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One Hundred Days' Sweet Battle

One Hundred Days' Sweet Battle

Shi Yingying


In a conspiracy, she was reduced to sleep with a man, and her fiance refused to marry her on the spot. She became the biggest laughingstock in the upper class. Disdaining to explain, she left. Six years later, she returned with a genius son. In front of people, he was the decisive chairman of his business empire, indifferent and proud. Behind the public, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was bossy, arrogant and enthusiastic. In front of his beloved woman, he only had one thought—to love her, endlessly! "Whoever makes my wife unhappy, I will make his whole family unhappy." Helian Zhaoting said coldly.

Chapter 1 The Scandal

There was a gleam of light on the horizon, and a red sun was eager to make a naughty leap, breaking out of the shackles, and brightening the sky little by little.

The morning light came in through the curtains, and shone on the men and women who slept on the big bed, leaving the room full of ambiguous atmosphere.

The man's eyelids moved, his eyes opened, and he stared blankly at the ceiling. The weight on his arms reminded him of something unusual. He looked down and saw a woman who wore a mask of Venus with eyes closed, sleeping soundly in his arms.

The memory of last night surged in like a tide. The annual masquerade was the biggest event in the city. The elites from all walks of life gathered together and wore masks all night to flirt with each other, and sometimes it can make several real couples.

Helian Zhaoting has no affection for such occasions, but he was brought over by a friend and it was hard to decline. The atmosphere was too romantic. He didn't know why ...

His brow frowned, and he pushed the woman in his arms decisively, got out of bed and got dressed. His eyes fell on the white sheets, on which a blot of redness was like a red plum in the snow, beautiful and tortuous.

Helian Zhaoting raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, took a check from his wallet and put it on the pillow.

After taking two steps, Helian Zhaoting turned around and walked to the bed. His slender hand stretched out, landed on the mask, paused for two seconds, but then he gave up, laughed slightly at himself.

Whoever she was had nothing to do with him!

He walked out quietly. The number board 609 on the door was dim as if it had something to say.

After a while, the woman on the bed rolled over, and the white sheets fell on the ground, exposing her soft skin which liked white lambs, but what were particularly striking were the blue and purple marks on it.

When the skin came into contact with the cold air, she shivered, hummed and opened her eyes. Where was this?

The pain in her body caused Wen Zixun to frown slightly."Is this a hotel? Is it the room that Cai'er ordered for her?

Wen Zixun only remembered that she drank a cup of cocktail given by Cai'er ... The memory after that was very vague ... and she only remembered it was so hot that she sticked to a man closely...

"A man?" Her face changed drastically and sat up immediately. Her body was painful and sore, as if her had been run over by a tank.

Wen Zixun looked at her own body, can't help but feel dumbfounded, and the bruises spread over every inch of skin, shocking.

Her face was completely pale. She couldn't believe it, her lips shivering, and tears oozed all of a sudden. Oh dear, what happened?

Last night she voluntarily came to find her fiance Teng Tianyang to beg for peace. The two had been seething for more than half a month, and she couldn't hold on any longer.

She really loved Teng Tianyang very much!

The two were the children of celebrities in the city. They had known each other since childhood. They began to date with each other at the university, and were engaged in junior year. They waited for her graduation to hold wedding.

Something happened recently. The two quarreled. After a long cold war, she had already regretted seething. She came to the masquerade at the suggestion of her girlfriend. Because the Teng family was the initiator and organizer of the masquerade, as the only son of the Teng family, Teng Tianyang would definitely attend!

Her mind was blank, and she was trembling all the time. Even though she had no knowledge about the sex thing, she knew what had happened last night.

No! No! No!

She turned around and saw the check, one million?

As if there was a heavy hammer slamming her head, she felt dizzy and can't see clearly. She totally collapsed.

She shook her hands to get dressed, dragged off the mask, held it in her hand, and rushed out in complete chaos. Her heart fluttering, and she felt extremely cold.

She was so disheartened that she walked around with no direction. After several turns, she found the elevator.

A group of reporters got out of nowhere and surrounded her with numerous cameras and voice tubes.

Questions bombarded, "Miss Wen, I heard that you opened a room with someone last night. Do you tell us who's that?"

"Miss Wen, you have always shown people in the image of a good girl. The public image was perfect. I never thought you were this kind of person."

"Miss Wen, you have a fiance. How could you be two-timing? Have you ever thought about Teng's feeling?"

"What great dissatisfaction are you with Mr. Teng, such a great man?"

Some people directly scolded her, " such a bitch, Wen's family education is too bad."

"How many times have you done this? Isn't it particularly exciting to have affairs?"

Those words were unpleasant to hear, like thousands of sharp arrows piercing Wen Zixun's heart, almost making her shedding blood. She desperately shook her head, "no, I didn't."

She was disheveled, and her cheeky blush remained. This image fell in the eyes of others telling them that something did happen.

A female journalist rushed over and skillfully lifted Wen Zixun's collar to reveal those hints.

The audience was all excited like boiling water.

"You didn't have affairs? What is this?"

They quickly take photos. Wen Zixun was ashamed. She covered his face and screamed in panic. "Don't take pictures, don't take pictures."

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One Hundred Days' Sweet Battle