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The Timid Slave is the Princes' Mate

The Timid Slave is the Princes' Mate

L.A. Osborn


Amelia has been a slave for as long as she can remember. She did not know much about her family history because she was found in the woods when she was a baby. Her small weak frame and timid demeanor makes her perfect for the bulling and abuse that her pack deals her on a regular basis. The worst person though was Alpha Liam. He finds it pleasurable because even though her wolf has yet to come, he knew that she was his mate.“I Liam Richardson Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack here by reject you Amelia Pierce as my Luna and mate. Now get out of my sight you filthy runt.” Will the Moon Goddess bless Amelia with a second chance mate, will she finally get her wolf, and will history come back to haunt her when the truth of who she really is comes light?

Chapter 1 The Rejection

Amelia's PoV:

The room was dark and frigid. That was expected when you lived in a small room with no windows and no source of warmth . The only form of light was the one that was coming from the hallway that lead to the basement in the pack house. A figure stirs and wakes from a dreamless sleep, her dull emerald eyes adjusting to the light. She got up and got dressed in a clean pale dress that looked more like a sack on her small skinny frame. Her other one was dirty and stained with blood from the day before.

It was not new, for most of her life this was a daily routine. She would get up before the sun rises get ready for the day though her body protested in pain. She would quickly make her way to the kitchen and begin to cook breakfast for everyone in the pack house. Usually the Omegas did this work but recently the alpha decided to add this to her daily chores. By the time she was done with breakfast the sun had started to rise and she had to quickly leave the kitchen before the Omegas came in to start serving the food. If she was unlucky she would be hit multiple times by the head Omega until she was out the door of the kitchen. When everyone was in the dinning room for breakfast she would then go to each room of every pack member that and clean and collect the laundry. While most she-wolves in human form were no shorter than five feet five inches she was five feet two inches, which made the shortest and also the runt. This made cleaning very hard and a lot of the time she was hit by one or many people for not doing the best she could. After that she had learned her lesson it took her longer now because she had to use chairs to reach higher areas like the windows. Then she had to go make lunch for the pack and after that she would start cleaning the rest of the room that she could not get to before lunch. Finally she had to take the laundry to the laundry room and then go and make dinner. On special occasions she was to clean the halls and the entrance to the pack house. This norm lasted until the sun goes.

Once dinner was done she had time to go do what ever she wanted but the pack members always had a different idea. They would grab her and take her outside especially when it was cold and rainy. They would push her around and beat her with sticks and rocks until she was left crumpled up on the ground. She would then make her way to the omega bathroom where she was aloud to take a shower once a week to and assess the damage done to her. There were good days were there were hardly any injuries but then then there would be days when she would have a busted lip and swollen eye and other injuries. There was even one time when one of the omegas had caught her in the kitchen when she should have left and took a hot pan and held her hand on there until it blistered.

"Today is a new day." She sighed as she shook her head. The girl walks up the stairs slowly her body protesting as usual. One would think that by now she would have had her first transformation but she was 18 and wolf-less she had not even found her mate yet and she wondered was it because she was the runt. She made her way to the kitchen as she yawned and stretched allowing the last of sleep leave her. The kitchen was one floor above where she slept and the door was right at the top of the steps. The figure made her way into the kitchen and went straight to the refrigerator to grab ingredients for breakfast. There were over a hundred werewolves living in the pack house and yet not all the rooms were filled.

She started by making over two hundred pancakes with caramelized bananas followed by a smoky bacon and cheddar hash with fried eggs. Soon the kitchen started to smell of food and it was making her hungry she would have her bread and water later since she had no time to to waste. She began to chop the basil and the tomatoes for the quiche when a drunken figure walked through the door. The sun had already started to rise by then and the girl cooking froze when she realized who it was. "A....A...Alpha Liam......Breakfast is...is...is......not ready yet." Alpha Liam, who stood a six feet with his short jet black hair and usually brown piercing eyes now bloodshot from drinking too much, stumbled over to the now scared girl. "Amelia I want....hic......you to clean my....hic.....office first. Prince.......hic.....Sebastian from the.....hic......imperial pack.....hic..... is coming here......hic.....tomorrow......hic." He continues to stagger towards Amelia.

Amelia drops the knife and begins to back away until she bumps up against the stove. Liam gets too close and smirks. "You smell nice....hic.....like cinnamon and apples.....hic....." He leans forward to try and kiss her. "A....Al....Alpha, p....please stop." Amelia tries to back away further only have her right hand hit the hot cookware she was using to fry up bacon. She let out a cry of pain which made Liam back up. He shook his head trying to figure out what just happened. He was still drunk but had his bearings now. "Amelia I mean it clean my office when you are done or there will be consequences."

