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The Forbidden

The Forbidden



Hazelynn Pierce Fallens, one of the longest royal vampirism bloodlines falls in love with one of the Howlers royal bloodlines, the alpha Rudy Aotkin. The two continues their love in secret but discovered their love would bring either peace or chaos. Will they continue their secret relationship or overcome the consequences?

Chapter 1 The Black Market

“ Come on Rudy, last time we did this we forgot a couple things for supper. we ended up eating the Boykin Twins supper and saying nothing against them but damn. So can we please head to the butchers shop first and grab some fresh meat before it’s all gone! “ Katie Aotkin. A 5’5 black hair girl with green eyes inherited from her father and red lips. The sister to Alpha Rudy Aotkin the 6’4 black hair with blue eyes inherited from his mother and pink lips. Rudy chuckles and puts himself in a thinking stance to annoy Katie more. Katie playfully pushes him then a figures from above appears.

A 6’3 blond hair male figure. “ I knew I smelled something. “ The male figured said as two other female figures showed up behind him from above as well. “ Your right Nathan, it smells like dogs. “ Petra Torkavil said with a disgusted tone. “ , I see your smile is pretty again. Shame I liked you better with only one fang and a black eye. “ Rudy said as he steps forward ina alarming stance, eyes on Nathan Torkavil, one of the second royal vampirism bloodlines, one of the five living members of Torkavils. “ What do you bloodsuckers want? “ Katie growls and took her claws out in case a fight will break out. Rudy Shielded her with his body. “ We are simply shopping too till we smells you guys, when was the last time you took a bath? “ Jaelynn Fallens said. Sister to Leader Hazelynn Pierce Fallens. The longest living vampirism bloodlines. “ So Rudy how about we settle this the old fashion way? “ Nathan hissed his fangs at Rudy in a way to start but a female vampire flew down between them. A light brown hair with hazel eyes stares at Nathan in which he cowers. Jaelynn and Petra were already gone when Nathan looked behind him. “ Get back to Bloodtides, we need to get everything ready for tonight ceremony. “ Hazelynn said in a demanding tone then a spilt second Nathan was gone. “ Good girl Love but I didn’t need to you to fight my battles for me. “ Hazelynn turned around and hissed ferociously at Rudy. “ Don’t ever call me those words Alpha. If it weren’t for the truce I would’ve let them fanged you down. Take a bath as well, I can smell you miles away. “ Hazelynn said as she stares into his eyes. “ only If you join me Love. “ Rudy says in a lovey tone then winked at her as she turns to walk away. Katie moves As soon she was out of sight and hits Rudy on the back of the head. “ What the heck is wrong with you? Flirting with her and in front of me? Your baby sister! Sometimes I don’t think you are yourself when you have stupid flowing into your brain. “ Rudy smirks at her and pushes her head a slight. Katie slaps his hand away and gets into a certain stance. Rudy notices and puts his head down. “ Again Katie? Can’t we just walk back to Moon shore for once? “ Katie waves his words off and waited till he gives in. “ Prize you get is that I won’t say anything about that moment with Hazelynn or if I win I get to tell and you got to give me permission to Misty Mountains. “ Rudy didn’t hesitate to get into his running stance as well. A person yells out.” Aotkin race place your bets immediately! “ Everyone at the black market moves to the sides and start betting their money, valuables and potions. “ I bet she will win this time, last time she was a few inches away from him. “ A male Witch said as he bets with his Mander potion. “ Bets are off! Our lovely Howler mistress is impatient! “ Katie and Rudy shifts into their Howler form and both of them growls louder for the bartender Digs to commence the race. “ Bloody! Bloody! Howls! “ Digs said as he begins to howl then the Aotkin siblings were off! Running through the market, Katie try’s to trip Rudy but he knew she would try so he dodges every trick she has. Adrenaline pumps into their veins with every step they take. They live for this, makes them more excited for hunts to come in the near future.

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