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Time for a story

Time for a story

Itz Lisa


I told you to stay in your room what are you doing here? my stepmother asked me why do you tolerate this shit if I were you I would show her her place. Easy for you to say I said join Lina in her world full of problems

Chapter 1 Again !

The Moon was shining and heavy footsteps could be heard. The streets were empty and no soul could be seen. Not so far away a woman was seen running across the empty streets. A man all in black walking closely after her. His knife shining in the moonlight. The woman came across an empty alley which soon ended she turned around and saw the man coming near. Please don't come near she screamed. The man was about to stab her when......

Aish Again!!! lina said while heavily breathing .Again this horrible dream she thought sighing as she got up from her bed, it was still dark. She wanted to drink some water Aish, sighing again as she took the empty water bottle. Seems i have to go get some water with that she left the room, while walking along the corridor she saw her father in his room he was talking to someone as she got closer she saw that this someone was no other than her stepmother .She wanted to go to her father but she couldn't why? she had her reason. Shaking her head she walked pass their room not noticing someone was looking at her.

hi! I hope you like the story i am sorry if this has some grammatical issues as english is not my first language. Feel free to give your opinion bye.

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