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The billionaire wedding planner

The billionaire wedding planner

Ruth Sean


Vine had always been a "by the book" kinda of girl. Chasing her dreams, minding her busy and ready to handle just about anything, until she meets the ravishing billionaire Nate Ross. She's called to plan his wedding but his exotic smiles and boyish charms proves to be too much for Vine to handle and will make her fall for him (literally), breaking every moral code she had sworn to stand by. As the wedding planner, Vine goes on the forbidden path of loving the groom but will the bride fold for her or will this become a tug of war?

Chapter 1 Meeting Nathaniel Ross

Vine absentmindedly hurried out of the E.T.E building just to be met by floods of paparazzi, she didn't want to look confused and shocked, just incase her face appears mistakenly in the papers she wouldn't want to look stupid, so she straightened her shoulders and raised her head high, as if she would fit in a good vogue magazine cover. She walked completely out of the entrance toward the packing space and halted when it seemed like their attention was on her, "oh my gosh, what I'm I gonna say, what are they gonna ask me" she shrink in her head.

The paparazzi cameras flashed continously and Vine stood awkwardly in front of them. She flashed her award winning smile as a female reporter in a tight red dress hurried towards her and... walked right passed her. It took a few seconds for reality to set in. All cameras were in fact focused on the captivating man standing just behind Vine. Nathaniel Ross Jnr, grandson of the multi billionaire and business tycoon Nathaniel Ross. Nathaniel Ross Jnr popularly known as Nate, apart from being the billionaire's spoilt grandson, was also a very successful movie director. He had directed many movies which always had a playboy as the main character. The media had written several articles on how much of a playboy he was and ofcourse he had his looks to prove it. Nate was every woman's dream with his black curly hair, a chiseled body and eccentric green eyes. These features were more than enough to command the paparazzi's attention to himself, not that he cared about it anyways.

Reporters from various entertainment stations rushed to him to get a juicy scoop of his many known escapades. In the rush, one reporter accidentally push Vine causing her to stumble backwards, almost bumping into Nate.

Nate rather than reaching out to stop her fall, took a step, allowing her fall shamelessly at his feet in front of the entire paparazzi. Vine looked up at him in rage only to find his mean smirk placed solidly on his face.

"This man is definitely the devil!" She thought sending daggers at him with her eyes which just seemed to please him even more. She gave up their staring game and looked around her, only then did she notice the many irritated stares from everyone around. She quickly got up and tried to smile to cover her embarrassment. Before she could straighten herself out, she was pushed aside by the already buzzing paparazzi who had gone back to flashing their cameras at Nate, ignoring her completely.

Vine couldn't help glaring at Nate who was still smirking. She hardly hated people except maybe Claribelle her boss and Ellie, her boss's mother but this man? He was definitely the devil!.

"Hey strimp! Staring at me won't help you get pretty." Nate said with a triumphant grin on his face. He was clearly enjoying her every reaction. He walked away taking the paparazzi herd with him.

"The nerve!" Vine screamed in her thoughts, resisting the urge to scream a comeback at him which would only result to further humiliation for her. If only she could smack that grin off his face. She limped away from the entrance of the E.T.E industry building and made her way to the parking lot where her maniac boss, Claribelle Timbers was waiting in her limo.

"What took you so long" Clare raised a brow in question

"I was looking for your script" Vine replied

"Whatever, give it to me. Find your way to the place for the second scene yourself," she took the papers from Vine roughly and turned to the driver in front "David get going"

"Isn't Vine going with us?" David turned and realized Vine was still standing outside close to the car window at the back seat.

"Don't make me repeat myself" she snared at the driver "as for you make sure you get there and put my makeup section in order before I arrive" she glared at Vine before whining up the dark windows.

Vine stood there, she couldn't believe the girl's attitude, she was shaking with rage. After a while she sighed and ran a hand through her hair in frustration, "how the hell do she want me to get there, fly?" She said

"I can help you with a lift" someone spoke from behind her

"Oh thank you!" Before she realized who it was she had already said the words, and it was the arrogant dude she had met earlier

"You'll stay on the top of my car though" Nate smirked "you're the one that suggested flying, I'll be faster" he shrugged and pressed his car key.

A red Bugatti Veyron lighted but, Vine turned and admired the car, it was really tempting, but she rather walk than to enter the car with the devil.

"Don't get too happy, remember you're not entering inside, you're staying on top" he gave her another of his signature smile, Vine felt like pressing his neck to death with the kind of frustration she was already feeling.

"Fuck off" she was finally able to say before she walked out, regardless of how hot and handsome the guy was, he was really annoying with that perfect smile on his soft lips. "Oh my gosh, I've not even kissed him yet" Vine Shaked the thought off her mind, she probably will never see the guy again.

She kept walking, before she finally saw a cab. Ones she arrived at the venue for Clare's next scene she practically ran inside to get the makeup in place before the ice princess arrive with her slow limo.

"Vine!" Clare called

"I'm right here.. your highness" Vine sassed at her with the built up anger from earlier

"Ohh you are already here" Clare realized and kept shut.

"This is the last scene, make me look like a goddess" Clare ordered the girls making her up.

They forced smile on there irritated faces, Clare gets on everyone's nerves, ones you're below her level she takes it as a chance to rub dirt on you.

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