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Duke Raven: The Alpha's Weak Son

Duke Raven: The Alpha's Weak Son



Duke Raven’s father was the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and the strongest among other alphas of the neighboring packs. He was feared, yet respected. With such a great father, everyone became expectant of Duke’s might but he failed them. Duke was weak. Too weak, that when compared to an average human, he’s only a tad stronger. Due to this, Duke was bullied. But things changed when something happened that caused Duke’s dormant power to awaken. However, Duke hid it away. He hid his power from everyone and only acted in the shadows. As so, he earned the name “Grim Reaper”, a vicious rogue wolf that cruelly kills. Duke thought that he could keep his second identity hidden forever, but he was wrong. Someone accidentally figured him out. An omega woman from their pack named Elle. Will Duke dirty his hands with the blood of an innocent girl? Or will he stick to his promise of only killing to protect his siblings? He needs to decide. And he has to, now!

Chapter 1 A Happy Birthday

Duke's Viewpoint

I was awakened from my slumber after I heard voices singing merrily near my bed. I squinted my eyes to see what was happening and saw my mother and my twin younger brothers, Koby and Toby. Mother was holding a cupcake with a lighted candle on top and the three of them were singing. A smile formed on my lips realizing what was happening.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Duke. Happy birthday to you…"

That’s right. Today is my 9th birthday. I was so excited about it yesterday that I even slept late last night. My lips were smiling widely as I looked around my room. But seeing the absence of one person, my arched lips slowly faded.

My mother must have seen me do that, so she spoke to get my attention.“The candle is almost melted, go quickly make a wish, son.”She told me. I looked at the cupcake in her hand and saw that the candle is already almost half of its original size. So, I firmly closed my eyes and uttered my wish in silence. After blowing out the candle, we happily clapped together. While still at it, Koby also handed me something.

"What is this?" I asked, but the twins just excitedly smiled.

I tore the colorful paper that wrapped the gift and saw a sketchbook beneath it. I gave my siblings a quick glance and they were anticipating my reaction. In the sketchbook, I noticed that there were writings on its front and back covers. Turns out, the twin took each cover and wrote a sweet message for me. I have a hobby of doing sketches and their gift is very much to my liking.

I hugged the twins in joy, "Thank you, both of you." I told them and they just chuckled in response. Mother joined in our embrace later on and the three of us enjoyed the rest of my birthday together, even without the presence of my own father.


Blood Moon Pack.

It's the largest werewolf pack that resides in a small city located in the northmost part of the province of Arkansas State. And my father, Raul Ravenhart, is the Alpha.

But despite being the son of an Alpha, I turned out to be the total opposite of what an alpha bloodline should have. I am weak.

According to my mother’s bedtime stories, my father is a wolf that was feared, not only by our own pack- but by other Alphas in other packs as well.

He was able to shift at the age of 9 and hunted three leopards alone when he was 12. As such, when I turned 9 two months ago, everyone thought that I would show the same promise as my father, but to their dismay, I did not.

'He’s fine. He can still show promise when he turns twelve, Raul.’


'You cannot just compare the blessings you received from the Blood Moon Goddess and your son’s. You two are different!’

'Ha… I know that, Lucia. But the members of the council are questioning my son’s capability in front of me! I cannot let that pass!”

"Mother? Father?”

I called out. I was at the kitchen door, trying to pee in the bathroom when I saw them. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about earlier, but I do understand that they were arguing. I just woke up from my deep sleep at that moment, so seeing them argue made me tear up easily.

"Stop that tears from forming, Duke Ravenhart!”

My father's yell made me jump. And rather than stopping, I got close to crying my eyes out instead.


I heard my mother's firm voice as I saw her coming to me. I know that I am the son of an Alpha and I should not cry so easily, but my father's piercing red eyes are too terrifying for me. “Damn it!” I heard my father utter before he exited and left both me and my mother together. And I understood why, seconds later. I just peed my pants out of fear of him.


Days later, I can still catch Mother and Father talking heatedly often. But as Mother advised me the last time, I refrained from listening to their argument anymore. I don’t want to get yelled at again by Father after all.

One weekend. As my siblings and I played in our backyard like we usually do, our father came.

“Duke.” He called me with a blank expression. “Come over here.” He ordered. I looked at my siblings and they also looked at me. Our father spoke again. “You twin can play amongst yourselves. I’ll take your older brother with me.” He told the twin.

I do not know where my father is bringing me and I got confused, but my siblings became excited.

“Can we also come, father?” / “Can I come, father?” The twin spoke together. There was silence at first before father answered. “I said you two can play amongst yourselves.”

Father’s stern voice and expression turned my younger siblings pale. I went to them and tapped their backs. “I’ll come back and play with you two again later, okay? Don’t frown. Father is not mad.” I whispered and the two slowly nodded at me. I, myself am getting scared of why I am called alone, but I cannot show it in front of my siblings at least. I’m their big brother after all.

I turned to my father, “I-I’m coming, Father.” I said.

“Go pack a pair of change of clothes and follow me to the truck.” He coldly ordered me when I reached him. He then left ahead without telling me why. But despite being clueless, I still followed his order and quickly went upstairs to my room.

I took a pair of clothes as ordered then went to our garage. Upon entering the truck, father just drove away without saying a word. I wanted to ask him where we were headed but I chose to zip my mouth instead.

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