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The feeling of love

The feeling of love



When new girl Katy Simmons transfers to Saint Marry's High School, the schools bad boy Zayn starts to fall head over heels for her. What is he going to do, for a guy that has never been in love before?

Chapter 1 the beginning

Beep, beep, beep. My alarm clock rang, I aimlessly tried to hit the snooze button, and failed to do so only to let myself fall out of bed on to the hard wooden floor. I got up and walked to my wardrobe. I grabbed a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and a red and black top that said in big bold letters "Haters Gonna Hate" I laid my clothes down on my bed, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stripped all my clothes, and got into the shower, for the first five minutes I let the little warm water drops glide down my body, then I grabbed my shampoo bottle and squeezed some out, then the soap and washed my body. After I stepped out of the shower, I got two cotton towels and wrapped one over my hair, and another over my body.

I plugged my straightening iron in and started to get dress. When I was done, I sat at my little table and started to straighten my long blond hair. Next I moved on to make up. I grabbed my cherry scented lip gloss and rubbed it all over my pink lips, then I put a thin layer of eye shadow on my eyes. Next I used a touch of mascara. I grabbed my sexy red vans and marched downstairs.

My mom was in the kitchen making breakfast, when she saw me she said "Hey honey, come eat before you leave for school" I ran to the table and looked at my yummy breakfast my mom has prepared for me. She was one of the best cookers in my life. It was eggs, with a side of bacon. My favorite. After I left in my smokin' hot new Mercedes Benz. (I was a rich kid, but don't get me wrong.) I wasn't like those stuck up spoiled brats. I for one was Katy Simmons the type that only used my money if necessary, and didn't waste it.

I drove all the way from my mansion like house, to my medium well built school. I was new here, so I didn't really know much. I parked my car in one of the parking spots, which by the way were so small! I got out, and I saw most of the guys looking at me like they wanted to make me theirs, which wont be happening. The girls just looked at me with pure hate. Like .... its not my fault if you guys can't keep your men on a leash. I walked all the way to the office which was painted a light green color.

It had wooden furniture and over, and a small desk in the corner. If I had to guess, I would say it was used for a detention, or time out zone which was weird since this was a high school. I saw a small cute looking lady behind the desk. I waited quietly for her attention because I could see that she was busy talking to some other kid, who probably did something bad. I over heard some of their conversation. His name was Zayn, and he had spray painted the teachers staff room thats why he was here. When she was done she looked at me, and said "Sorry dear, now how may I help you?" I told her that I was new here, and that I needed my schedule. She then asked me for my name, and I told her it was "Katy Simmon"

She looked me up and down before handing me my schedule, then she turned to Zayn who was still staring at me since she finished talking to him. she had asked him to help me and show me around. He got up from his seat and walked me out of the classroom. He then took my schedule and looked at him. After a few minutes I heard his groan. "Looks like you're in most of my classes, just follow me, and stay at least 10 feet away from me when following." At that I was mad I was going to ask him who he thought he was before we reached the classroom. He went inside and took his seat leaving me standing there. I walked up to the teacher and told him I was new. He then pointed to a seat right next to Zayn, and told me that I would be sitting there for the rest of the year. I made my way to the seat and sat down. He looked at me, hissed. Like literally hissed o.O

Through out the whole period I felt eyes on me, and they were burning a hole into the side of my face. It was Zayn, I just looked at him and asked "Could I help you?" He looked at me for a few more seconds before turning away. The bell then rang signaling that it was time to go to are next class. Both me and Zayn were the last one out. Before I exited the classroom I felt someone grab me by the waist and pull me back into the classroom. They then shut the door. I turned around only to be kissed on the lips, I couldn't see who it was, but I thought it was Zayn because me and him were the last ones in the classroom. This person had a strong grip on me.

I tried to pull his hands off of me, but he just held me tighter. He pushed me into the wall, and managed to pin my hands above my head. He gave me a passionate kiss. It was gentle and the beginning, but when I didn't kiss him back he grew angry. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, and when I didn't grant it to him, he moved his hand down my back until it was at my ass, he grabbed and I gasped. He used that as an advantage and started to slid his tongue in my mouth hungrily.

I then gave up and started to kiss him back. He kissed me so lightly that I felt like I was being lifted into the air. After he pulled back so he could breathe, while I fell to the ground. My face probably looked so red at the moment. I looked up and saw Zayn smirking at me. He then left me there in the classroom thinking over what I just did. I just kissed the bad boy of the school ..... ZAYN! So many emotions are filling me up right now. I feel happy, and mad at the same time.

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