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Unforgattable Night

Unforgattable Night



The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Chapter 1 Return

The two women walked in hastily, they didn't want to miss the perfect moment to see everything. Especially one of them, the girl was so excited even though her feet that were wearing heels hurt.

"Come on, Emily!"

"Rose, be patient. Look at the heel of your foot, it hurts!"

Rosela didn't care, the woman didn't have time to pay attention to her sore heel. "Forget about that, we'll miss the moment."

Rosela and Emily immediately barged into a hotel. Rosela furiously confronted her boyfriend who was having sex with another woman.

"You don't know yourself! You've been living with me all this time, and now you're having an affair?"

The man, who is now naked with his mistress, tries to cover himself from his lover's blows.

"Sorry Honey... I can explain."

"There's nothing more for you to explain. Get out of my life!"

Rosela still tries to throw punches at her lover and also the woman who is now hiding behind Steven's body—Rosela's lover.

Emily felt dejavu. A similar incident had happened 3 years ago. The difference was that it was Rosela, who helped her deal with her treacherous lover. Who would have thought that now the roles are reversed? Men can't be trusted—she thought.

"Damn it!" she yelled as she threw Steven's and the girl's clothes out the window.

Emily pulled Rosela away, she knew the pain of being betrayed, so there was no gain in continuing to see a sight that damaged the eyes and soul.

The woman sat limply on the shoulder of the road. "Even though I've tried to be the best for Steven."

"Now, don't mind a trash man like him."

Rosela stared intently at the car. She tried to get up to approach the car, but her body swayed.

"Where are you going, Rose?" she asked.

"I have to teach Steven a lesson, Emily. That car … belongs to Steven," she answered, pointing to the car in the parking row.

"Just let me, you wait here. Which car?"

"The black one ..."

"The left or the right one?"

Rosela focused her gaze. "Right ...."

Emily rushed to the car that Rosela pointed to earlier. There was a trash can not far from where the car was. Emily immediately grabbed it and threw all of its contents onto the car. It wasn't enough. She broke the glass and several parts of the car using a stone that happened to be nearby.

"Good," she muttered. "That bastard seems like he deserves to be punished."

As she was about to leave, suddenly someone got out of the car she had soiled earlier. "Hey ... crazy girl!" who is the man who was now staring at her sharply. "Remember me… or perhaps, my body?"

She was wide-eyed. Even though three years had passed, the man's face he could never forget. He was Jonathan Oliver, the man she had wanted to forget since that night.

Jonathan pulled his hand suddenly, then forced her to sit in the car. "Hey, it's a kidnapping!"

"I see ... then, what you did to me that night, what can I call rape, is that it?" he taunted.

Emily was speechless. Why is tonight so unlucky? She thought. Even though he had buried those dark memories deep inside, he had to meet her again.

"Wait. My friends are out there!"

"Shut up!" He turned to his men. "Rion, tell someone to take her friend home," he ordered someone who was in the driver's seat.

"Yes, sir."

The man named Rion directly contacted someone via phone call. Not long after, Emily saw someone getting Rosela into another car.

"Please give me some time to talk to my friend. She must be really worried."

"No," he said firmly as he unbuttoned his shirt.


"Shut up and just go with me."

Emily looked at her friend who was trying to catch up with difficulty. Once again, she repeated the mistake of the same person.

"Take us to KingRoad Hotel. Book room 303. Make sure you get that room."

"Yes sir."

Emily gasped, it was the exact same room where they had a fiery one-night stand. "W-what do you want?!"

Jonathan took Emily's lips, then caressed them gently. "Isn't it obvious ... so what else?"

"I'm sorry, that night was just a mistake."

he chuckled. "Tch! Mistake do you say? I don't care, you enjoy it anyway, right?"

The man pressed his body against Emily even more, making it difficult for her to move. Roughly he bit her lips so Emily could hardly breathe.

Emily shuddered. No wonder she is known as a crazy maniac in this country—she thought.


"Get down," he ordered when he arrived in front of the hotel.

Emily didn't budge, she remained silent as she thought of a way to escape.

"Are you deaf? Get down! " he repeated.

