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The Black Sea | Gay Novel (BL)

The Black Sea | Gay Novel (BL)

Jack In Heels


After his mother's death, his father lost all reasons why his son shouldn't be a part of his ruthless and brutal lifestyle, being the founder of the Potenza family "organization" his father didn't spare him, and after five years of training to be deemed fit as a Potenza, Elia Potenza runs from his father's grasp. For a few years, his father has sent men to hunt him and bring him back, they didn't care about any damage caused to Elia, and after 4 years of his father's attempts at getting him back, his father suddenly stops, until five years later... What happens when the reason for his father's change of behavior comes breaking into his home and threatening Elia's friends, leaving him no choice but to marry him...

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Rosario Barone and Elia Potenza in matrimony..." I tune out the officiant's speech, glancing to my right to see all of these strange faces, I know none of them, well except for my father's but he's as much of a stranger as the rest of his guests.

I look back at the man who's soon to be my husband, holding both my hands in his, his eyes dark as a bottomless abyss, his face unreadable.

How did I end up here? I put this kind of life behind me when I left nine years ago, I swore to myself that I wouldn't return to this place, that I wouldn't return to this life, no matter the reason.

I guess I got too comfortable.

I focus my attention back on the officiant who happens to be one of my father's men.

I bite the corner of my mouth, trying to stop myself from smiling at the stupidity of it all, this was a last-minute wedding, so I shouldn't be surprised if the officiant has used Google to figure out what to say, "please repeat after me," I clear my throat to stifle my laugh, my soon to be husband arches his eyebrow, but lets it go to repeat after the officiant, "I, Rosario Barone,"

"I, Rosario Barone" repeated Rosario in his deep voice.

"Take you Elia Potenza,"

"Take you Elia Potenza,"

"To be my husband,"

"To be my husband,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"For better or for worse,"

"For better or for worse,"

"For richer, for poorer,"

"For richer, for poorer,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"To love and to cherish;"

"To love and to cherish;"

"From this day forward until death does us part."

"From this day forward until death does us part."

Once done, the officiant turns his head to me, "please repeat after me, I, Elia Potenza," the officiant begins.

"I, Elia Potenza,"

"Take you, Rosario Barone,"

"Take you, Rosario Barone,"

"To be my husband,"

"To be my husband,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"For better or for worse,"

"For better or for worse,"

"For richer, for poorer,"

"For richer, for poorer,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"To love and to cherish;"

"To... to love and to cherish;"

"From this day forward until death does us part."

"From this day forward until death does us part." I make sure to look at my father when I said the last part.

"Time to exchange the rings," the officiant says and our best men came closer with their hands extended holding the rings out for us to take.

Rosario puts the ring on my finger first, then it was my turn to do the same thing for him, once we are done exchanging the rings, the officiant says, "By the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss".

Rosario leans in and my body goes rigid, he continues to lean in but turns his head and angles it, so he's now blocking the guests' view, he puts his lips right around the corner of my lips and my cheek, and he lingers there for three seconds before pulling away.

It felt a lot longer.

Before I could overthink this kiss the officiant says, "I present to you, Mr. and Mr. Potenza."

Still holding my left hand in his, Rosario turns around to face the guests, and I do too.

The guests stand and upload as Rosario and I step down the Isle, on our way to begin this fucked up life again.

God, I wish I didn't go home that night.

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