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Mr. President's Fierce Wife

Mr. President's Fierce Wife



The Charles family took advantage of the Little Yama's unconsciousness and hastily stuffed him with a little sweet wife. It is said that the little wife is chubby and soft, like a sheep, so tender that everyone can bully her! However, when Little Yama woke up, the little sheep held a knife against the veins in his neck and said fiercely, "Don't move." Little Yama was provoked and furious! "If you dare move, I'll slit your throat...." Fine. No movement. Let's see how I will come back to kill her! Later, Little Yama shamelessly followed the little sheep everyday, "Dear wife, I'm not moving, you move, okay?" Later, Ryan Charles announced to the world, "Whoever dares to touch my little sheep, I will kill him!"

Chapter 1 Nina, not die in peace

In Swallow City Hospital Operating Room

Hannah Smith looked down at the girl on the operating table, gently saying, "Nina, am I right, you were born to die for me."

"Later, the doctor will drain your blood and put it in my blood bank, and you'll be made best use of."

Her voice was so gentle but it turned to be simply frightening, and the intensity of the malice made the doctor shudder and not dare to look up at her.

Nina Smith, however, was indifferent, she looked up at the ceiling with big eyes opened. Drawing blood had become a regular thing for her, and death did not seem terrifying.

On the contrary, Hannah wanted to say some victorious words and kept saying, "Do you know why you ended up in this situation?"

"First, you don't know the height of heaven and you even think of hooking up with Young Master Miller, but you are just a poor tool!"

"Second, as a stand-in, how can you be physically better than me, prettier than me, and even, when dealing with the company's affairs, do you have to do better than me? I'm the the real Miss of Smith family!"

"I've been so merciful to let you live long enough...."

Nina suddenly tilted her head and calmly looked at Hannah, "You're afraid of me."

"Are you kidding, how could I be afraid of you!" Hannah's face instantly twisted!

"You were so afraid of me that you snatched Mike Miller and put me in the dungeon, and now you can't wait to get me killed, you're afraid I......."

"Afraid I'll take everything from you?" Nina laughed hoarsely as she spoke, snorting, "Coward."

"Who are you calling a coward?" Hannah had never had a good temper and was a pervert in her bones, so she had imprisoned Nina in the dungeon and tortured her for over a year. And at this moment, she became furious and completely tore the skin of the beauty, saying frantically and hissing, "Drain her blood for me! I want her dead!"

The icy cold needles plunged mercilessly into Nina's body, and bright red blood slowly flowed out along the needle tube.

Nina just watched in silence, not only was she powerless to struggle, but didn't want to struggle any more.

From the time she was adopted by the Smith family, she was told that she was Hannah's double, and Hannah's blood bank, and that she must not resist, must be grateful, and must wag her tail to live.

But now, it's so hard to even think about living.

The tragedy of her life began with Hannah, and ended up with Hannah......

She did, in fact, hate!

Born to be a human but she lived like a dog.

If, if there could be an afterlife, she hoped to live like a human-being.

So warm.

It had been a long time since she had felt a hint of warmth, the dungeon's wet, cold wind and icy rain was what she was most familiar with.

But now, she surprisingly felt, so warm.

Is it possible to feel warm when dead?

Nina wanted to see what was making her so warm that her blood, which had congealed into ice, was starting to melt again?

Opened eyes, eyelashes fluttered.

Covered with a cotton quilt, a soft mattress was beneath her body, the tip of her nose breathing in fresh air, she blinked, somewhat incredulously.

She sat up slowly, her hands were clutching the quilt like a lifesaver.

Nina looked around and the interior was bright and clean, even luxurious.

And she, whose legs were well and whose hands were well, touched her face, and her face was well too?

Startled to the core, she lifted her hands and looked at the chubby hands.

Suddenly, Emma White.......

Two words forcefully planted themselves in her mind.

Emma said, "I don't want to marry the little monster that everyone in the city doesn't want to marry, and I don't want to live anymore, so please live for me."

The cowardly Emma who was always timidly bowing her head ran away after speaking, leaving a bewildered Nina behind.

She, seemed to, have come alive again and become someone else.

Her new name was, Emma.


The door was opened, the butler waved his hand and said with no expression on his face, "Carry Miss White to the young master's room."

Immediately afterwards, four servants came through like fish, and before Nina could react, she was grabbed by the hands and feet, so she subconsciously raised her feet and kicked them out......

The four servants, were instantly kicked to pieces.

Butler: .......

"Miss White, do you want to regret it? Even if you regret it, you have to think well, whether the White family could offend the Charles family or not!"

"Whether you want it or not, tonight, it's for our young master, to counterbalance the bad luck!"

"Carry her away!"

With an order, the servants quickly climbed up, and with preparation, one of them took advantage of the fact that Nina was still a bit fuzzy, and quickly pulled out a needle and stabbed it into Emma's body.

After a few seconds, Emma's body really went limp.

Nina glared fiercely at these people.

The maids rushed to wrap her in red veil like a hot potato, and carried her to the other room, dropped her quickly on the bed, and withdrew.

Nina frowned and observed her surroundings, habitually analyzing the situation.

Oh no, it should be said that she was now Emma and had been thrown into the room of her vegetable husband as a ward-off sick bride.

The vegetable husband...It was as if she was born Emma, and in the short time everything that happened to Emma was vividly recalled as if she had experienced herself.

The man who was unconscious on the bed seemed to be her ward-off marriage partner.

The prince of the Charles family, known as the little monster, Ryan.

He fell into a coma and became a vegetable because of a car accident a year ago ....

She was sold by her own mother, for $10 million, to counterbalance the bad luck.

She was unable to run, the Charles family was no less powerful than the Smith family, or even, more powerful than the Smith family. She died in the wolf's den and was reborn into the tiger's den.

Her condition, was in danger!

Emma's brows furrowed even tighter.

Forget it, let's settle the important things in life first. She got up and out of bed, walking with a soft step towards the bathroom.

Those small amounts of drugs didn't work on her because she had got too many antibodies. To her surprise, Nina's physique had followed her to Emma.

Turning on the tap, she took the cool water and splashed it on her face to clear her head.

The girl in the mirror, about twenty years of age, was still very young, with a babyish face and some fleshy baby fat on her cheeks, pure, and innocent......

She looked away for a moment, somewhat disoriented.

And just then, outside the door, the vegetable suddenly moved his fingers, followed by legs, shoulders....

Emma was not aware that, but habitually looked for the bathroom and found a tool knife in the cupboard and extremely naturally carried it with her.

Turning around to go out, she subconsciously slowed down her footsteps, which was Nina's habit that men who often walked in the dark were good at hiding themselves to check whether their surroundings were safe.

Soon, she heard a slight sound coming around her.

Emma wrinkled her eyebrows, quickly bent down, drew the tool knife, and with a twist of her feet, quickly attacked towards the person who came, but she misjudged her height that she was unexpectedly a head shorter than the person, appearing less imposing, but this did not prevent the tool knife in her hand from pressing against that person's neck.

"Don't move!"

The man who was being held hostage decidedly did not dare to move, but suppressed his voice and asked, "Who are you?" His voice was a bit cold with some hostility.

"Who are you? This is my turf!"

The man snorted, "Your turf? And I said it was my room!" With smile, he raised his hand in preparation......

Unexpectedly Emma's blade closed in and threatened, "Don't move, otherwise I'll slit your throat......"

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