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Love At The End Of The World

Love At The End Of The World



Deputy Thomas is a rookie that just wants to survive his first year of being a deputy. What happens when the world falls apart and now he is having to not just survive but to help other survive. He is a savvy in the ways of the wild and knows how to survive in the mountains but he also like to be alone. What does he do when he comes upon a caravan of cars running from the chaos. Does he take the time to help or does he leave them alone and let them try to survive as he doesn't want to be responsible for anyone. When he meets the woman who is just as head strong as he is. Can he open his cold heart and care again or will he close it and let her go. Lisa has a dark secret and she is fleeing with it. She meets up with a group of people and joins their caravan trying to flee the chaos of towns. She knows what is going on and has the answers but those answers will bring chills to anyone who find out. If she can find the right people they might have a chance to survive. She then meets the one person who frustrates her more than anyone she has met but he can help her survive however he would throw her out if he knew the truth.

Chapter 1 D-Day -2 days

My alarm was going off and I hit it to make it go off. I am just coming off of working nights and have three months of day shift left of my first year of being a deputy sheriff. I can not believe I am almost done but as of today I am on my own. No more Field Training Officers sitting next to me. I have had some good ones and some bad ones but at least I am done with that. I was the oldest cadet that went through my academy class at 40. This is not my first career choice but so far it has been one of my favorite.

I got married right out of high school and was married to my best friend for 20 years where we fostered many kids but never had any of our own as she couldn't, but two years ago I watched her waste away in a hospital bed. But enough of these thoughts I jump out of bed and head for the shower.

After my shower I go through my routine of shaving, getting dressed and then putting my kevlar on then my uniform shirt on. I swing my duty belt in place and check my gear. I chamber a round into my Glock 22 and drop it into my holster. I draw my taser and test it, then replace it in its holster. Most of the deputies use the outer carriers but I don't, I just carry everything on my belt and I am called grandpa because that is how the old men do it. I just laugh it off as I know the deputies in my office have my back when it comes down to it. I feed my dog BO and head out the door. I climb in my patrol pickup and head towards the office. As I pull into the office, Sheriff Ross pulls in next to me.

"You're looking good this morning Deputy Thomas," Sheriff Ross tells me.

"Thank you sir, " I reply as I walk into the briefing room and shake hands with the other Deputies that are standing around.

"Go ahead and have a seat, I need to give some details about what is happening the next couple of days," The sheriff says as he walks to the front of the room before continuing, "As you know the local high school is going to be hosting a summer basketball tournament as it is nice up here in the mountains during the summer and they are bringing in some of the bigger city teams. If you have not signed to help cover the games do so and know that all overtime has already been approved. One other thing if you have not heard we will also be having some county commissioners that are wanting to ride along with deputies to see what y'all do. If dispatch tells you to come get one, COME GET THEM, am I clear."

Yes sirs could be heard around the room along with groaning. No one wanted to have a commissioner ride along but we would survive it. The sergeant gave me a couple of court summons, gave me a pep talk and I headed out the door. I was assigned to the southern part of the county and headed to my unit. As I climbed into it there was a knock on the window. I rolled it down to see the Sheriff standing there.

"Thomas I need you to hang out a minute and Commissioner Mary Walters is going to ride with you today." the sheriff tells me.

I can see other deputies laughing as they get in their units and take off. They must know what he is telling me and I can say nothing but yes sir. Commissioner Walters is the ball breaker who would like nothing better than to see the department fail and police funding get cut. She is old and grouchy and has an extreme dislike for anything law enforcement. I pull around to the front of the department and there she stands the wicked witch of the west.

I got out of my unit and walked around to open the door but Commissioner Walters already had it opened. She climbed in and wrote something down in her little book. I climbed back in and buckled myself up. The Commissioner just glared at me and wrote something down in the book. I introduced myself to her and offered her my hand but she just looked at me like I was below the scum on her shoes so I took my hand back and grabbed my radio.

"509 Dispatch, I will be 10-8, 10-12, one 10-41 for shift." I called out as I backed out of the parking spot. "10-4," dispatch responded. I pulled up my computer and glanced through calls as I started to drive. As we drove down through the county I pointed out different things and tried to have a conversation but she would just glare at me and write in her little book.

The morning went fast and there were a few normal calls but nothing out of the ordinary. As we got closer to lunch I asked her what she would like.

"Well who are you going to screw out of money today, deputy," She snaps at me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse me, ma'am what are you talking about," I asked, kind of shocked.

"You deputies are all the same and use your badge to get some kind of discount from the hard working people of this county," she almost yells at me.

"Ma'am I can tell you that I do not take discounts, and most of the time I bring my lunch like what is in my lunch box right now, and for another thing," I can feel myself getting wound up but I no longer care. "I don't know what your problem is with us in law enforcement but we are not all crooks, we are not all in it for what we can get out of it, some of us actually joined so that we can help other so ma'am write down whatever you want to in that little book but do not judge me again without actually know me."

"Take me back to your office," She says quietly then turns to her phone.

Well shit this may be the last day for my job.

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Love At The End Of The World

Chapter 1 D-Day -2 days
