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Falling For The CEO

Falling For The CEO



He wants her. He needs her. Freya Jacob is a strong and confident woman and the top lawyer at their firm. She never loses a case in her life being a lawyer. Luke Walters is a CEO that has the whole package; Looks, body, money, personality, and he gets whatever he wants. When he first saw Freya after a town event that he just attended, he knew that he wants the lawyer to be his. But not everything will have a good happy ending without someone trying to destroy it. Somewhere, somehow... a loose serial killer under the name, of Dr. Clown sees Freya for the first time in Community town and that made him want her as well. With this fact, Luke and Freya must find a way to be together and defeat Dr. Clown. Can their relationship work? Will they defeat Dr. Clown? Or will Dr. Clown get what he wants? Read along and join Freya on her journey to defeat her stalker who turns out to be a serial killer. His muscular arms looked inviting straining against his shirt. She bit her lip and looked at his handsome face. She noticed he has shifted his attention to her, and he was staring at her intensely. His perfect lips curved into a smile as his eyes held something in them, she wasn't sure what. "Like what you see?" He asked her making her blush again and she turned her head away from him. "I know I do."

Chapter 1 One - New In Town

Dark clouds covered the night sky, it was about to rain, and the forest was quiet apart from the sound of a man's running feet and heavy breathing. Running was a struggle for him but he couldn't stop, his life was in danger. It scared him.

He chanced a glance over his shoulder and tripped; he found his footing again and continued running. His hair looked disheveled and his clothes were dirty since he fell down so many times and one of his sleeves had a tear.

Keep running, you won't get far. The person chasing the terrified man thought. He suddenly appeared in front of the man, and he let out a yelp, trying to get up and run, but it was too late.

The person chasing him, dressed in a black hoody and trousers with a smiling clown mask was already on him. He pressed a cloth dipped in chloroform on the man's nose and mouth.

He didn't let go until the man was unconscious. He carried him on his back and went back to his car.

I may do this for the one I love, but I also love the chase. He thought, grinning behind his mask.

The chaser drove his car to the remaining distance to his house. He didn't usually 'hunt' near his home, but he thought it was safe enough since he had done so many far away. He was to park his car in his garage, but not before noticing a car parked in front of the house next to his and light inside the house.

The chaser had a new neighbor while he was out hunting. He removed his mask, got out of his car and closed the garage door.

"I'll see if this one stays". He said out loud this time right before taking the victim inside.

Earlier that day, Freya arrived at the house she had bought. The house was in a small town called Community, it had a few houses around it. She wanted a place that was quiet, where there weren't many people and that was just it.

The town looked old-fashioned, and her house looked just as old-fashioned, it was a one story, cream colored with a brown front door and a lawn.

The house next to hers looked like no one lived there; grasses in the lawn were long, and they had the window shutters drawn shut. The other one closer to hers was nicer to look at. They had the lawn trimmed; the house looked welcoming and neat.

"That is Dr. David's home." The saleswoman in her forties, Andrea said.

"Poor thing, his wife died during childbirth. Had to raise the girl all by himself, not to mention she has been sick for two years now. He even stopped going out to work at the hospital after he found out that she was sick." Andrea shook her head in pity. Freya placed her palm over her chest.

"That is terrible. I hope she gets better." Andrea gave her a look that she knew meant the girl wasn't getting any better. Freya thought the doctor was strong to go through all that.

"Oh well, I'll leave you to settle down."

"Alright, thank you." She smiled back at Andrea and watched her walk to her car that was next to Freya's, and drive off. She picked up the last two boxes from the ground and walked to the new house, letting the door slam behind her.

Freya jolted awake from her sleep. What was it that woke her up? An unidentified sound came, like a shout mixed with a whimper and some other sound. That was it. It woke her up. She didn't know where it was coming from, so she dismissed it. Just as she turned on her side and pulled her quilt higher to her shoulders, ready to go back to sleep, it came again.

Freya sat up and listened. It sounded again and her head snapped to the left. She stood and strolled to the window, the one on her left and the one facing Dr. David's house. It came again, then continued for minutes.

Freya only stood there, facing the side of Dr. David's house. The sounds were audible enough for her to hear, but not loud enough for people in other houses to hear since her house and his are closer to each other. The sounds were horrifying.

She didn't know what was happening. She started wondering if he was torturing people in there. But she cleared that thought from her mind.

"No, it can't be. Besides, I just moved in and I'm in no place to judge. It's probably TV, yeah, he's watching a horror movie.'

She walked back to bed, got in and pulled the quilt over herself. She then closed her eyes, trying to block out the frightening noises.

