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Suductive mobster

Suductive mobster

mary leterman


Billionaire Rômulo Montenegro was looking for out -of-the-ordinary experiences, promoting the Festa da Luxúria with discretion and secrecy, in a penthouse in Dualópis. Patrícia Teixeira was willing to do anything to pay the overdue bills, including going to an exclusive party for adults. She accepted her friend's offer and would receive a generous sum for her presence. Although participation in the dynamics was not mandatory, she was a virgin in the midst of fetish and shamelessness. In order not to be noticed, Patricia took refuge in the only forbidden place on the roof: the balcony. She realized, too late, that she wasn't alone. Seductive and mysterious, the man wanted to know a little more about the one that didn't follow the pattern. Then he kissed her. She ran away scared. It took a few minutes for the two to connect. Romulo wanted her to be the protagonist of his fetish. Patricia was shy and was learning to free herself from old beliefs. Desire spoke louder, sensations silenced opposing arguments and love, the one that no one expected, was ready to take action.

Chapter 1 Job

Pride could make you act in the worst ways. I

needed money and my friend, who was also a neighbor, gave me an alternative. It was my choice, I could have refused,

but the three months of rent arrears, in addition to the power outage, made me react.

I didn't think or do the risk analysis. I accepted.

"It's like you're going to the slaughterhouse." It's just a party, Patricia.

— You are used to these freedoms and

modernities. You know I have many years of therapy to do and get rid of old concepts.

"You're not wearing those panties." ’ She opened my drawer and I tried not to freak out about someone going through my

personal stuff.

We were in my room, in the kitchenette that I lived in next to hers. Simone was a big woman, who wasn't shy about

wearing cleavage, showing off her bra and tight pants, highlighting her thong.

I was the opposite of her, I hated anything that bothered me, especially a cloth folded around my ass.

My mother's words echoed in my mind and I

pushed them away, but they had force. Never sit on a toilet that doesn't

belong to your house, don't share underwear, women have to

remain chaste until marriage.

Even after her departure and how much I suffered to leave

the farm and come to live in one of the nearby cities, with job opportunities, I felt her present in my life.

Living with Simone made me a little malleable.

At frst, I believed she was a high-end prostitute. As she

was extroverted and communicative, I couldn't let it go unnoticed and we

talked. The friendship was strengthened when she tasted

my food and praised my culinary skills.

At least I was good at something. My dream of

being a diplomat seemed distant, but if it didn't work out, I would

become her cleaning lady.

The restaurant where I worked closed, the bakery where I

did a side job dismissed me and only the elderly lady, who lived

in front of the kitchenette, called me once a week to do

her grocery shopping.

I never thought that a person could go bankrupt. It was my case

and I was getting desperate. My frst experience

living alone and walking my path without

anyone's help... I failed.

"I'm not wearing any of your panties, Simone," I muttered

when I saw my friend leave the room and the kitchenette. “My God,

it's not right.

— It's wrong for you to give up your dreams because of

underwear. “She came back with two black and purple bags. The sun

was going down and I would need to turn on the fashlight on my cell phone, which

was plugged into an extension cord at her house. —

I got it from my daddy and I haven't used it yet. It's washed and you can

keep it as a souvenir.

“It's so weird you call him that. Why not

just boyfriend? Groom?

“Because he pays me and I'm still free. - She held out the

bags and smiled contentedly. — I like my life, the luxury with it

and the simplicity of my singing. I'm not made for

traditional relationships, everything is very well stipulated in the contract.

— You have a good heart, you deserved a rich husband.

“I'm the rich one. She winked and shook what she

had in her hands in front of me. — Old concept, Patricia. Nothing

against happy families, with children and tradition. I was cut out to

escape what is common sense.

"Another limiting belief?" I made a face and took

the bags from her hand.

— Let's just say that's not the focus anymore. Swap rich husband

for being happy. Just that.

“How can I be happy if I'm going to be evicted for not paying

back rent? I need to study and I'm going to a party

that has whoring. What if—”

“No one is going to disrespect you, and I told you about the hiding place,

on the balcony. She walked over and held my shoulders

tenderly. — With so many people in the middle, wanting to be better than the

other, you're going to pass. Punch the clock, stay until three in the morning

and get paid.

"What if someone wants something?"

- Friend, dull as you like to be...

Her words died as soon as the pain came and should

have been clear in my eyes. I took a step back and went to the

bathroom, I had to shower, dry my hair with the

portable device connected to Simone's extension cord, and put on makeup

that would make me at least a little pretty.

“Damn it, Patricia, that's not what I meant.

“I know, it's still true. The darker I am, the

less people notice me and I won't have to lose my virginity to

anyone to get paid.

The subliminal message was in the air, I wanted to hurt her as much

as she did. It's okay that Simone was just using

my words against me, but not being noticed only contributed to

my desperation to go back to the farm and take the job as

cook for the farmhands. My sister was happy to continue the family legacy

, I invoked with the post of diplomat and would achieve.

At least I would try.

Tears fowed as the shower bathed me.

I fnished quickly, then dried my hair and fnally faced the

lingerie that my friend would lend me. Not just underwear,

but a black lace dress, with varying levels of ft to her


I had too much boobs and hips, while she looked like a

social media model, all in the right spot but no

image editing. Always at the gym and with an active sex life, the only

physical activity I did was walking to the bus stop

and going to the university.

I took the panties and didn't check them in detail, I just

put them on. I adjusted the lace on the butt, the seam on the lumbar lowered.

I straightened it up, it was between my buttocks.

Heavens, I didn't want to feel like a whore. Simone

wasn't one, so she had to take a deep breath and think about freedom. I

was Patrícia Teixeira, I was twenty-one years old and would be a diplomat.

I would get to know countries, I would live by dialoguing and being tolerant, for the sake of


I was breathing slowly and putting the clothes on. I didn't

have a bra, the dress ft my body and I felt

too daring. When I faced myself in the mirror, I controlled the urge to take

everything off and abort that mission.

— Patricia! Simone knocked on the door and her voice was


I opened it and just poked my head out,

apologizing with a look. She didn't seem hurt, she was more

anxious than offended by my words.

- I'm almost fnishing.

"You're already dressed and you look beautiful." Even the hair is


“I want to go unnoticed, Simone. You're right.

“One thing is for sure, women dress for other

women. Despite loving to escape the standard, in this regard, I'm

from the old concepts team. But you... your natural beauty is for


'I'm feeling… isn't it too tight?' I

pushed open the door and showed myself to her.

I didn't want to be fooled by his glittering gaze and

satisfed scrutiny. She clapped her hands excitedly and walked over, adjusting the hem

of her dress. Then she played with my hair, analyzing what could

be done.

— If every time I call you dull, you shut me up

with that glare, I'll use reverse psychology and always talk.

"Then I'm going to change clothes." I was upset, but it's what

I need right now.

— If someone asks you to have sex, just say no. She touched

my face and softened the smile. — But I recommend you observe and

naturalize sex. It's good, Patricia.

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