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Trick or Love

Trick or Love

Julie Castell


Rosalie Garcia was born into a prestigious family. Her father is a skillful and kind doctor, which is respected by a lot of people. Affected by her father, Rosalie chooses to major in medical science. After graduating from university, Rosalie goes to Country Y for further study. However, on that day, she was informed that her father died. Then she went home right away. On the plane she took, she saved a man accidentally. She thought it was a chance meeting. But a few days later, Rosalie was told that this man was his fiance. The sudden death of her father. The man she accidentally saved is her fiance. Everything is so strange to Rosalie ...

Chapter 1 Offended by an Injured Man

It was a flight from Country Y to City A.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since a passenger in the first-class cabin doesn't feel well, if there's any medical personnel on this flight, please contact us promptly..."

Rosalie Garcia was awakened by the chief purser's sweet voice.

On opening her eyes, she saw the anxiety on an air host's face.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

As the broadcast continued, the discussion became louder.

Rosalie nerved herself to stand up.

"Well, I'm a medical..."

Before she could finish her words, she was taken by the air host toward the first-class cabin.

Her heart pounded wildly. She was a medical major who had just graduated without much clinical experience.

"This way, please."

The air host opened the door swiftly, showing a scene that stupefied her.

This was more like a crime scene!

In a corner, an attendant, whose hands and feet were tied by neckties, was undoubtedly the "criminal".

A masked bodyguard nearby was monitoring his every move.

"Why is it a woman?! Don't you know Mr. Williams detests..."

A voice came into Rosalie's ears.

But it was soon interrupted by an expressionless man.

"Save him first!"

He said that to Rosalie.


Only then did she notice the man lying on a chair, with a knife in his shoulder.

Blood had reddened his pure white shirt.

When she rounded the chair and saw his face, she was stunned for a second.

In spite of his pale lips, his delicate facial features and his angular facial contours were mind-blowing.

"Hurry up!"

The anxious man urged her, but she couldn't pull out the knife recklessly.

Quickly, she used all she could reach to stop the bleeding.

Abel Williams, in a coma, felt a more searing pain on his shoulder and furrowed his dashing brows more deeply.

"Do you know how to handle it or not?!"

The garrulous man got impatient as he saw Abel's frown while Rosalie still left the knife untouched.

But Rosalie didn't stop her rescue.

"First, there is no way to test if the knife has injured his internal organs. Without any surgical tools, he'll die faster if the knife is pulled out!"

Nervous as she was, she told him her analysis calmly.

"Second, I'm just a medical graduate without sufficient clinical experience. He'll also die faster if I make mistakes because of your urge!"

"Last, please step back and give me more space!"

The man still wanted to say something, but his cold-faced companion dragged him aside to make room for Rosalie.

In a daze, Abel heard a feminine voice that was polite, confident, and logical.

Trying hard to open his eyes, he saw a comely face with sweat on her forehead. She looked very nervous.

As she approached, he sensed her pleasant sweetness in the smell of blood.

"You're awake?"

On seeing his opened eyes, Rosalie had a glance at her watch on her wrist.

"The plane will land after 15 minutes. I'll try my best to stop the bleeding! Please hold on!"

Her lovely voice came into his ears again.

Faintly, he nodded.

As she stared at his wound tensely, her collar was slightly opened.

There, a jade pendant was swaying vaguely.

When Abel landed his gaze there, he was hit by a trace of astonishment.

Slowly, he raised his hand and grabbed a button on her shirt. With strength, he pulled it and removed the cover on her pendant.

At the same time, her snowy-white skin was frankly exposed.

"What are you doing?!"

Feeling the coolness on her chest, she held her collar together immediately and stared at the man in disbelief. There was a little anger in her voice.

Why did this dying man have the mood to paw a woman?

But he didn't give her any response, because he lost consciousness again.

"It's our duty to save people!"

Rosalie was furious, but she thought of her father's words. Hurriedly, she did up the only button left on her collar and continued with her work.

The cold-faced man winked at the air host, who then covered her body with a blanket instantly.

Feeling the warmth on her back, she had a grateful smile at the air host.

"The bleeding has been almost stemmed. The plane will land after eight minutes. Send him to the hospital at once and he'll be fine."

She looked at the gauze that didn't get wetter anymore, wiped off the sweat on her forehead, and sighed with relief.

Hearing that, all the people in the first-class cabin exchanged a look at each other.

Rosalie slumped on a seat nearby, regardless of the blood all over her. Heavily, she panted.

The tension and stress just now made her feel like vomiting.

The two men rushed up to check Abel's breath. Only after that were they reassured.

"Please keep looking after him until the plane lands."

The cold-faced man was still expressionless when he begged.

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him."

Rosalie didn't refuse his request. After all...

"Dad, this is my first patient."

She whispered in her heart.

The eight minutes appeared like a long year. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed at A City. The plane is taxiing. For your safety..."

The chief purser's sweet voice drew Rosalie's attention back.

She suddenly rose from the seat, which gave John Smith and Gavin Miller a start.

"See you!"

Without a pause, she left hastily.

During the eight minutes, her father's voice and smile flashed across her mind for umpteen times. That disturbed her greatly.

This time, she was back for the news about her father's death.

Perhaps it was just a trick, but once it was real, it would be her last time to see her father!

"Madam, please keep what you saw and heard today a secret!"

John rose and wanted to stop Rosalie, but his wrist was grabbed.

"Don't worry. She will." averred Abel, who had regained consciousness at some point.

Loosening his grip, he gave a cough.

He knew something about the woman of that family.

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