Amelia was holding her hand and shaking. Liam stormed off trying to figure out what just happened. She nodded before she grabbed her knife and winced from the pain. If she tried to take care of her hand now it would put her behind and if she was late then she was for sure going to get punished not only by the omega's but the Alpha as well and that was one thing she did not want today. She finished cooking the food with just a few minutes to spare and tried to leave when she was stopped by one of the Omegas. "I need you to go into the pantry and clean it out now." Amelia shook her head. "What was that?" The Omega grabbed her by the hair. "I...I... can't right now.....The Alpha told......me to clean his.....office." The omega was fuming. "You dare talk back to me slave. Go clean it now." Amelia tried to shake her head no again only to be dragged off into the pantry.

Liam's PoV:

Liam stormed up two flights of stairs to his office which was on the third floor. The Alpha's floor was designated only for him and his future Luna. When he got there he opened it and entered it slamming it shut "What was I thinking she is a slave and I am an Alpha she is not worthy of being our mate does she even know that we are?" He gritted his teeth. "Just because she is a slave does not mean that she can't be a Luna." Ace said in his head. "Shut up Ace. She is a runt and she is two weak. She does not even have her wolf." He banged his hand on his desk.

He sighed rubbing his face there was only one thing to do he was going to have to reject her. " Your an Idiot because of how weak and frail she is this could kill her." Ace was getting upset with Liam. "So what she is a runt and she should have died a long time ago. Most runts don't survive." Liam growled Ace was being a pain and Liam did not need this on top of everything else that was going on. Rouges have been attacking at the border and the Prince was being sent by his father to deal with the situation. He did not like the prince though he has never has never met the man. The rumor was that he was haughty and arrogant and only cared about himself and no one else.

He went to a table in the far corner of the room and picked up a file and went to sit at his desk. He opened it and began to read. An hour later and he looked at the clock on the wall. Amelia was late and Liam was furious. There was soon a knock at the door. "Enter." Amelia came in looking down her long dull brown hair was covering what looked to a black eye. "I am sorry.....I am late....A....Al...Alpha. I was......heading out of......the kitchen when......one of the Omegas.....stopped me a...a...and told.......me to clean the pantry..... I told her I...I...I had to clean your office first......She grabbed me......and took me to the.....pantry and beat me....for talking back.....She then locked....me in until I was done."

Liam looked away her smell was intoxicating. He looked at her hand she still had not cleaned it and looked like she was in a lot of pain. "Clean this place up. I will take my leave. When you you are done find me in my room we need to talk." Liam walks out closing the door. He heads to his room which was right next door to his office. He could still smell her and he gritted his teeth. He kept pacing trying to figure out the right words to say to her.

An hour later and there was a knock on his bedroom door he knew it was her because of her smell. Cinnamon and apples who would not like that as their mates smell. He opened the door and Amelia walked in. "Liam don't do this" Ace said. "If you do then I won't talk to you for a week." Liam shook his head. "Ace the Moon Goddess will bless us with a second chance mate you will see." Ace just curled in to a ball with his back turned in a little corner of Liam's mind.

"You wanted to talk.....to me about....something sir." Liam had his back turned and now face Amelia. "Amelia I don't know if you have noticed a smell coming from me but I have you. We are mates but you are unworthy of being my mate. I could never have a slave for a mate especially a runt. So I Liam Richardson Alpha of the Dark Moon pack here by reject you Amelia Pierce as my Luna and mate. Now get out of my sight you filthy runt." Amelia grabbed her chest and collapsed to her knees. "Did you not here me I said leave go clean the rooms on this floor first. Prince Sebastian is coming and I want his room to be spotless. Oh and don't think you are out of your punishment for being late earlier." Liam turned his back to her.

Amelia stood up here eyes seemed duller. "Yes...Alpha...." She staggered out of the room and began to clean.

Amelia's POV:

The omega threw Amelia into the pantry. She landed on the ground. "This is for talking back to me." The omega woman kicks her in the face hard enough to give her a black eye. "You are not going to come out until you clean this pantry." The door was locked Amelia looked around. What was the women talking about the walk in pantry was well organized already. The every day used dry foods and spices were in the middle shelf on one side of the wall the dry everyday use food products like flour, spices, and all the grains and pastas were in clear jars that were labeled. On the other side on the middle shelf were the wet ingredients like oils, a unopened dressings, and liquids used to season foods. One the top shelves were all the extra bulk storage of snack foods like big bags of chips and cookies. The bottom self had some baking stuff and some of the heavy kitchen appliances that would not fit in the kitchen along with containers with smaller bags of chips and sweets so the pups had easier access to.

