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Ecstasy Amidst Misery

Ecstasy Amidst Misery

Amy Amy


Iris and Ivy are identical twins with totally different personalities. Ivy is bold, courageous, and flirty and loves glamour. On other hand, Iris is conservative, smart, graceful and sophisticated. Ivy and Iris belong to a middle class family. Iris loves her simple lifestyle but Ivy wants a lavish lifestyle. Ivy went to an art gallery with one of her high class friend and met a billionaire CEO of a multinational company; Mr. Damon Heath there; they both started as friends and then started dating and are set off to getting married soon. Ivy is beautiful and Damon is a proud, rude and beauty loving person, he loved showing Ivy off so, they both sign a contract in which they agree that their relationship is based on a purely win-win contract. Ivy went to many parties and gatherings with Damon and met many of his friends and business partners from all over the world. Ivy became friends with one of his business partner, Mr. Simon Smith who is much richer than Damon. Simon manipulates Ivy into borrowing a heavy amount from Damon to which she complies and Damon faces a heavy loss in business. What happens when they are off to getting married but Ivy is nowhere to be found? What happens when Iris had to play the role of Ivy to save her family from facing a heavy penalty because of the decisions Ivy made?

Chapter 1 Roses has Thorns

“Your daughter took a billion dollar of loan from my company to return it with this marriage contract. Do you really think that I can forgive her and forget about such a huge amount? I am in huge loss and your family is in debt and responsible for it. You have to pay back the money or bring her back from whatever place you have hidden her,” Damon said angrily.

“What do you mean? She never said anything about taking loan or about contract marriage, you guys weren’t in love? What type of relationship you guys had?” Iris asked him in complete shock. Her parents couldn’t say a word from all the embarrassment they were feeling.

“We didn’t have a normal relationship at all, she liked money I enjoyed showing off her beauty. I paid her 5000 dollars a month for being in relationship with me and she had agreed to attend all the parties and dinners with me. I guess she is a liar and a thief. She borrowed almost 200 thousand dollars on condition to marry me, and now she ran off. Tell me, how do you plan to pay off the loan your daughter and your sister took from my company? “Damon spat angrily and rolled his eyes.

“First of all, we had no idea about anything that you just said and second of all don’t blame us for your loss when you are the one who decided to lend her such a huge amount without any assurance that she’ll return it or marry you; we don’t know where she had gone. We are trying to find her since morning. We contacted you because we thought she was with you,” Iris was getting irritated because of his behavior and angry at her sister.

“Please son, forgive us. We are in no position to return such a huge amount even if we try to pay you back, we didn’t know she would take such a huge step.” Their mother was crying continuously and her father broke into a cold sweat from embarrassment.

“There is nothing to forgive. You either pay me back or you find her, or there is a third option that you won’t like but I guess you guys don’t have a choice either.” He shrugged carelessly ignoring their tears and pleads and eyed Iris from head to toe with a smirk on his face.


“Iris I want your black dress, since you don’t wear it anywhere. It would suit me more than it suits you,” Ivy winked at Iris whilst holding up the black laced dress in front of her whilst standing in front of mirror.

“Just take it, I don’t like it anyways,” Iris replied and returned back to reading her book.

Ivy shrieked with happiness and kissed her twin sister’s cheek. Then she ran off in the bathroom to change.

“Iris sweetie, have you seen the bill,” Iris’s mom came in their room looking extremely worried.

“No mom, why?” Iris marked the book and closed it. “Honey it’s a lot, and you have to pay for your academy too, and your dad’s medicines also. I am worried; I haven’t got my salary yet, what about you?” Her mom asked her.

“Oh mom, don’t worry. Here,” Iris got up and took out some money from her handbag and handed them to her mom.

“I already paid my academy fee and you can pay the bill and get dad’s medicine from this too, they’ll be enough.” She shrugged and looked at her mom.

Her mom smiled and kissed her forehead, “Thank you honey,” Then she left the room.

Ivy came out of the washroom and stood in front of the mirror again and grabbed her makeup bag.

“Hey, do you have 50 dollars? I need some money tonight,” Ivy asked Iris whilst applying her makeup.

“I actually don’t, I just gave the money to mom for bill and dad’s medicines.” Iris looked at ivy apologetically.

Ivy rolled her eyes and continued applying her makeup. When she was ready she left without saying any other word to her or to their parents.

“Where is she going? Did she tell you?” Their mom asked her.

“She actually didn’t, maybe you can text her and ask her after sometime. Is dinner ready? I am starving.” Iris got up and went in the kitchen to help her mom in setting the table.

Her mom nodded thoughtfully and sighed loudly, then followed Iris into the kitchen. They set the table and sat with her father to eat.

“Mom, I was thinking that we should get dad checked up again at the start of next month.” Iris said whilst looking at her dad and smiled. “Dr. Bernard did say that it is necessary, maybe they can examine dad and tell us if he is ready for the angioplasty,” She looked at her mom.

“Yes you are right sweetie, we will take him at first or second date,” She smiled and they all ate in silence.

Iris then gathered all the dishes, washed them and cleaned the kitchen. She went to her mom’s room, “Mom did you messaged Ivy?”

“Yes, she said that she’ll be late, she went to some art gallery with Natasha. I really don’t like her hanging around with rich kids. Anyways, don’t wait up for her,” she shrugged.

Iris nodded then went to her room. Her mobile light up with name “Issac”, she quickly answered it.

“Please tell me you are coming tomorrow,” He said instantly when she answered.

“Yes, I am,” Iris giggled.

“Thank god, I swear it gets so boring without you and no one is there to answer Sir. Walter on my behalf besides you,” Iris could feel him holding back his laugh on the call.

“You are one selfish friend, do you know that?” Irish sighed acting sad.

“Yea, but I am the only friend you have, so suck it up!” He laughed and so did she.

“Okay, I really want to sleep now.” Iris said, “Yea, me too. Good night!” Issac said and they both hung up the call.

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