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The Genius Doctor Who Charms His Way into the World

The Genius Doctor Who Charms His Way into the World

Low-Key Scorpion


Ye Feng, a young genius doctor who came out of the Zhongnan Mountain, is a mysterious and cheerful doctor who knows how to live and sing, chess, painting, medicine, wine, tea and flower poetry. The most beautiful women, the most vivid plots, the most professional TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) story, the most realistic cultivation experience are all in this urban-themed novel. Chinese medicine is too beautiful, Chinese culture is too beautiful!

Chapter 1 Xiao Yao Flying Needle

"Wisteria Avenue, Xing Linchun Hall! This is it!"

Ye Feng looked up at the antique plaque, smiled, and strode in.

The dim traditional Chinese medicine clinic was filled with a lifeless breath, and the smell of the traditional Chinese medicine could not be smelled.

It could be seen vaguely that a patient was lying on the innermost bed of the clinic, humming and getting fluids intravenously.

On a table near the door, there was a computer. A sloppy middle-aged man who was picking up his feet while smoking a cigarette stared at the computer screen and cursed in a low voice: "Biaozi, what fucking fellow it is?"

Seeing that he had lost the card, the sloppy man felt completely depressed. He crushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray vigorously and stood up, cursing towards the computer.

After scolding for a while, he suddenly realized that somehow, there was an extra person standing in Xing Linchun Hall. The boorish man couldn't help but ask with astonishment: "Who are you? What's the matter?"

"You are Hu Yaoming?" Ye Feng looked at the clumsy man and did not answer the question.

"Yes, who are you?" The boorish man asked again.

"I am Ye Feng! Don't you know that I'm coming? Mr. Hu, your grandpa, didn't tell you?" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"My grandpa?" Hu Yaoming grabbing his greasy hair considered for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he pointed to Ye Feng, "What? My grandpa said there would be a miracle-working doctor who has been hiding in the mountain practicing for many years coming here to enter the world. Where is the old gentleman? You don’t mean you, do you? ”

Hu Yaoming couldn't help but look up and down Ye Feng again.

He was at about twenty years of age, with rosy lips and pretty white teeth, and he was too young to be a miracle-working doctor. Although his clothes were ordinary, he looked very spirited, and his eyes were bright on this fair and handsome face.

"Yes, 'Old Miracle-working Doctor ' is me!" Ye Feng said with a smile, "My suitcase is lying outside the door, go to carry it in. I want the biggest bedroom, and different dishes every meal, well, for the tea, I brought it with myself, but you have to prepare the best mountain spring water for me. I don’t drink the tea made from tap water! "

While ordering, Ye Feng walked into the clinic with his hands clasped behind back.

"Hey, you, stop, what the hell? You want the biggest bedroom? Who are you? Where did you come from? A mere child and you dare to come to me and pretend to be the miracle-working doctor? Who dares to talk to me Hu San in this way on Wisteria Avenue?" Hu Yaoming just snapped out of shock, he rolled up his sleeves, bared his teeth and shouted.

Ye Feng turned a deaf ear and walked over to the bed of the clinic. He leaned over looking at the grunting female patient and asked, "What's wrong with you? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

The female patient who was getting fluids intravenously on the bed turned to look at Ye Feng and said feebly, "Dysmenorrhea!"

"Dysmenorrhea, and you are still getting cold fluids intravenously here?" Ye Feng frowned.

"Hu San said I might have inflammation in the uterus, so I need a short of penicillin to reduce inflammation." The female patient looked pale and said weakly.

Ye Feng looked at Hu San with surprise and asked, "Is that you who gave her the penicillin? Isn’t your Hu family a medicine family that specialized in traditional Chinese medicine for generations?

"What's wrong with TCM? Who says TCM can't give penicillin? This is the combination of TCM and Western medicine!" Hu San retorted in an unconfident manner.

Ye Feng looked at Hu San and shook his head: "The name your grandfather gave you is really correct."

"Of course! Hu Yaoming, grandpa is counting on me to bring honor to the family and be a reliable expert." Hu San said with a thumb up at his nose, quite complacently.

"I think it means carelessly killing people!" Ye Feng pulled the bottle off in a few clicks, and then helped the patient sit up carefully.

"Hey, why did you pull out the bottle? Are you intending to make a medical dispute? I can tell you, there are my acquaintances in the police station." Hu San's face changed slightly, and he pulled out his phone violently.

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to him, his action kept on. He put his left hand on the position of the Seventeenth Vertebra of the female patient's lower back, gently pressed, and asked, "Does it hurt here?"

"It hurts!" The female patient whispered.

Ye Feng didn't speak. He tricked out a silver needle, and then his fingers flicked slightly.

Then, Hu San saw a magic scene.

The silver needle that was originally held by Ye Feng on his right hand was blasted out at a very fast speed, flying over a distance of one or two feet, and pinched precisely at the position of the female patient's Seventeen Vertebra.

"Hey, what's the trick?" Hu San was astonished.

"You don't understand!" Ye Feng said without looking up.

