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Love at your own risk

Love at your own risk

Bleeva W


"As my client, you need to be well-rounded because you are such a mess" "I prefer being sharp-edged and I'm not a hot mess, I'm a spicy disaster." ___ Ruelle Kye is a crazy psychopath who doesn't even know she is dangerous. She has a sweet innocent aura that would make you mistake NYC's greatest serial killer for a young college heartthrob. O.P. Kayson is the heir to a billionaire family but he is on a self-discovery journey and he decided to hold off the thought of being CEO for a year and follow his dream of being a psychiatrist. Kayson has dealt with several crazy clients but when Ruelle came calling at his office as his next patient, he is left tiptoeing carefully around the maniac who has the delicate looks of an angel and whose mind worked like the machination of the devil. Ruelle keeps Kayson anxious, curious, and wanting more. Kayson leaves Ruelle battling with a silly crush for him whilst trying to be a better person. The thought of what Kayson's blood might taste like haunts Ruelle's devious mind but she also wants him very much alive. There is an attraction between them even though they are polar opposites. Ruelle is torn between hacking Kayson's heart with an axe or nurturing her heart that keeps skipping a beat anytime she comes across him.

Chapter 1 1

Ruelle Kye brushed the tip of a fireman axe with her fingers as she looked at the man before her shiver in fear. Ruelle let out a laugh that rang through the entire house, her wish was finally coming true, and she just couldn't wait any longer to taste the sickening blood that ran in this man's veins.

"Ruelle, please, we can talk about..."

"Talk?" She let out yet another laugh that could send shivers into anyone's veins before she got down on one knee with a frown. "... When I asked to talk, what did you tell me?" She questioned, but there was no response, and she slapped him across the face. "... What did you tell me?" She questioned again with traces of anger in her voice.

"I... I said I didn't have time."

"Good! Well unfortunately I don't have that time either" she swung the axe and smashed the head of the man who birthed her. "... Bye bye daddy, yum! Your blood does taste good, but unfortunately, you aren't here to taste it for yourself." She dropped the axe and walked downstairs with tears rolling down her cheeks.

She looked at the family portrait that was hanged on the wall by her mother last week, and she let out a scream while howling in tears, minutes later the front door flew open and her mother walked in with a happy smile but soon enough it was replaced with a frown upon seeing her daughter crying on the door with bloody hands.

"Ruelle?" Her mother called her, and she immediately raised her head up to look at her. "... Ruelle what happened? Why are you so..." Trisha trailed off as Ruelle jumped on her.

She ignored the stench of blood that she perceived from her and comforted her. Something happened, she knew that too well, but the fact that she couldn't see her husband anywhere scared her more.

"Ruelle, you need to tell mummy what happened, ok?" Ruelle pulled away before wiping the tears in her eyes.

"I got home earlier from college today and I saw..." She trailed off as she coughed out. "... I... I saw daddy covered in blood, he is dead mum, he is gone." she cried and Trisha was sent into a state of shock.

Trisha stood up from the floor, not believing what her daughter was saying, it just couldn't be happening. She immediately ran upstairs, and the pool of blood that covered the entire area made her heart beat increase.

She looked up ahead and saw the body of the man she loved with an axe on it. Trisha took a few steps back and bumped into her daughter, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs, but Ruelle held her mother still for she knew the pain she felt was nothing compared to hers.

"Mum, come please." She urged her mother and they both walked downstairs.

Completely ignoring the fact that the couch was covered in a white soft fabric Ruelle made her mother sit which caused an amount of red stain on the couch, Ruelle gave her mother a glass of water to reduce the possibility of her getting a heart attack.

"Calm down mum please, don't... Don't worry I'll call the police, and they will do something ok? Sit... Sit down here, please." Ruelle wiped the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes as she reached for her phone on the dining table.

She was confused and worried about the fact that her siblings were coming back very soon, and they just couldn't see this, but what exactly could she do in this situation.

"Hello... Hello 911?" She questioned in panic, for she wasn't really hearing anything from the other side of the phone. "... Hello?"

"Sorry about that, how many we..."

"My father just died, there's an axe on his head and my mother is close to having a panic attack!"

"Where do you live? And what's your name?"

"Kye's Residence, Fifth Avenue, My name is Ruelle."

"Calm down, Ruelle, we are coming, but keep trying to calm your mother down..." Ruelle hung up, not wanting to hear anything that the woman had to say anymore.

She looked at her mother sitting down on the couch, rocking back and forth, and wondered what her blood would taste like. Tilting her head left and right she picked a cable that laid on the table and walked towards her mother, but the sound of the siren outside the house caught her attention and she dropped the cable.

The door immediately flew open and the cops alongside a few nurses walked in, which made her take a step backwards in fear.

"We hurt you." They tried assuring her as they took her mother who had passed out to the ambulance and her father's dead body while the police began looking around for the slightest evidence they could get.

Ruelle grabbed the hands of the police officer in front of her, and she was taken to a different car from her parents. Though her eyes were puffy as hell, they held no emotion which made the officer confused, for any child will be ranting about how much they wanted to go to their parents, but Ruelle seemed like she was taken away from reality.

"Ruelle?" She turned to look at the officer with a sicken smile on her face.

"Yes?" The officer looked at her trembling hands, but she slapped her hands away. "... Your hands are filthy, don't touch me." The officer was confused as to how extremely calm she was in the situation.

"Is she ok?" Officer Tony asked from behind the wheels as he took a turn towards the hospital that her parents were being taken to.

"I can't tell if she's in a state of..."

"What does blood taste like?" Ruelle asked while reaching for something in her boot.

"I think she's... She's the killer." the officer said in panic as she saw Ruelle pull a pair of shears out.

"I am not a killer..." She said with her voice filled with innocence and her eyes a bit teary. "... I just wanted to know what daddy's blood was like, I'll love to taste yours."

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