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Naomi Burray; demanding, arrogant, and alluring words that described her best. She was a lawyer, but even when abiding behind the law she was lawless, and sadly didn't change when she received Daniel's case. Daniel was CEO you see, a billionaire who was entirely captivated by Naomi's beauty at first sight. He couldn't resist the temptation of making her his, but as lawless as Naomi is, would she heed? Or would she shun him for Mark? A man who seems to hold secrets as big as hers. She wanted both men for a different reason, but she could only have one… Just the thoughts of thinking she wanted Mark as twisted, ooh her secretary seems to like him. Naomi behavior tent to pushes man away but despite her challenging behavior Daniel always find a way back to her. Taking up a case like Daniel's as unfold secrets from different people's life. It's only a matter of time to find out if Daniel and Naomi have secrets within there pass and even presently for there future. So many person's seems to see there beauty together but yet still it was too hard for them to figure out if they really wanted to be together. Daniel's mom wanting and longing to have a daughter-in-law but will it be. How will their croaked path be adjusted to the running float of compassion, care, honesty, strong harmony, and diverging from anger to love. Read to find out as the mystery unravel and the secrets unfold.

Chapter 1 Meeting the top Lawyer

It was a bright, sunny day in Los Angeles, but despite the burning sun up above, the cool breeze licked at Naomi's skin, calming her nerves.

She wasn't sure why, but she liked the warmth it radiated, so much that she stood in her night gown on her lawn, totally pretending that she was on the beach.

Her imagination was far gone that she could hear the drifting of the waves, feel her body on the silky sands, and see the-

OH NO!!!!

Naomi jumped out of her thoughts, suddenly remembering that she had a meeting with a client at 10am.

She was conscious of it last night before bed, but the beauty of the morning had caught her mind, hauling it away from what was important.

With a sigh of disappointment —in herself— she lumbered through the front door, heading directly for her room.

Should she just postpone the meeting?

After all, she was already late; she hadn't yet showered or combed her hair either and her breath was just a second away from killing her. But then again, if she postponed the meeting, when will she be able to arrange another?

Running her fingers through her messy black locks, she quickly got in the shower, brushed her teeth, bun her hair, then grabbed something elegant to wear.

And in less than an hour, her Black Maybach S-Class Mercedes was ready to take off.

She reversed out of her driveway and drove speedily down the street, only slowing down when her phone that sat in the passenger seat beside her started to ring.

She stretched out her hand reaching towards the phone, accepting the call despite not knowing the number. “Hello, good morning.” She answered. “Naomi speaking, who is this?”

The person on the other end of the line cleared their throat. “It's Daniel from JM Brokers Limited, I'm supposed to meet with you at 10am. Just informing you that I'm late, I'll probably arrive within the next 15 minutes if that's okay.”

“No problem.” Naomi replied.

It seems, she wasn't the only one late…good.


Naomi's vehicle stopped, the tires squeaking as she parked it by the many others in the parking lot. She pushed open the car door, her clingy drip-dry suit catching everyone's attention.

Heading to the office, her evocative scent rolls down to memory lane.

“Good morning,” Grace the Secretary greeted her boss. “I wouldn't have thought you'd be coming here.”

Naomi frowned, sadly shaking her head. “I know right.”

“But since you're surprisingly here, can I get you a cup of coffee?” Grace asked her boss in a soft, tender voice.

“Yes please,” Naomi replied.

Entering the door at the end of the hallway, a tall body-built man presented himself to her, already looking straight into her eyes. He was handsome, skin tone shades darker than hers. His lips were as red as cherries, the color complimenting his tannest, and as he smiled, his teeth glistened beautifully. Naomi wondered who he was until he bowed his head in greeting then decided to speak.

“Hi ladies, I'm here to meet with J.S.D. Naomi Burray from Stubbs Alderton & Markle's, LLP.”

It was only a matter of time before Grace inquisitively reached out for his hand as if she were the Naomi he came to meet. “We did this already, but let's just do it again. Nice to meet you, I'm Grace and you are?”

