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A rare book that succeeds on almost every level, where each character, scene and plot fires all cylinders to make a book worth repeated reading. Follow the journey of two teens, Shannon O'Reilly and Tristan Carter, who found themselves sexually attracted to each other, no feelings and definitely no strings attached. Still, Shannon couldn't help herself from falling for this bad boy who stole her very heart and soul. Lot of twist and definitely lots of so many smurty scenes. If you're lover of steamy contents, then this book is definitely for you.

Chapter 1 The Bleachers

Shannon's Pov

Have you ever wondered how the earth will be without the sun?. Well the answer is quite simple which I'm sure everyone of us knows. Darkness!, Pure darkness and that sure is very creepy. I mean, who would want to live in a world of total darkness?, Maybe the vampires will like that because I know for a fact that the sun is their biggest enemy.

Have you also wondered why unicorns don't come out even when there is a rainbow up in the sky?. I heard unicorns and rainbows are like best buddies but why won't the other buddy show up when his best buddy is around waiting for him?. It sure is strange. Very strange. But hey! How strange can it even get? Unicorns doesn't even exist. Pfft! Very hilarious right?.

I have wondered about so many things. Well, weird things exactly. I mean who would sit down and think about unicorns and rainbows?. Definitely not me eh!.

The strangest thing I have actually thought of is me loosing my virginity to a super hot bad boy. Weird right? Yeah I know. This is super creepy but same time thrilling.

This is like the only....

"Okay Shannon, time's up. I can't go further anymore"

I dropped my pen down in shock like a five year old girl caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

"What?" Mae asked with raised brows. Staring at me like I've suddenly grown two horns.

"Err... Nothing. Nothing really" I quickly closed my book and glanced at the tiny wrist watch on my wrist. "Well you did it Mae. You read for an hour, that is a good record" I praised the pink haired girl sitting beside me.

"My grades will definitely come up before the end of the term" she grinned showing off her pretty fang-like teeth.

Mae has been my friend since I started Crystal high. Me and my mom moved to Seattle three years ago. My mom kinda caught my dad cheating on her, well more like he has been cheating on her. So my mom filed for a divorce and here we are. Although mom and dad are both divorced, they still talk on the phone. I'm actually the one still holding them together. I also heard my dad is getting engaged. Yeah I know! Shit happens.

I'm supposed to be very mad at him but I don't know, I still have this soft spot for him. Well I spent fifteen good years with him and he sure treated me like a princess. I still like my Dad bruh!.

Mom has a boyfriend now, Danny. He kinda lives next door. Don't know when those two started eyeing each other. Not like I care tho. I just want my mom to be happy. She has been sad since ever since we left dad.

Danny is a widower.His wife left him with a cute little boy, Troy. Danny is a nice man. He is funny and definitely caring. If there is any man I want for my mom, then that would be Danny.

Well enough of mom and Danny. Let's move back to this petite girl sitting beside me.

Mae is an Afro-American. She is cute with nice dark flawless skin. Her nose and mouth are pretty small. Well, she is quite petite. She hates books but loves parties. She also likes dating boys with rock hard muscles. She can die for 'em.

"The heck are you looking at? And what have you been writing for the past one hour" Mae asked trying to snatch my secret book away from me.

"Hey! This is top secret" I whispered to her and quickly shoved the book down my bag before getting on my feet. Mae did the same.

"But I do read all your stories. I mean you do show me. So why not this?" She puckered her lips as we both made our way out of the library.

"Honestly it is nothing serious. This is just...you know...a fantasy story. Yeah that is what it is. I'll definitely show it to you when I'm done. Trust me" I lied and gave out an awkward laugh.

Well I definitely can't tell her what I'm working on. It so embarrassing. She would definitely think I've gone nut.

'oh Mae! It is actually a story of myself. I'm going to write everything about my upcoming sex life. How I loose my virginity to a hot freak because that is what I want. I want my first sex to be very erotic. I don't want a lame dude popping my cherry'

How does that sound?, Gross right?. Right!. So I'm definitely not telling her.

"You're really bad at lying Shannon" she shook her head. Yeah right! I know she ain't buying that lie. She basically knows a lot about me, just like I do. We don't keep things from each other.

"Fine! You got me!. But I'm not telling you anything right now. Maybe later" I said. 'prolly later in the future or never!' I added inwardly. No bad boy will want to have sex with a plain Jane. Huh! So annoying.

"Okay" she smiled. She was about grabbing my hand but someone got into the middle separating us. A not so huge hand flung around my shoulder.

"Hello ladies" A cheerful voice rang into my ears.

Yup! Let me introduce you to my other friend. Rick.

Rick is just like Mae in every aspect, expect he is a boy. He is not very tall, just a few inches taller than I am. He has piercing blue eyes and his skin is very pale. The right color for his eyes. He likes party and loves dressing up like a model. Well, he sure has that body of a hot model. He has an English accent. His mom is from England and his dad is an American. So he got the accent from his mom. He kinda spent half of his life in England.