The next morning, Freya was coming out of her house to get something to eat when she noticed Dr. David was out mowing his lawn. She hadn't met him since she moved in six days ago. She decided that was the right time to introduce herself.

Even though she has been hearing those disturbing noises every night from his house, she walked towards his yard as she pushed all her suspicions down. It might be her lawyer's instinct. She stood in front of his yard and called out,

"Morning!" Dr. David turned to face her, he shut the machine down, wiped the sweat from his brow and walked over to her.

"I am Freya Jacob, your new neighbor. I moved into the house next door a few days back."

The man looked like he was in his forties, he had a shaved head, and was wearing a white wife beater with faded jeans. Freya thought that he looked fit and good looking for an older guy.

He stared intensely at her first before smiling lightly.

"Well, hello neighbour. Good to see someone finally living next door." His smile, which Freya thought was fake, broadened.

"Yeah, feels good to be somewhere new and quiet." She smiled slightly, though hers was real.

"I'm Samuel David by the way, but you can call me Sam."

"Alright Sam. I wanted to introduce myself and also ask you if you knew what were making last night's noises."

"What noises are talking about?" Sam looked confused as he folded his arms across his chest.

"There were strange noises coming from outside last night. Didn't you hear them?" Freya didn't know if he was really confused or just acting.

"Yes, I am sure that I didn't hear any noises last night. Maybe you were having a dream." He replied her as he rubbed his chin and looked around as if trying to hear the noises she was talking about.

"Yeah, maybe. So I need to go now." Freya decided to agree with him although she knew that she didn't dream of those noises last night.

"Nice meeting you, Freya."

She walked to her car as he stared at her back. He didn't seem like the serial killer type, but there was definitely something off about him. It was a feeling in her gut.

Freya drove by the other neighbor's house that was on the other side. The lawn still had long grasses, and the windows were still shut and dirty. An old man who she guessed was Mr. Othman from what Andrea told her, was peeping out from the front door and staring straight at her. His gaze followed her until she was out of view.

What was that about? She thought. It looked like the small town wasn't as quiet and as normal as she thought.

Ding dong

Freya's doorbell rang. She stood from the couch where she was watching TV and went to open the door.

"Hello." Mr. Othman said. He was dressed neatly, to her surprise, in a black dress shirt and blue jeans compared to how untidy his house looked.

"Uh, hi." She replied slowly, shocked to see him there.

"Can I talk to you?"

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Falling For The CEO

Chapter 1 One - New In Town



Chapter 2 Two - Love At First Sight



Chapter 3 Three - The Screams



Chapter 4 Four - Behind The Screams



Chapter 5 Five - The Start



Chapter 6 Six - Unexpected



Chapter 7 Seven - The Invite



Chapter 8 Eight - The Deal



Chapter 9 Nine - The Haunted Date



Chapter 10 Ten - Blossomimg Love



Chapter 11 Eleven - Acceptance



Chapter 12 Twelve - Murderer Or Not



Chapter 13 Thirteen - Connection



Chapter 14 Fourteen - Girlfriends



Chapter 15 Fifteen - Secret Revealed



Chapter 16 Sixteen - Working Closely



Chapter 17 Seventeen - Why Be A Serial Killer



Chapter 18 Eighteen - Tension And Breaking In



Chapter 19 Nineteen - To Date A Millionaire



Chapter 20 Twenty - The Call



Chapter 21 Twenty One - Attacked



Chapter 22 Twenty Two - A Plan



Chapter 23 Twenty Three - Who Is Dr. Clown



Chapter 24 Twenty Four - To Be Famous



Chapter 25 Twenty Five - Trauma



Chapter 26 Twenty Six - Protection



Chapter 27 Twenty Seven - Training And Tension



Chapter 28 Twenty Eight - Betrayal



Chapter 29 Twenty Nine - Mystery Clown



Chapter 30 Thirty - Gossiping Ex



Chapter 31 Thirty One - Dinner With Three Parents



Chapter 32 Thirty Two - Dr. Clown's Message



Chapter 33 Thirty Three - Caught In A Towel



Chapter 34 Thirty Four - Can't Pull Away



Chapter 35 Thirty Five - Surprise From The Jealous CEO



Chapter 36 Thirty Six - First Death



Chapter 37 Thirty Seven - Start Of The Birthday Drama



Chapter 38 Thirty Eight - Love In The Garden And Spiked Drinks



Chapter 39 Thirty Nine - Cornered With No Escape



Chapter 40 Forty - Made Speechless By The Wet CEO
