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Hellbound with the Devil

Hellbound with the Devil



Welcome to "Hellbound with the Devil" "If love is the feeling that makes one happy in sadness, then I'm certain that I love you. If love is the feeling that makes one want to protect and secure, then I'm certain that I love you." Tears rolled down his eyes as he confessed his feelings. "I know I used you for my selfish reasons but beyond all of that, I couldn't deny that fact that I would be incomplete without you. I've sinned countless of times, I've killed many but seeing you, I want to leave all of that and move on. Please Angelica, don't leave me" He wept as he clutched the edge of her gown **** This story involves the Contract Marriage between Lucian, a cursed demon and a human girl, Angelica.

Chapter 1 Groom

Standing before the altar, I could feel my heart dying slowly because of the uneasiness I was feeling within me.

All my life, I dreamt to be with the man that I love, and I cherish. I dreamt to be with the man who would call me his love, his life, his breath, and his everything but right now, my dream was shattered.

Although, I never knew what it felt like to be in love. I've never been in a relationship, but the love my father and mother shared between themselves, it made me daydream about my love too.

My 18 years of age just completed, and my father arranged a Rich Business Tycoon for me to get married to. A man who everybody gossiped to be a killer, a cheat, a fraudster, and a devil!

Regardless of what people said about him, my dad didn't even have a second thought about getting me married to him. All these years, I thought my parents loved me, but I was wrong, they were patiently waiting for me to complete 18 so that I could get out of their home.

"Why is your groom not here? Did he forget that today is your wedding?" The priest mumbled as he checked the time on his wristwatch. I sighed upon hearing that.

'How would a groom forget his wedding? Perhaps, he is a psychopath!' I muttered and suddenly got startled when the door of the hall was kicked open.

Due to shock, I instantly turned around to see the crazy jerk. Turning around, I could feel my heart fighting against its heartbeat, immediately I set my eyes on a tall man walking down the aisle.

Scanning him, his hair was perfectly done, his eyes….the strangest eyes I've ever seen in my whole 18 years of existence. His nose bridge was perfectly built with his dainty little pink lips.

His face was manly built with perfect skin color. The suit he was wearing, made him look more endearing and compelling to the eyes. Currently, I've lost my senses as I couldn't get my eyes off him. I didn't even notice that he was already beside me.

"What are you staring at?" My soul almost flee from my body as I heard his stern voice. How could a handsome man like him have that kind of voice? His voice was too cold and unpleasant to the hearing.

"Now, let's proceed since the groom is here"

" so really, the wedding is happening" I slightly bent my head looking disappointed and annoyed at the same time.

"Don't tell me you are the groom, please?" I asked in a low tone, which caused the man to glare at me. I was sure that this wedding would be the talk of internet. This is absurd!!

"What do I look like if not the groom?" He said with made me gape. Oh no, that's voice again! I was irritated.

"Mr. Lucifer and Mrs. Angelica Galloway… Do…" Immediately I heard Mr. Lucifer, my eyes widened in shock.

"Your name is Lucifer?" I asked loudly which made laughs to echo behind me. The audience was laughing. Was he really the devil?

Lifting my head, I saw his eyes looking at me coldly. I could feel my throat burn due to his killing glare.

"That's his name, Mrs. Angelica," The priest said, and I gulped hard.

"Call me, Lucian" I finally heard him say, and looking at the priest, he nodded.

"Mr. Lucian and Mrs. Angelica Galloway, Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to each other in marriage?" I could feel my head rotate in an unknown motion as I heard what the priest just said. It was never my will to be here.

Still thinking, my heart skipped when I heard his voice again.

"Yes" He answered and then, the priest's gaze was on me. He was waiting for my reply…. Why did he have to lie? Doesn't he fear God? I asked but didn't get a reply.

"Yes," I replied too. Now, I have to join hands with the devil for this wedding to go smoothly.

"Mr. Lucian and Mrs. Angelica, Will you honor each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?" The priest asked again as he waited for your answers.

"Yes," We uttered at the same time which made my heart sting. I was uncomfortable, especially with the hotness I was feeling beside him.

"Mr. Lucian and Mrs. Angelica, no matter the circumstances that may bring opposition between you both, will you prove your submission to yourselves as you strive hard to get back together?" The man asked and I blinked. If this man was even giving me trouble, I would kill him or, better, run from his Lion's den. I can die for someone I'm not even concerned about.

"Yes," I heard him say, and immediately, I uttered the same answer too.

"Well, please, exchange your vows, "The priest said, and I turned to my husband. His face showed nothing but danger as he stared at me. Those eyes had more in-depth meaning that I couldn't fathom.

"What should I say?" His voice became calmer as he asked me. Shock was boldly written on my face. I never expected him to be this calm.

"You don't know what to say?" I asked and he nodded.

"Say it within, and I'll read your mind," He said, and immediately, I thought about something. Although, I doubted if he could read my mind.

"I, Lucian, take you, Angelica Galloway, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" Lucian made my heart skip. Hearing those words from him, I wish I could hear them all day. Ignoring the fact that he said exactly what I thought, I felt like kissing him.

Suddenly, I jolted back to reality. I gave him a light smile.

"I, Angelica Galloway, take you, Lucian, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life" I said calmly and gently. After uttering those words, he looked deep into my eyes. I could feel something… something weird and unpleasant.

Then, I heard the priest uttering some word, but my mind was on this weird being before me.

Suddenly, rings were passed to us on a gold tray.

"Exchange ring vows," He said.

I took a gold ring as I shivered while attempting to hold his hands. Willingly, he stretched out his hands and I held them.

"Lucian, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. I promise to love you forever. For richer or poor, in sickness and in health, I promise to love you forever until death do us apart" I shivered as I slide the ring on his finger. The ring matched him so perfectly.

" Angelica, receive this ring as a sign of my everlasting love. I will never leave your side as I vow to protect and love you" He said then, he held my hand as he slid the ring into my finger.

"You may now kiss the bride," The priest said and my head banged. Kiss? Oh, no? Please don't do it.

Despite my warnings, he bent closer to me as he pressed his lip against mine.

I couldn't process what I was feeling because of the sudden echo of claps. I could feel my head spin.

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