He is also very brilliant unlike Mae. Well, I don't mean to brag but I'm more better than him. *Winks*

You might probably be wondering why I didn't ask Rick to pop my cherry. Rick is hot! Very hot but sadly this hot boy doesn't really qualify for a bad boy. He doesn't act like one because he is not. Another thing is that, my dear Rick is gay. Yup! He is a boy who likes boys. Such a big waste of that handsome face.

"Rick! Thank God you're here" Mae exclaimed in joy before pulling Rick's hand away from her shoulder.

"Here, help me with my handbag. I'm so tired after the reading session I had with Shannon" she huffed for air like she had just ran a thousand miles.

I rolled my eyes at this. So lazy of her.

"Sure ma'am" Rick smiled and took her pink bag from her.

See?see why I say Rick is not the kind of boy I want. Bad boys don't help people . They don't do nice things to others.

I looked around and saw so many students running ahead of us.

What's going on?.

"Guys hurry up. The game starts within the next fifteen minutes" I heard a girl shrieked to her other friends following her.

"And that's why we need to get to the bleachers as soon as possible. I don't want to sit at the back row" Rick grumbled with a frown plastered on his face. Oh right! We have a match. I totally forgot.

"Why are you all so hyped about this silly match anyway?" I asked.

Rick's eyes that were looking ahead, slowly moved to the corner to look at me. He pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer me. He said,

"Oh hello sweetheart, just because your life is boring doesn't mean others will miss the good things that life has to offer" Mae snorted at his reply while I rolled my eyes. Yeah fuck him!.

"Can't wait to cheer for Gray. I bet he is gonna look so hot today. Have you seen his biceps?" She turned to ask before facing ahead. "Oh my! They are so enchanting" Mae squealed excitedly.

Yeah! She has another new boyfriend now. A guy from chemistry class who plays for the school football team. A guy who goes to the gym a lot. He sure do have great muscles.

"I'm sure Tristan would look hotter" Rick sighed dreamily.

Speak of the devil and my hormones will get electrified.

You might probably be wondering who Tristan is. He is like every girls dream. A guy who my mom will definitely call a delinquent. He is more like the "bad boy next door".

He is just in his senior year but definitely doesn't look like an high school kid. A boy with so many tattoos and piercings and smokes pot, a boy who doesn't give a fuck about the rules, a boy who doesn't chase girls but girls do. What would you call that kind of person? , Definitely a delinquent right?.

That is who you call a bad boy. And FYI, he is the person who my mind won't stop dreaming of, day and night. A person I'm sexually attracted to. The kind of person who I want for my lonely Virginia.

We finally made our way to the bleachers. Students were loud, creating a huge buzz. We made our way from the front and climbed up the stairs, squeezing through the students inorder to get a seat with a nice and clear view and finally we found three empty seats. Though they weren't the centre seats, we could still see the players on the field.

I looked at the space after the front row of the bleachers, where two group of cheerleaders were cheering for the respective teams. One set of girls were dressed in blue, while the other red. The cheerleaders in red were cheering for the Lions which was Tristan's team while the others for the Hawks.

As I continued looking at the girls cheering, my eyes fell on Courtney, a girl who is a total bitch. She generally sleeps with anything that has a crotch. I hate to say this but she is really pretty. Her short reddish brown hair adorned her round baby face and gosh! Have you seen her skin?. They look so artificial, but the fact is that it's not.

Courtney was cheering for the Lions, she was doing a cheer dance along side her team. Her hands were swinging back and forth and so was her mini red skirt. Her tanned legs were out for all hungry eyes to see.

Though she might be a total bitch, I just have to applaud the girl for being able to stretch her body. She was good at it.

The noise from the students got much louder as both teams came out from different sides. My eyes raked the field waiting to feast on the glorious face of Tristan and Viola! he stepped on the field from the right side together with one of his best friend, Simon.

He licked his bottom lip and ran his inked hands through his black hair. This action alone brought butterflies to my tummy. I squeezed my legs together and internally screamed.

'Go Tristan!!'.

"I should have joined the cheer team when the form was out back then. Tsk! now it's too late. I really wanna do a cheer dance for Gray" Mae whined, putting on a sad face.

Mae's so called boyfriend was playing for the Hawks. She is definitely my rival until this match ends.

"Oh Tristan is looking so hot this evening" Rick cooed and hugged himself while moving his body side to side. I frowned and smacked his head.

"Get a grip Rick. You should not be thinking about another boy when you already have one. Have you suddenly lost your interest on Bobby?"

"Tch! Of course I love Bobby but you know sweetheart there is a word my mom use to say. She said and I quote..." He cleared his throat before saying,

"When you see a good thing but can't have it then you use your eyes to get it" he mimicked a lady's voice which I assume should be how his mother sounds. But oh boy! He failed miserably.

I laughed and shook my head before taking my eyes back to the field.

Let the game begin!!!.

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