"I don't understand? Hu family is a medicine family that specialized in traditional Chinese medicine for generations." As soon as he mentioned this, Hu San was too embarrassed to continue, and his face turned a little red.

Ye Feng glanced at him, and said with a smile: "This is XiaoYao Flying Needle, my master's original creation."

"XiaoYao Flying Needle? Unexpected needle can also be used like this!" Hu San blinked his eyes and felt a sudden itching.

After only a moment of effort, Ye Feng already twisted nine times on the tail of the needle. Then, he suddenly pulled out the silver needle and bowed his head to ask the female patient, "How is it? Does your stomach still hurt?"

Before waiting for the female patient to speak, Hu San chuckled with laughter: "What the hell, do you think you are Hua Tuo reincarnated? That's dysmenorrhea, rank only second to the pain of giving birth, she has to pain for five days every time, you think only one acupuncture can stop the pain? Oh, the ignorant are fearless, young people just dare to think, don’t make me laugh... "

However, Hu San's words hadn't been finished yet, the female patient touched her belly in doubt, and stood up to walk a few steps, then, full of surprise and surprise, she said aloud, "The pain is gone!"

"ker, ker, ker" Hu San did not finish his sentence, and was choked, coughing violently.

"Hu San, I really don't feel painful anymore," the female patient shook Hu San's arm excitedly, looking incredible. "I felt so terrible just now. What's going on?"

Hu San forgot to cough, with his mouth wide opening, he stared at the female patient who was jumping around like he had seen a ghost.

Ye Feng saw their surprised expressions, but he shook his head, withdrew the needle, and walked to Hu San's table, muttering: "Did the traditional Chinese medicine in the world actually decline to such a field?"

Walking a few steps to Hu San's table, Ye Feng picked up a piece of paper and pen, quickly wrote a prescription. Then he said to Hu San who was stunned: "Is it enough to be dazed? Come here and grab the medicine!"

"Ah? Ok!" Hu San only felt so shocked that his mind buzzed. In front of his eyes there appeared for a moment the XiaoYao Flying Needle, and then the fact that a single acupuncture can stop the pain. Being in a trance, he ran over mechanically, took over Ye Feng's prescription, and filled the prescription. Afterwards, he pleasantly presented the three doses of medicine to Ye Feng and said, "Nailed it!"

"Why do you give it to me? Give it to the patient!" Ye Feng felt funny and annoying.

The female patient had already followed. Hearing this, she quickly took over the three packs of medicine.

"Bring to the boil then reduce heat, simmer for 20 minutes, drink twice a day, three days in total." Ye Feng simply explained how to take the medicine.

"Ok! I understand. Should I come again in three days?" The female patient asked complaisantly, holding the medicine packet carefully.

"No need to come again! After taking these three packs of medicine, you will be all right.

In the future, don't touch cold water, don't drink cold drinks, and don't look for this Hu San to get cold fluids!" Ye Feng enjoined peevishly.

After hearing this, the female patient smiled embarrassedly and thanked Ye Feng repeatedly. Then, she took out a small clutch bag and asked, "Little doctor, how much is it?"

"Ask him!" Ye Feng pointed at Hu San.

"Forget it, you’d better go out!" Hu San waved randomly at the female patient. His old eyes stared closely at Ye Feng, afraid that Ye Feng would run away.

The female patient was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words: "Really, Brother Hu? Thank you! Thank you! And especially thank little doctor!"

After talking, she twisted her waist and walked away, showing little signs that five minutes ago, she was still in severe pain.

Ye Feng dusted the ashes of the chair and sat down on the position of Hu San. He looked at Hu San with a smile and said, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"How did you do it?" Hu San asked urgently with his hands on the table, eyes shining brightly.

"What are you referring to?" Ye Feng said deliberately with a smile.

"One needle stopped ache! Moreover, you gave an acupuncture treatment at the back, which has nothing to do with the stomach. How did you do it?" Hu San's eyes flashed like a hungry wolf.

"It's a needle to stop pain! Not ache! Pain and ache have a big difference!" Ye Feng corrected Hu San's statement. "Who told you that acupuncture point has nothing to do with the stomach? The body itself is an inseparable whole, there is nothing irrelevant. Dysmenorrhea is because cold congealing in the uterus, which belongs to the yin, and this special point that I pierced, belongs to the yang. Leading the yin from the yang and curing the yin disease by yang, naturally has a miraculous effect, is the immediate effect incredible? "

"It turns out that way! I thought that you used some kind of legendary ancient needle method?" Hu San sighed with his eyes flashed.

"Such a minor ill, is it worthy of using the ancient needle method." Ye Feng shook his head and chuckled.

Hearing this, Hu San thought for a moment, stroking his jaw, finally looked up and asked Ye Feng: "Are you really the miracle-working doctor whom my grandfather mentioned?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes and disdained to answer his question. He pointed out the door and said, "Nonsense! My luggage is still lying outside. Hurry and move in!"

"Yes, sir!" Hu San cheered.

With such a little miracle-working doctor, Xing Linchun Hall’s spring was not far away!

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