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Mah Ama


The initial agreement was for Avery's elder sister, Monica, to become a surrogate and bear the child of one of the wealthiest bachelors in Base City. This was to help cover their mother's hospital bills. However, what happens when Monica betrays her sister and the CEO by eloping with her lover, taking all the money paid for their mother's illness? Avery, only 18 years old and in her final year of high school, had no other choice but to step in as the substitute surrogate to save her mother's life. Will Avery's life ever remain the same after making this significant decision regarding her life? Will this two stand a chance to be together despite the challenges and tribulations that come with their relationship? Can they withstand the test of time? Instagram @Author_Mah_Ama for more updates.

Chapter 1 Last minute surrogate

Avery paced back and forth in the dimly lit hospital hallway, her heart pounding in her chest like it might burst at any moment. She tried to reach her sister on the phone, but Monica didn't answer.

"Monica, please come on, pick up," Avery muttered desperately, her eyes shut tightly.

Just as she was about to lose hope, the call finally connected. Monica's voice came through, laced with sarcasm.

"Avery, do you really think I'm going to ruin my life for some guy I barely know?" she laughed.

Avery's expression darkened slightly as she listened. "What are you saying? That you're just going to bail on everyone at the last minute?"

Monica's laughter echoed through the phone line. "Oh, dear, sweet Avery, that's your own problem to worry about. I'm not coming back."

Avery's voice rose in anger. "Are you out of your mind? You're just going to leave Mom and me like we're nothing to you?"

The line fell silent for a moment before Monica spoke again. "I'm already at the airport with Matthew. We're preparing to board our flight."

Avery felt her world crashing down around her. "Just stop this, Monica. You need to carry on with this plan in order to save Mom's life."

But Monica just laughed again. "For Mom? It's always been about her. Why should I sacrifice my life and happiness for her? If she truly loves us like she claims, she should just die so we can all have our lives back."

The words felt like a punch in the gut. Avery tried to respond, but her voice caught in her throat.

"I don't want to hear this anymore, If you care so much about her, then you might as well take my place" Monica said before hanging up.

Avery was left standing alone in the hallway, feeling lost and devastated.

For a split second, Avery felt as if she'd been doused with a bucket of ice water. She couldn't believe Monica could stoop so low for her own selfish gain.

At that moment, Avery felt devastated. What would she go back and tell Mr. Benson? That her sister had run off with her lover and his money? How would she manage to pay him back while trying to raise her mother's hospital bills at the same time?

As the thoughts rushed into her head, Avery decided to do something she would never have considered in her whole life. Monica had betrayed her, but what her sister had said made sense. She could easily take her sister's place, and with that in mind, Avery went back to Mr. Benson with a heavy heart.

Evan, who had his back relaxed against the wall while playing with his phone, noticed her presence. He met her gaze with his thick brows cocked up in a questioning manner.

Avery quickly averted her gaze nervously, feeling intimidated by his presence every time she was around him. "About my sister, Monica," she said hastily while fidgeting with her fingers. "She won't be coming anymore."

"Avery's words trailed off as Evans took long strides towards her, causing her to retreat until her back hit the wall. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the silent room, making her heart race.

Before she could finish, Evans slammed his fist on the wall, making Avery flinch in fright. 'You guys are playing with me, huh?' His deep voice rumbled.

Avery's eyes welled up with tears as she shook her head, her eyes pleading. Her usually bright smile had given way to a pinched face, and her shoulders slumped under the weight of her words.

Please just hear me out,' she whispered, her voice trembling.

Evans stepped back, his eyes narrowing as if he were processing something. He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully before meeting Avery's gaze. 'Speak.'

Avery took a deep breath before continuing. 'Monica took off with the advance payment you made to us... I don't know where she went. I was hoping you'd forgive me and I'd find someone else to carry your baby.'

Evans snorted, his lips curling into a smirk. 'What do you know? Fine! Then find someone before the end of today.'

Avery's lips trembled as she spoke again. 'I will be your surrogate.'

"Avery's confidence faltered under Evan's menacing glare. 'Kid, this is no child's play,' he growled.

'I'm not a kid,' she retorted, her voice firm. 'I'm an adult. My sister ran off with your money, and it's only natural that I take Monica's place as your surrogate. If you still want to oppose it, then I might as well let you know I won't be able to give you back a refund.'

Evan's eyes narrowed, his face darkening with displeasure. 'Are you bargaining with me?' he sneered.

Avery stood her ground, meeting his gaze unwaveringly. 'I'm making a proposal. You can either accept it or reject it.'

Evan's gaze roamed over her, his eyes lingering on her face before moving down to her body. 'I've changed my mind,' he said abruptly.

Avery's brow furrowed in confusion. 'What do you mean?'

'I want to do it naturally,' he replied, his voice low and husky.

Avery's face paled as she processed his words. 'You mean...like intimacy?' she stammered.

Evan nodded, his eyes glinting with amusement.

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