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Metal hearts

Metal hearts



Different rulers with different interests, but what if these two rulers are fated to be bound together? Luna Mallory, the ruler of the jack claw pack, who despises having a mate, is the only werewolf to be interested in witchcraft. Alpha Luther, the ruler of the Pluto pack, takes delight in killing any species who dares to step foot on his land, especially witches. But what happens when these two finally come together, will one of them be eager to give up their pack and stay with the other or rather be rejected?

Chapter 1 Just a nightmare

Mallory woke up and sat up on her bed in fright, despite her eyes still drowning in sleep she panted hard and a cold sweat broke out from her forehead as she tried to calm herself down.

“It's just a nightmare, it's just a nightmare” she muttered to herself several times.

She turned to check the time on her digital clock, which was sitting on the bedside drawer, hoping that the night will be over.

However, she was overcome by disappointment when she realised that it was remaining four more hours to get to 6:00 am.

She wiped off a tear from the corner of her right eye, she had promised herself that she wouldn't cry because of a nightmare.

This was not the first time that she have had a nightmare like this, it keeps on repeating itself and it haunts her a lot.

She knew the reason why it keeps on happening but she chose to deal with it, she wasn't ready to give it up, not now, not ever.

She got down from her bed and planned on going to the kitchen, she decided to take a glass of milk since it helps to calm her down.

On her way to the kitchen, she walked past her parent's bedroom, she thought that they would be asleep by now but it looks like they were having a heated argument with each other.

Arguing and fighting were the hobbies of the Warwicks, they are the rulers of the jack claw pack.

Looking at these two couples, you might think that they are the perfect power couple, but people are not what they seem.

Mallory stood by the door and pressed her ear against it, she couldn't figure out what they were saying, but hearing her mother cry and argue at the same time broke her heart.

She wanted to defend her, but the last time she broke in and shielded her mum from her dad, she ended up with a minor head injury. Since then, her hatred for her dad increased.

Because of this incident that always happens between her parent, Mallory hated the idea of having a mate, if this is how her life will be after finding her so-called one true love then she rather rule the pack without an alpha.

Mallory always thought that having a mate was the best thing that could ever happen to a teenage wolf, maybe for some, it might be but she never believed that she will be among them.

Mallory couldn't stand the argument anymore, she quickly left that position and headed for the kitchen, once again her eyes filled with tears but was soon wiped away before they poured down.

She opened the fridge and brought out the jar of milk and begin to pour it into a glass cup, she closed her eyes as she slowly drank the glass of milk, while doing so, she instantly saw a flash of her nightmare and she screamed out of shock.

She gasped and held her head tightly, still holding the glass of milk she returned the jar of milk to its position, gulped the whole milk and dropped the glass into the sink.

At this time she was so worried than before, this was the first time that something like this have happen to her.

Although she hadn't told anyone about her dreams, she was afraid that if she do so, her secret will be revealed.

About heading to her room she immediately heard her parent's voices, they were out of their room and they were on their way to the kitchen.

“Darling, are you okay?“

The voice of her mother made Mallory jump in fright, she hadn't expected her to leave her room, Mallory immediately wiped the corner of her mouth where the milk had stained.

“Yes mum, I'm okay what brings you here?“

She gazed at her mum, who was gracefully walking downstairs in her long pink robe with Leonardo walking behind her.

“Well I heard you scream so I went to your room to check on you, but you weren't there. Also, I should be the one to ask you, what are you doing down here?” curiosity filled her toned as she spoke.

“To drink some milk mum.“

“So drinking milk, makes you scream now huh” Leonardo started, as he tightly folded his hairy huge arms across his chest.

Mallory turned her head away and rolled her eyes, she didn't want to speak to her father or look at his face. She so hated her father that she normally thought she needed therapy.

“No it doesn't Mr Warwick, I just saw a rat that's all,” she said through gritted teeth.

“What did you just say?“ He left his position and began to approach Mallory, normally anytime he does this, Mallory will be hesitant and instantly apologise but now she didn't care, she stood there not making a move instead, it was her mum who was doing the begging.

“Mallory apologise now” her mother pleaded

“Why should I, Is it because I didn't call him dad?“ She rolled her eyes at that moment.

“Well, he sees it as an insult”.

At this time Leonardo slightly pushed Rosie away from him, his eyes focused on his daughter who stared back at him, with no emotion written in her eyes.

“Go to your room, Now” his voice echoed throughout the kitchen, his hand pointed towards the door as he spoke.

Mallory didn't waste time fleeing from the kitchen, she had more stuff to worry about than to focus on her parents who fights all the time.

As she was about to enter her room she heard her father's voice from the kitchen, she didn't want to hear what was going on but hearing her name from the conversation that they were having made her curious.

“What have you been telling her,” Leonardo said angrily

“Nothing, I don't tell her anything honey” her voice trembled as she spoke.

“Liar! Just look at what had just happened, Mallory didn't call me dad, and she wouldn't have said that if she knew what was going on between us”

Mallory leaned against the railings, her curiosity knew no bounds, right now she wanted to know what was going on between them.

“ I didn't tell her anything, can't you believe me for once?“

She spoke through teary eyes, her voice cracked at every word spoken.

Mallory felt sad for her mother but she couldn't do anything she always wondered why they argue a lot and for three years she couldn't figure out why.

She finally pushed herself off the railings and went straight to her room.

She got into her pink duvet and let out a yawn before resting her head against the pillow.

She turned, tossed and fluttered her eyelids multiple times before sitting up.

She turned to check her digital clock once more and realise that she has only been in the kitchen for fifteen minutes.

She couldn't sleep.

The milk didn't help.

Even if she did sleep, she will have to encounter the nightmare all over again.

She only had one choice, but she have to make sure that everyone was in their bedroom.

She could no longer hear her parent's voices, meaning that they were already in their bedroom.

She decided to take the risk.

She got down from her bed and locked her room door, just in case. She adjusted her blue nightgown and sighed, she walked towards her bed and knelt at the side of the bed.

She struggled to lift the mattress since it was too heavy. After so many attempts, she finally lifted it in the way she wanted.

With one hand holding up the mattress the other hand kept searching for a book.

“May the moon Goddess forgive me for this” she muttered under her breath.

She pulled out an old brown book from there, the front and back cover of the book was wrinkled but also enough to read through it, a small grin appeared on her face as she eagerly flipped through the pages of the book of spells.

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