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The Billionaire's Queen

The Billionaire's Queen

Agatha Barnes


Isabella is a beautiful young lady who got her heart broken by her ex-boyfriend. She decides to move on with her life but she encountered an arrogant Billionaire, Trevor. Trevor wasn't quick to admit his feelings due to his past but when he realized he was about to lose Isabella to her ex, he was forced to admit his feelings in every possible way to win her back. Will Bella fall in love with Trevor after his rudeness and hatred for her? Let's find out.

Chapter 1 The Date

Bella POV

I looked outside the window to realize the sky has darkened and the storm is here. Thick clouds blotch out the sunset and the smell of rain hung in the air. I looked at the clock for the hundredth time, if I am not mistaken in the last twenty minutes.

I made sure everything around my apartment is spotless and without blemish. I couldn't contain the excitement I felt yet I was nervous and felt unsure deep down. I walked over to the oven to peek at the chicken, making sure they are browning properly, I smiled to myself, this is exactly how Simon likes it, crispy and brownish and I made it a norm each time dinner is at my place, to roast a full chicken and cheese ravioli with mushrooms and marinara to his taste, it makes him happy which in turn, it makes me happy.

This past two months, we've drifted apart, well majorly from his end because I did most of the calling and texting and he made excuses each time I requested a hangout. During the first few days, I wasn't bothered about it. I felt he was busy with work, his family company got a ten billion dollar contract which is a big one for them but we grew distant after that, from days to weeks to months.

I had my friend Cally over at my place to pour out my frustration from the lack of care I was getting from the love of my life.

Cally listened to me, cried with me, hugged me and we bathed together and went to bed. This became a routine for us since Cally stayed for two weeks, and her presence helped me a lot. I knew I could always count on her.

I met Simon three years ago during our college days, I was in my first year in my fashion design degree program at the California Institute of Art. And he was in his final year.

We first met at the parking lot when he almost knocked me down because I couldn't hear the horn, I had my ear pod on, when I felt something hit me slightly, I swiftly turned to a new Porshe 718 Cayman GT4 RS car and I was struck by it. I just stood there admiring the ride and making a mental image of myself in it, it felt like heaven. Oh! That reminds me, I love sports cars a lot.

And then I heard the horn, it was so loud since I was close to the car blaring the sound, that was when I looked into the car, and then I saw him. Immediately he came out of the car and walked up to me.

He was wearing a green button-down shirt with jeans and white canvas, and then I noticed his black shining hair in the sunlight, he looked so good. "Do you have an ear problem?" he asked politely, and all I could do was stare then he waved at me and said "Hello" and then I blinked and murmured "sorry".

He smiled "I could have killed you, you know." I brought out my ear pod and showed it to him

"I'm so sorry about that, I didn't hear you and I don't want to get killed either", I smiled back at him. "Next time, don't have it so loud, huh?" he smiled again and walked back to his car.

"Yeah right, thanks."

I walked to class and throughout that day, thoughts of him kept popping up and I wished we'd come across each other again. Well, heaven wasn't on my side cause that didn't happen.

Skip to 4 months, Cally and I were having lunch at a cafƩ shop close to the college we were attending, when he walked in, I looked up immediately, and our eyes met, it took a few seconds for recognition to flare in his eyes, and that was when a broad smile took over his.

I didn't expect him to remember me and what he did next surprised me, he walked up to me still smiling broadly, and with that, I blushed and I felt a tap from Cally.

"What is it, girl? You're blushing" Cally states.

I looked at her and shifted my head towards his direction as a sign for her to see who was approaching us, she coded immediately and I assumed she already knew who he was because I told her about the strange guy who has enveloped my head with the thoughts of him. I hoped my description of him fits who she is looking at. I felt I got attracted to him because of how polite he was, not like he didn't look so good but that's an added advantage.

"Hi, you remember me right?" He asked, giving me that beautiful smile that hasn't left my head since I first met him.

"Yes", I said. He extended his hand for a handshake which I took. His hands were so soft and welcoming. And my hand felt small and perfect in his which I made a mental note of.

"Simon, Simon Peters," he said still smiling.

"I'm Isabella Dickson, you can call me Bella," I said grinning from ear to ear.

"Huh. Alright. Bella, I'll see you at home" and that was when I remembered that Cally was sitting beside me.

"Oh! Yea, sure" and then I murmured "sorry", she nodded and quickly started packing her stuff

"Simon, this is Cally, Cally this is Simon."

"Nice to meet you, Cally."

"Likewise" Cally said politely "Later guys" and she left.

Simon came over to where Cally had just left and sat down "so, what more can I know about you?"

"Well, that depends on what you want to know"

"Hmm" placing his hands on his jaw as if things were getting interesting "what about everything?"

I looked at him and smiled "That depends."

"What could that be?" he replied smirking which felt odd.

"It depends on how much time you've got."

"That's good, I've got the whole day."

Smiling and shaking my head "That's too bad, I have class in the next, let's say" looking at my watch and up "in the next ten minutes."

"Ouch! When I thought we had the whole day."

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