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When the price for Alpha Kaden's head becomes the next big thing in the Hunter's community, Bella Hunt is out to get him. But she wasn't prepared for what would happen when she meets him. He's devilishly handsome and has her heart racing with desire. Will she fight the lustful desires that arise between them? Or will she give in to the forbidden pleasure he brings?

Chapter 1 BELLA HUNT


Shapeshifters who turned from men into beasts at night. Creatures of darkness and violence. Most people believe they don't exist anymore-but I know better.

For I have seen the evil they could do first hand. The terror they could cause. And the blood they could spill.

I saw them wipe my entire family away in an instant. They took everything from me, leaving only a trail of death behind them as they ran. My entire world was gone overnight because of those monsters. All that was left for me after the horror was a small house on a dead end street filled with nothing but memories. No one else lived there now except myself.

My name is Bella and I'm a Hunter. I spend my days roaming around the face of the earth, hunting down these evil creatures making sure they don't hurt anyone else again like they did mine.

It's been pretty hard, since I'm just a human.... unlike the creatures I'm after, who have supernatural powers. They have the ability to shapeshift into wolves anytime they want. They are faster than any other creature on this planet. They can run at speeds that defy the laws of physics. They have strong jaws and teeth that could rip through your entire body if you made the mistake of coming too close. Super human strength allows them to carry heavy objects with ease. Their senses are much more acute than a normal person's. There isn't anything that a werewolf couldn't sense-they can hear, smell, or see things that no one else can.

Let me not get started on their speed, agility, and overall physical prowess. It's almost impossible to catch them once they've transformed into a wolf. But that doesn't stop me tracking them down though. No matter how hard they are to find- which is very hard, considering they look like normal humans most of the time. I always hunt them down and kill them.

Werewolves have a particular scent that distinguishes them from humans. It's something they're born with. A mark on their DNA. I know this because I've studied every one of them I caught alive. My ability to smell them out is what makes me so good at my job. And to kill them with nothing but a silver dagger is what makes me strong.


My front door flew open and slammed against the wall. Willow, my best friend and fellow member of the hunter community walked inside. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of black pants and a white button-down shirt.

"Where have you been?" she asked me as she stormed over to me. A cigarette dangled from the corner of her mouth as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic entrance. "What do you want Willow? I don't have time to answer your questions. I'm trying track down some escaped werewolves."

"Well..." she said and grabbed a wooden chair by the corner. Sitting down on it, she crossed her legs and spat out a smoke ring.

"What is wrong with you today?" I asked as I looked at her.

She put the butt of her cigarette between her lips and blew out a stream of smoke, staring at me from under her eyelashes as she drew back the flame to light another.

"I've got something that might interest you." "What?"

"A bounty."


"Yes." Willow replied, before pulling out a crumbled piece of paper from her pocket.

I took the piece of paper from her hands and unfolded it. On the top was written the words: 'Alpha Kaden. $1 million Reward For His Head.' "What the fuck is this?"

"Exactly what you read," Willow said as she leaned forward.

"Someone powerful is offering $1 million for the head of Alpha Kaden."

"Hmmm..." I muttered looking at the paper.

"Why would they put that much money on him? Who is he exactly? I've never heard of this guy."

"Neither had I until last week when the bounty deal started circulating around the hunter community."

I shook my head and dropped the paper. I'm as much as I love hunting and killing those evil bastards- I hate taking jobs like this. This much money must come with a lot of trouble.

"I don't think I'll be able to take this on right now. I'm already swamped with work. Maybe you can ask Adam. I heard he has been waiting for an assignment like this. You know he loves to get his h dirty."

Willow pulled out another piece of paper from her pocket.

"Here. I found this while going through my files. There is something you should know about this particular Alpha."

"What?" I asked taking the paper from her. It was a newspaper. An attractive man, sitting in a chair next to a fireplace stared back at me. He had dark brown hair and ice blue eyes. His sharp features gave off a dangerous aura that made you feel uneasy just looking at him. Beside his image was a headline that read: 'Kaden Crystal - New York's Most Eligible.' "Bella, you know how you've always talked about the werewolves that killed your family, the 'Crystal Pack' and how you've been trying to track them down ever since? Well, these werewolves relocated to New York and their leader is.."

"Alpha ....Kaden..." I stammered. The memory of my parents being ripped apart by those beasts came rushing back to me.


"Fuck!!!!!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

I wiped them away with the back of my hand. This wasn't the time or place to show emotions. This wasn't the time or place to cry. I hated crying it made me weak. I needed to stay strong. I had finally found the man behind all my pain and suffering. I would not lose control. Not now, not ever.

"I need to find that bastard, Willow. I need to let him pay. I need to kill him."

"Well you could do all that and still get a million dollars. Isn't that awesome?" Willow chuckled.

"No it isn't. I don't care about the reward. I don't want the job. I just want to kill this asshole." I spat.

The thought of Kaden Crystal alive made my blood boil. He was the reason my parents were murdered. Him and his bunch of werewolves. Pathetic creatures. I wanted nothing but to wipe off the whole pack. And I best start with their Alpha.

"But you will get paid. Just remember that. It's a lot of money, Bella."

I glared at her. I didn't care whether I got paid or not. I wanted to hurt Kaden for what he did to my parents. I wanted him to have a slow and painful death.

"Again. I don't care about the money Willow. I could give you all of it for all I care. I... just... want... Kaden... dead."

creatures. I

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