“Are you Mr. Daniel?” Naomi butted in.

“Yes, indeed I am.” Daniel replied.

“Come with me please.”

Mr. Daniel Ferguson stared at Naomi from her head, straight down to her toes. Her beauty truly intrigued him. He couldn't resist her captivating tone, her soft, pink lips, glossy with the finest lipstick. Even the way she smelled was irresistible, her dark, blue eyes, her strengthened, blond curls and the suit on her voluptuous body. It seems she had dressed in the aid of seducing him, if so, then she had succeeded because he couldn't stop looking.

“Did you get the chance to bring all the supportive documents for your case?”

Even her voice riled him up. “Ha!!! Ye------s…”

“Is everything ok with you Mr. Daniel?”

Daniel smiled distractedly. “Oh, just call me Daniel.”

“And you won't consider it disrespectful?”

“Not in the slightest bit.”

“Okay, Mr. Daniel.”

“Didn't I just tell you to call me Daniel?”

Naomi looked back at him with a short, humorless chuckle. “Sorry, my bad, I'm just not use to informality, especially when I'm dealing with a client.”

As Naomi stepped towards the stairs, her hips shifting from side to side, Daniel couldn't resist the temptation. “Hey, Can I ask?”


“Are you available to have coffee after we finish discussing everything?” He pocketed his hands, eyes fixated on her back. “It would pain my heart to see such an alluring lady go to waste.”

“What did you say?” Naomi turned to look at him, pretending to not understand, or rather hear his words.

“I'm just wondering… how long will my case take?” Daniel asked, changing the subject.

“Oh…as long as you provide all the documents and evidence to me, no more than a month.”

‘Wow! So fast…?' Daniel thought, watching as Naomi twisted the knob, the door to her office flying right open. “You can have a seat. I'm just going to get your files, so we can discuss all that is needed.”

While Daniel acceded to his seat, Naomi went over to her cabinet, skimming through it for the specific file she wanted. She ended up tossing and turning and tilling, but yet still didn't find it.

With frustration she dialed her secretary Grace, “Where the hell did you put the files I asked you to prepare for me from Friday Morning?”

“Look at the top of the white and black cabinet where you always secure your Macallan ‘M' Scotch Whisky.”

“Okay, thanks.” She got back to her search, but then… “I have a question…” Daniel interrupted.

“Yes? Go ahead.”

“What if you get involved with the person defending your case?”

“What are you suggesting, Mr. Daniel?”

“Didn't I make it clear enough that I prefer it if you called me Daniel…just Daniel…”

“Okay Daniel, can we go through the documents now? The more time we waste, the longer it'll take.”

“Sure, Ms. Prepossessing.”

Naomi walked over with a folder in hand, leaning back against her desk. “In your file, you had the proof of a video showing that Mr. Williams really did go into your office and removed your money from your safe, right?”

“Yes, didn't I send you the thumb drive?”

“Yes, I did receive it. I get the understanding that you and the defendant was having an affair with the same lady. Mr. Williams claimed that you tried to seduce his wife, is that true?”

Daniel looked up at her, a spec of irritation in his eyes at how judgmental her tone was. “Not because I'm here wholly interested in what I see means that the bastard is right. I love a woman with class, astuteness, dignity, and one with a calm composure…much like yours. I have never touched his wife, after all, she's nothing but a ruthless di....” a mean "Delilah" grabbing and go.

Naomi nodded with a sigh, wishing she could sink right back into the sunrise she had this morning, or rather, she wished, she was at a beach instead of dealing with this shoot from the lips. “With the video evidence, I guarantee that he will be spending twelve months in prison for stealing or more.”

Shoveling up the papers, she looked over all the files as Daniel's mellifluous voice drifted towards her ears. “I'm sorry if I may have sounded a little rude, it’s just that my mom taught me that there’s no harm in speaking the truth, it causes no sin, and she also taught me to go after whatever it is that I want. Again, I am penitent.”

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