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Behind Her Mask

Behind Her Mask



"I'll run away from this place. I won't come back. They've all left me." 12 years old Kimberly muttered, sadly. At first sight, little Kimberly would look like an innocent bundle of joy but if you looked deeper, you'd realise she had a bold, daring and carefree side to her. "We need your help. She needs your help. Just fill in for her while she receives treatment." "Why should I?" 18 years old Kim asked, indignantly. "Because she's your sister." ★ Being separated from the only people who she had ever cared for and then being maltreated by the woman in charge of the orphanage, Kimberly decides to run away and start life afresh. Fast forward to the present, Kimberly is now a professional boxer. What happens when a few people from the past come back to rock her world? Will she find herself and maybe love? Will she discover secrets that have been buried deeply? Or will she get entangled and burnt in this web of dark secrets?

Chapter 1 Prologue

It was the 31st of December,2004. There was a very heavy snow storm that day. Kira and Kimberly stayed indoors playing with their nanny while waiting for their parents to come back from the mall.

“Nanny Sarah why are mom and dad not back from the mall yet?”, Kimberly asked. “Yes, it's getting really late now and they promised to come back really early”,Kira added. “I know,I know, I tried calling them but for some reason I can't seem to get in touch with them”,Sarah said.

“Try calling them again”, Kimberly said worriedly. “No, don't. Kim you don't know if mom and dad are planning a surprise for us. This is new year's eve, you will end up making us ruin this wonderful surprise”,Kira said dumbly.

Just at that moment, Sarah got a call from Mrs Perkins and she immediately answered the call. “Hello ma'am, Kira and Kim are....”,Sarah said hastily but got interrupted by an unfamiliar voice. “Please is this the Perkins home line”,the lady asked. “Yes,who is this please?”, Sarah asked.

“This is nurse Caroline, there was a ghastly car accident at the Sapphire bridge today and unfortunately, Mr and Mrs Perkins were victims to it”, Caroline said. “How..how...what condition are they in right now”, Sarah asked worriedly.“I'm sorry to say this but they couldn't make it, I'm really sorry”, Caroline replied sadly.

Minutes later, Sarah and the kids arrived at the hospital. Sarah cried at the sight of seeing Mr and Mrs Perkins lifeless bodies. Kimberly totally lost it and cried her heart out. Kira who was too dumb and clueless to know what had happened just sat there looking at her parents who laid on the hospital bed lifeless.

“Nurse, why are my parents sleeping here, we have really nice and comfortable beds at home. Please wake them up, I tried so many times though but they don't want to wake up”, Kira complained. “I'm really sorry little kid but I can't wake them up ”,the nurse said sadly.

“Why's that!! It's few minutes to new year and we are all supposed to be lighting our fire crackers together. Pretty please beautiful nurse, please wake them up”, Kira pleaded. “Kiddo, your parents are no more,they will never be able to wake up again..they are dead”,the nurse said. “Nooo!!”, Kira shouted and then passed out.

Days after Mr and Mrs Perkins were buried, child welfare had decided to drop them at an orphanage home. Sarah had offered to take care of the twins but the court had refused, saying that she wasn't financially stable to take care of them.

Eventually, she had to part ways with the kids and move on with her life.Life at the orphanage home was a little bit hard for Kira and Kimberly but they had to endure it anyway.

Three months later, the Hilton's, a very wealthy and famous couple came to the orphanage home to adopt a child. They were looking for a female child around the age of 4 and 5.

Soon enough, they saw Kira and Kimberly playing together. “Oh my gosh, she is so adorable”,Mrs Hilton said as she saw Kira playing with her dolls. “Do you like her honey?”, Mr Hilton asked.

“Yes, I do. She is the one, I trust my guts”smiles“ how old is she?”,Mrs Hilton asked. “She is four years old”, Miss Sinclair (the head warden) replied.

“Honey, let's adopt her, she is perfect”,Mrs Hilton said happily. “Okay sweetie, we just have to sort out the formalities and she will be ours”,Mr Hilton said.

“Sorry to interrupt but her name is Kira, and this is her younger twin sister”points at Kimberly “Kimberly. They have been pretty much inseparable since the day they got here. I was just wondering if you guys could please adopt them both”,miss Sinclair suggested.

“Sorry ma'am but for some reason,do I look like who is looking to adopt two kids. I just need one.” eyes Kimberly from head to toe “ I could have considered adopting her but just look at the state she is in,yuck”,Mrs Hilton said.

“Get the documents ready. We will come back tomorrow for just Kira, is that understood”,Mr Hilton said. “Yes sir”, miss Sinclair replied.

Kimberly and Kira spent the entire night together. Kira had no clue whatsoever about what was going to happen. Kimberly on the other hand felt really sad about it and found it hard to sleep that night.

As expected, the next day, the Hilton's came to the orphanage home. After all the documents were sorted out, they didn't waste anymore time and tool Kira with them.

Miss Sinclair felt really sad for Kimberly. “Are you okay Kim?”, she asked. “No, I'm not! Those mean people took my twin sister from me.”, Kimberly said while crying and then ran away.

Kimberly found it hard living without Kira but with the help of miss Sinclair, she was able to move on just fine.

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