Why did she want her to clean it again Amelia literally just did it two days ago and she always made sure everyday that all the containers on the bottom self were restocked for the next day. It was spotless no crumbs no nothing not even a speck of flour could be found on any surface. She was afraid that if she said something again that she would be beaten so she stayed in there for about an hour. Finally the Omega unlocked and opened the door and looked in. "Okay you may go it looks clean." Amelia rushed as quickly as she could up the two flights of stairs to Liam's office.

Amelia knocked on the door looking down. Her dull brown hair fell in front of her face so she could hide the newly acquired black eye. "Enter." Amelia opened the door and walked in. "I am sorry.....I am late....A....Al...Alpha. I was......heading out of......the kitchen when......one of the Omegas.....stopped me a...a...and told.......me to clean the pantry..... I told her I...I...I had to clean your office first......She grabbed me......and took me to the.....pantry and beat me....for talking back.....She then locked....me in until I was done."

When Liam looked away from her she was confused did she do something wrong he always looked straight at her when he was talking to her. When he looked at her hand she clutched it flinching from the pain. It made her feel embarrassed when people stared at her. "Clean this place up. I will take my leave. When you you are done find me in my room we need to talk." Liam walks out closing the door. "Clean this place up. I will take my leave. When you you are done find me in my room we need to talk." Liam walked out closing the door.

Amelia set to work. She picked up the papers that were on the ground near the desk and placed them on top. She then proceeded to dust ever inch of the room. She had to use chairs to reach some of the higher areas like bookshelves. She then began to wipe down all the surfaces from table tops to chairs. Finally she swept and moped the floor. It had taken her about an hour. Her hand was hurting but she pushed past the pain she had to go to see the Alpha.

She Exited the office and walked up to the door. She gently knocked Liam opened the door and she walked in. "You wanted to talk.....to me about....something sir." Liam had his back turned and now face Amelia. "Amelia I don't know if you have noticed a smell coming from me but I have you. We are mates but you are unworthy of being my mate. I could never have a slave for a mate especially a runt. So I Liam Richardson Alpha of the Dark Moon pack here by reject you Amelia Pierce as my Luna and mate. Now get out of my sight you filthy runt." Amelia grabbed her chest and collapsed to her knees. "Did you not here me I said leave go clean the rooms on this floor first. Prince Sebastian is coming and I want his room to be spotless. Oh and don't think you are out of your punishment for being late earlier." Liam turned his back to her.

Amelia struggled to stand up but she did still holding her chest. She walked out and made her way to the room that the Prince and his men would be staying. When she realized that she had to clean ten rooms she knew she was screwed. If each room took her about an hour each she would have no time to do anything else and she would for sure be punished for that as well. This was so not her day. "Better get started." For each room she cleaned just as she did the office but the only difference was she also changed the linen as well. By the time she was finished it was dark and she knew she was going to have to face her punishment sooner or later.

Amelia made her way back to the to the Alpha's office which was on the same floor as the rooms that she had just cleaned. But before she could even knock on the door she was grabbed from behind by two pairs of rough hands. The quickly dragged her down the stairs and outside where pretty much the entire pack was waiting. Was the Alpha really that mad at her that he needed to make a spectacle out of her? Out of the corner of her eye, as she was lead to the front of the crowd she saw a pair of sapphire eyes which quickly disappeared into the forest that surrounded the pack house.

"Amelia because you were late in both cleaning my office and not being able to do the rest of your after you finished clean the rooms for the guests, you will receive fifty lashes with a whip. Chain her up." The two warriors did as they were told and chained Amelia to a post her back towards the Alpha. "If you try to to talk back at all or scream I will just add ten lashes very time you do." Her dress from the back was ripped open to expose pale skin that had healing cuts from a previous lashing she had received. The crowd cheered as the Alpha handed the whip to one of his warriors.

The warrior swung the whip and it connected with skin tearing it and making her back bleed. Amelia bit her lip to hold back from crying out. The crowd cheered and the warrior landed another blow making Amelia jerk in pain. The crowd counted as the whip continued to land blow after blow on her back. When they finally hit fifty most of old wounds had reopened and blood was flowing freely down her back. A warrior came and unchained her allowing Amelia to collapse to the ground. "This better not happen again or there will be an even worse consequences then this do you understand me." Liam said. Amidst the pain Amelia was able to nod.

The crowd dispersed and everyone either went back inside or to their own homes that were near the pack house. This left Amelia alone. She tried to stand up but due to the pain she collapsed. She continued this process until she finally got her footing. This took her a little more than twenty minutes to do so. She made her way back into the pack house and down to her room in the basement not once noticing that the Sapphire eyes from the forest earlier were back and watching her every painstaking movement until she went inside. A growl came from the spot were the eyes were and then they once again they disappeared.

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