"Who are you to order me like that?!" asked Emily, annoyed.

"Get down! Or I will carry you!" he threatened.

Emily was forced to get out of the car, hoping she could immediately run when the opportunity arose. However, Jonathan's assistant—Rion, was already in front of him.

"Shit," she cursed.

"Don't think you can run away again."

"Let's finish it here, then let it pass," he said.

"If I refuse?"

Emily tried to rack her brain, she saw from the opposite direction there was a group of people who were gathering.

"I will scream!" she threatened.

"Do you think they will help after seeing my aides?" he teased.

Emily swallowed dry saliva. After all, Jonathan's aides were no match for this group of youths.

"Looks like you really like playing with your patience." Without warning, Jonathan took Emily by force, even though Emily continued to fight back, it was all in vain.

Jonathan took Emily to the room where she witnessed the mall incident. Even though Emily tried to escape, who could match the strength of a young and dashing man like Jonathan?

Jonathan immediately pushed Emily into the room.

"Rion, you go," he ordered.

"Yes sir."

"Make sure the woman comes home safely."

"Yes sir."

Rion walked away, now there were only those two people in the room, which suddenly felt hot for Emily.

"I-I already apologized, please don't be childish!"

Jonathan only smiled faintly as he opened the suit that was attached to his body.

"Hey, what do you want to undress?!" screamed Emily as she ran toward the door. However, unfortunately, the action had to stop when Jonathan managed to pull his body and throw him on the bed.

"You crazy maniac!" she shouted as she tried to get up.

Jonathan immediately pressed down on her body so that Emily could not move again. With only one hand he managed to lock Emily's hands.

"Who is more maniac, you ... or me?" he asked with a sharp look.

"I didn't do it on purpose, really ..."

"Still, you're too much. So you have to pay properly. Do you think your money can buy my body, huh?"

It felt like it was very difficult for Emily to breathe at this time, her whole body was difficult to move because it was locked in Jonathan's stout body.

The smell of the man's body is still the same even though it's been a year, it feels as if it's intoxicating—he thought.

"Then how much do you want me to pay? It's useless, you asked the wrong person for money!"

Jonathan brought his face closer, even now Emily could feel his breath. "Do you think I'm that poor to ask for your money?"

"Then what do you want? After all, I am the biggest loser," he said vehemently.

"Why do you feel the most disadvantaged?"

"Because of the incident that night, I lost my virginity!"

"Aren't you the one who came to me alone?" he asked sarcastically.

Emily was speechless, what Jonathan said was true.

Jonathan grinned. "The smell of alcohol, apparently you really like to do it drunk."

Emily's face reddened, she was embarrassed not to play. Who knew if Jonathan would meet again—he thought.

"Let go or will I scream for help?!"

Jonathan chuckled. "Go ahead, it might be fun too if lots of people watched it live."

Emily glared. "You are crazy!"

"Be my woman, you must be responsible for what happened that night."

"Are you out of your mind already? It's easy to rule people who are already powerless."

"You're asking for forgiveness, Lady. You should have listened to what I said that night when I asked you to leave."

Jonathan drew his lips closer to Emily's, but he immediately turned his gaze in another direction so that their lips would not meet.

"Let me go"

Without paying any heed to Emily, who kept struggling, Jonathan immediately kissed her fiercely. Emily even had difficulty breathing.

Emily tried with all her might to escape. However, the man was getting wilder. Not to mention, the influence of alcohol made him lose half of his energy.

"You still smell the same," he whispered as he continued to kiss Emily's nape.

Emily cursed herself inwardly. The influence of alcohol made him helpless. Instead of wanting to refuse Jonathan's advances, she began to enjoy the kisses and touches given by the man. Her body seemed to want more.

Every touch that Jonathan gave seemed to bewitch her, now she even enjoyed Jonathan's treatment of her.

Emily sucks—she cursed herself.

Without Emily knowing it, now her body was almost exposed because some of the buttons on her shirt had been opened freely.

"You have to pay for what you received from me," Jonathan whispered as he took off his shirt.

Finally, that night, Emily fell again in the arms of the man she wanted to forget. It's funny, they always meet because of a silly mistake—she thought.

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