approach the voice, Charles was five foot away from that voice, Charles opens his Right palm, his memories flashes, he wanted to die remembering the goods that happened in his life.

“christa—” the drop of water touched the middle of his palm, her mouth was close to his ears.

“Take care of the kids” Charles look up pursing his lips.

“He should be around” the light points to Charles.

“He is here!!” the man shouted.

Charles stands up running to an unknown direction, his legs stumps the floor slashing water on his shirts.

“he is running away” they run after him.

Charles runs to the roadside, he spots a woman opening her door, she stops when she saw him.

Charles runs to her,

“help me” he holds her hands tight. She tries to remove his hands, but his grips were tight.

“Get him” their voice was loud and clear.

"Please" Charles falls on the ground.

With the movement, she could tell they were closed. She covers Charles with a rag on the floor.

The men rush out, their light brings daytime. Everywhere was bright and the traces of blood could be seen.

“he went over there” she pointed.

They didn't respond to her, they were busying tracking the blood, and it was going to the woman direction.

She quickly moves to them, her goal was to hide the last blood drop that was close to her door.

They surround the last blood drop. Their leader squats in their middle. He looks at the woman smiling bright, his eyes moved to her legs, they were shaking. He stood up, approaching her.

"Move away" he said, his eyes were raging fire, with his fist vibrating, she could tell he was holding himself and also won't hesitate to smack her if she waste his time.

She step back, there is no wisdom risking your life for a strange, and he could be a thief even if he wasn't such, he must've done something wrong.

She wasn't a savior nor wonder woman, she is a woman struggling for her kids, this isn't her business.

The man squats looking at the floor, there was no blood drops, his face harden as he examines the wet ground. He looks at the rag on the floor. It was big enough to cover two grown men.

He step to it, she was already out of the way.

“let your luck fight for you” she muttered.

The man stretched his hands to remove the rags.

“I told you he went that way” she holds his hands. He looks at her, her body shivered with his stares, she let go of his hands.

"Carry on" she indicated with her heads.

“Don't touch me again” he said. Some of his men move forward. Her body vibrates as she spots the daggers they have been hiding.

She walks backwards, her back against the door. She was going to run inside immediately they removed the rag. The man moves his hands.

Her hands went to the door handle, ready to open without mistakes.

“Wait!!!” she shouted.

“I told you he went there!!" she walks standing in front of the man.

“He is over there” she shouted.

“God please” she kept reciting in her mind.

The man swings his fist to her face. He stops inches away when he heard movement in the direction the woman pointed.

"Over here" one of them shouted.

He stares at the woman before turning backwards.

She follows them from behind. “He was over there” she said.

“Hey, looks” she points the moving truck, somebody was at the back. He covers himself with clothes.

“Get him, don't let him escape” their leader barks, following the leads.

She turns back heading home. Her heart was pounding, she kept looking back In case They were coming.

She wasn't settled, the thought of they will come back hang in her throat. She finds reasons to not blame herself, any mistake could to lead to death.

She increases her pace has mind kept popping out tension movement.

She was about to remove the rags when someone taps her shoulder. Her heart jumped. it was the gang boss. He pretend to be chasing, but his eyes were on her.

His cheeks bounce up as their stares meet.

He quickly grips her hands tight. She was like a statue with big eyes. He removed the rags.

His eyes widen, he let go of her, shaking the rags.

"Dammit" he slams his fist on the air.

He tossed the rag away. There was no blood stain or anything.

he looks at her before walking away. Her heart slowly came down, she touched it, ensuring it safety.

she opened the door. Stains of blood awaken her heart again. She shut the door immediately.

He was lying flat besides Elizabeth, her senior daughter.

“Sweetie, what happened” she squats in front of her daughter.

“I saw him outside” she gazed down forming her pity face.

“It's alright” she touched her jaws.

“Mom, I think he is dead” Zoe said pointing to Charles.

"Oh" she turns him over, he was bleeding at the corner of his stomach.

“Get me the first aid, the larger one” she said.

Zoe dash to the room. She came back minutes later, she was surprised that Zoe was quick to actions, she is usually the slowly bunny, but today she is super girl.

She works on Charles, his eyebrows moved closer, feeling the pain of her medicines.

“Mom, save him” Zoe tap her shoulder, her fingers were shaking. She looks at her younger daughter, she used to be the poker type, where is all this emotions coming from.

“I will” she continues, she was trying to do a nest job even though she wasn't an expert.

she successfully stops the bleeding. She wasn't an expert, but it was a superb job to her.

Charles squeeze his face, shaking his head.

“Mom is he alive” Zoe asked.

“Of course he is alive” she smiled. She stares at Charles, she was happy she save him, there was this joy ringing in her heart making her cheeks dances.

"Thank you" Charles voice out.

She nods,

“don't say anything” she stops his moving mouths.

“Get some rest” she said standing up.

“Mom, is he staying with us” Elizabeth asked. She brought her two daughters closer.

“I don't know”

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