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Made For Each Other (childhood sweethearts)

Made For Each Other (childhood sweethearts)

Mah Ama


10 years ago after her father's death, Isabella Andrew and her mom moved to California.later on they came back to new York when she was 18. She asked her mom,"why did you decide to come back after all this years"? Mrs Andrew smiled and said,"remember this was your father's last wish" "I always told you that we will come back once you are 18 but I never told you the reason why ,since we are back take a look at this she gave a paper to Isabella Once Isabella saw what was writing she was stunned. Isabella Andrew -preety, freakishly smart,composed. Jason Harrison- handsome, outstanding ,wife spoiler.

Chapter 1 Am getting engage

Chapter 1: Am getting engage

In New York,early in the morning in the Andrew's mansion, there were strange voices downstairs,in the sheets was Isabella Andrew who was disturbed by the voices and laughter's downstairs, with no other choice, she got up after she washed up she put on a blue jean and a black shirt with her hair tied in a bun ,when she came downstairs a unfamiliar and at the same time a familiar face that she seems hard to recall at that time .

Mrs Andrew glanced at her daughter “ oh Bella is here" she said with a smile . Bella came here, do you remember your Aunt Maya and Uncle Charles ?“

”Oh yeah ” ,she said with a smile ,aunty Maya ,uncle Charles it's been a while .

Mrs Harrison smiled at her “Bella come here and give me a hug ,you are all grown up ,you look much prettier than the last time I saw you .I bought you a gift come take a look ”she said .

Bella walked up to her , gave her a hug and sat next to her. She took the gift box from Mrs Harrison. When she opened it she was stunned. She saw a diamond necklace. It was so dazzling and attractive she put it on happily and smiled sweetly at Mrs Harrison “thanks aunty Maya, I love it. ”

Mr Harrison cleared his throat, and glanced at Bella “ Dear come here she walked up to him , ” I also bought you a gift " he handed her a gift box too when she opened it she saw a Jade bracelet which also looks very expensive at a glance,she glanced at him with a sweet smile " thank you so much Aunty and Uncle.

“ Anything for you my dear ”Mrs Harrison said.

Bella thought for a while and asked “ why are you guys here so early in the morning ” she asked.

Mrs Harrison glared at Mrs Andrew with an award smile “ Evelyn Haven't you told bella yet ? ”

“Tell me what“ mom what's going on ” what is aunty talking about ”

" You will find out sooner or later but I think you should know now, you are getting engaged ” her mom said.

Bella was dumbfounded ,she felt like she was striked by lightning,she was speechless when she finally found her voice she asked “ what? Engaged ? to whom ?

Mrs Andrew chuckled ” to Aunty Maya's son , Jason Harrison."

Bella was stunned again.

Mrs Andrew continued “ when you and Jason were little ,you two were inseparable,you followed him to wherever he went to , anytime we come to Aunty Maya's place for visit ,so both your father and I and Jason's parent decided that when you grew up you both will get married and once you are 18 you will get engage to him , that's the main reason we came back ” she said.

Mrs Harrison nodded “ your mom is right ,so last night when we heard that you had arrived we came here as early as we could just to come see my future daughter-in-law ” she said happily.

Before she could say another thing Chloe walked in ,she just came back from her morning exercise “ hi Uncle and Aunty she said with a smile

” Oh Chloe is here ,come dear I also bought you a gift “ she said.

Chloe walked up to her ,Mrs Harrison handed her a shopping bag when she opened it she was delighted it was a designer bag before Chloe could speak

Mrs Harrison proceeded to say ” I hope you like it ,I got you this style because you are the fashionista of the family “ she said.

Chloe was stunned again “ like ? I love it ,aunty you are so amazing you know my taste ” she went up and gave her a hug saying thank you so much .

“I'm glad you like it. ” Mrs Harrison said.

Bella glanced at Chloe “ chlo came upstairs ASAP she sent an SMS to Chloe ,while she excused herself and went up .

Chloe's phone buzzed, she checked and saw Bella's message ,she quickly went up.

Bella was pacing around in her room, what was my parent thinking she thought to herself.

After all she hasn't seen Jason for over 10 years she doesn't know what he's like now .

While she was in dazed,she heard a knock on her door ” come in “she said Chloe came in and glanced at her "what's up,why do you look so tense ? “Chloe said.

Bella raised her head and glanced at Chloe ” don't you know ? ”I am getting engage “she said .

” What ? “ This time it was Chloe's turn to be dumbfounded , ”to who ? “ she asked.

" To aunty Maya's son ,Jason Harrison " she said with a bitter smile

Chloe smiled faintly ” you are such a lucky girl ,Jason is every girls dream guy ,his super handsome and charming, there was one time that I had a crush on him luckily I didn't tell him, things would have been awkward between us after all he's going to be my future brother in law “ she said happily .

Isabella found it both funny and annoying ” lucky my ass , haven't you seen a handsome guy before huh? “ Bella said .

Chloe sigh ” yeah have seen a lot of handsome guys but his different ,his super handsome, charming and outstanding and he has such a good family background ,the Harrison's are also one of the richest family in New York and they are well respectable they are no worse than us ,I think you both make a perfect match" she said in one breathe .

“But there's one thing,there was a time when there were rumours saying Jason has a girlfriend but I don't know if it's true ” Chloe said .

Bella felt a headache coming ,she sigh loudly feeling a little disappointed “ great my fiance to be have a girlfriend” she said.

Chloe quickly added “ it's just a rumour it's not confirmed yet ,stay positive” she said.

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