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My Bitter Love with Mr. CEO

My Bitter Love with Mr. CEO

He Ling


A dispute sent her into prison and she was pregnant at the time. Six years later, she lived poorly with two children, while he was the highest-ranking president of Gu Group. He said that she loved money more than life, and she was just a skinny ugly girl whom he had no interest in at all. But when she was about to marry someone else, the man, who claimed that he was not interested in her, said, "Woman, I advise you to behave yourself. I won’t let you marry others."

Chapter 1 Rebirth

With the soft autumn breeze of October, the sun shone brightly on the metal plaque beside the prison gate.

The heavy iron gate slowly opened. She Yining walked out with two children carrying a bag on her back. Standing in front of the prison gate, watching the blue sky, inhaling this free air, she gently breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally come out."

"Yining, after going out, live well with the two children." The Warden Jiang Qiu gently fondled the two children's heads. "Tian En, Tian Ci, listen to your mother obediently, Okay?"

"Warden Jiang, thank you for your care for all these years. Please accept my kowtow..." He Yining was to kneel down, and the two little guys around her were both to kneel down.

Jiang Qiu quickly stopped He Yining, "What are you doing? I am still the godmother of Tian En and Tian Ci."

He Yining nodded. "Warden Jiang, thank you very much. If you are in any trouble in the future, I will try my best to help you out." Watching her heroic expression, Jiang Qiu couldn't help laughing, "Well, it's time for you to go now. Remember not to look back. It's unlucky, Okay?"

Tian En kissed Jiang Qiu gently on her face. Due to the poor conditions and that He Yining didn't expect that she was pregnant with twins, Tian En was much more fargile than Tian Ci from birth. Until now, she still couldn't speak yet.

After saying goodbye to Jiang Qiu, He Yining pulled the two children and walked out step by step. How long it is since she last met the outside world!

She was originally sentenced to six years in prison, but was released six months earlier because of her two major achievements.

After walking for about 20 minutes, they finally reached the main road. However, no one was willing to stop for them. People waiting here were mostly from the prison. The drivers felt them unlucky; all were unwilling to carry them.

"Baby, I'm sorry that we may still have to walk for a while..." He Yining looked at Tian En. Although it was already autumn, but the weather was still a bit hot. She bent down and backed up Tian En, with the other hand holding Tian Ci.

For the first time, the two guys saw the scenery outside of the prison; they felt novel about everything outside.

After several turns, she finally found the bus station. After more than five years, A City had changed a lot, but she still remembered the way home.

There were few people on the bus. But when they got in, the people around them couldn't help covering their noses, so He Yining had to carry the two guys to the last row. Holding their hands in her hands, she vowed secretly in her heart that she was bound to let them live a good life.

She never thought that her children would be born in prison and had to follow her going through hardships since birth. At the same time, she also believed that her babies would be the most strong-minded children.

"Mom, I will take care of you and sister in the future. You can rest assured..." Tian Ci looked like a little grown-up. Probably due to environmental reasons, Tian Ci seemed to be very precocious. He was really smart at his young age, as if he was not a five-year-old child.

Tian En looked through the bus window; the various pedestrians, the high-rise buildings towering into the clouds, and the flowers and plants in the city, all made her excited. Although she couldn't speak, the two shallow dimples on the corners of her mouth revealed her excitement.

He Yining fell into meditation; why haven't her parents come to see her in prison all these years?

For more than five years, she had been thinking about them all the time. Fortunately, she insisted on delivering the two children at that time. With these two children, she had the courage to go through the five years in prison.

After two bus transfers, they finally returned to the home before He Yining was in prison. It was a small three-story house with a small yard outside. This house was designed by her father and the flowers and plants were planted by her mother, which were even lusher now. Here, she and Yiheng had many good memories.

"Mom, is this our home?" Tian Ci looked at this beautiful house and couldn't help asking Yining.

He Yining didn't know if her parents were still here. If they were still in A City, it would be impossible for them to have never come to see her in these years.

"Son, stand here and look after your sister. I am going in and take a look." Yining put Tian En down, pulled them to the side of the yard, and went in by herself.

Back here again, mixed feelings rushed up her mind. The peach tree was planted by her six years ago, which she hadn't expect to have grown so big now. The swing next to it was still there as if the girl who used to sit on the swing had never left.

She exhaled deeply and pressed the doorbell. After a while, someone came to open the door looking He Yining up and down with her brows frowned slightly and saying impatiently, "Who are you looking for?"

Looking at the man in front of her, she knew that her parents must have moved away. But she was unwilling to give up, "Do you know He Anguo who lived here before?"

"I don't know. You came to the wrong place. Go somewhere else for begging..."

With a slam, the door closed. Not even giving her the chance to say one more word, he shut her out and avoided her as if she was a plague. If she were the He Yining years ago, she wouldn't have born to be treated this way. But all these years of prison life have worn away all her pride.

Where on earth did her parents and Yiheng go? Why didn't they come to see her all these years? With so many debts that year, the house had presumably been sold. What happened after she went to jail?

"Mom, are Grandpa and Grandma still here?" Tian Ci held Tian En's hand and came over, asking carefully.

"Son, I'm sorry, Grandpa may have moved to another place. Let's leave..." For the two children, He Yining was filled with guilt.

He Yining couldn't help looking back; it used to be her happiest paradise, goodbye.

She was unwilling to give up like this, and she did not believe that parents would be so cruel, something must have happened that they could not come to see her. Therefore, she took her two children to Aunt Wen Ruli's home.

However, before entering the door, she heard a quarrel from a distance, as well as the sound of breaking things. It seemed that the world was turned upside down, so He Yining had to stop her steps.

Having seen more fightings in prison, Tian Ci and Tian En were very calm and stood beside He Yining.

After about ten minutes, the battle finally stopped. Fearing that the two children would be hurt, she let them stand aside and knocked on the door by herself.

"Who is it?" Wen Ruli, in a bad mood, was more furious hearing the door knock.

"Aunt..." He Yining responded in a low voice. Wen Ruli now was completely different from the aunt in her memory. It seemed that they hadn't lived well in these years.

Wen Ruli raised her brows and froze for a while, saying, "Yining? Haven't you been sentenced to six years? Why did you come out?"

"You bitch, give me the money! Otherwise I'll break your leg..." A vase was thrown over. Fortunately, He Yining dodged quickly thanks to the training in prison over these years. He Yining was quite experienced in this situation, getting more and more agile.

Wen Ruli couldn't help crying and pushed He Yining away. "It is your fault. If it wasn't your father, how would our family become like this now?" Ma Dachao used to led a wealthy life depending on her family. However, since the He family's defeat, Ma Dachao had slowly become addicted to drugs.

How could she blame Dad? When her home was glamorous, they had benefited a lot from them. Well, in that case, it would have been nice not to add insult to injury.

"Auntie, I just want to ask, do you know where my parents have moved?"

"It's you, Yining, do you have any money? Give me some to save my life." Ma Dachao said with an pungent alcohol smell, making He Yining frowned slightly. How could she have any money after just getting out of prison?

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I have no money. Auntie, please tell me where my parents have gone?" He Yining whispered, looking at Wen Ruli, hoping to know something from her.

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