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Na'chi Yoon


Kyle Walsh harbors a profound disdain for the female gender as he has yet to encounter one who isn't adept at deception and perilous machinations. The singular exception to this rule is Elsa Smith, an enterprising young woman struggling to rescue her floundering enterprise. Elsa finds herself with a fleeting window of ten minutes to persuade the callous Irishman to aid her cause. With the clock ticking, Elsa faces a momentous decision: either abandon her aspirations and suffer defeat or resort to the drastic measure of leveraging her physicality to settle her financial obligations.

Chapter 1 I

'What had brought her to this part of the world?' Elsa pondered as the helicopter skimmed over the treetops, her stomach churning with nerves. She was hidden beneath the thick canopy of the tropical rainforest, which covered vast expanses of exotic and mysterious terrain. Normally, she would have been captivated by the stunning beauty of her surroundings, but the impending meeting had her far too tense to appreciate it.

The man she was meeting, Kyle Walsh, was a brilliant yet risky individual, rumored to possess an extraordinary aptitude for numbers. The financial press had even compared him to a walking computer. He was also incredibly wealthy and wielded an immense amount of power, more than even kings and presidents. Elsa's aversion to technology made her uneasy, as she clung to her seat during the bumpy ride.

As the trees parted beneath them, revealing a rushing river below, Elsa turned to the pilot, seeking answers to her questions. "Why does he live all the way out here? He owns properties all over the world."

The pilot kept his eyes on the trees, explaining, "He values his privacy. The world won't leave him alone."

That made sense, given what Elsa had learned about Kyle Walsh. The list of unflattering adjectives describing him was endless: ruthless, emotionless, and lacking in compassion. He never gave interviews, making him somewhat of a recluse. "Is he a recluse, then?" Elsa asked.

The pilot chuckled, "Well, I wouldn't exactly call him soft and cuddly, not that women seem to mind. It appears that being dangerous and bad just draws them in. Women are able to detect power from a hundred yards away. Money and power."

Elsa couldn't help but laugh at the thought of her being mistaken for Kyle Walsh's girlfriend. "I'm here to meet with Mr. Walsh as a businesswoman. The initial investment for my company came from his company."

That investment had changed her life, but Elsa tried to push the thought aside as the sick feeling in her stomach returned. She stroked the surface of her briefcase, trying to restore her confidence. After all, she had piqued Kyle Walsh's interest with her small business, something that he had invested in as a business angel.

The pilot emitted a chuckle, "Ha! 'Angel'." He then proceeded to direct his focus towards the horizon, making minor adjustments to the controls. "I am uncertain of his means of acquiring wealth, but I can confidently assert that he is not a benevolent figure."

Elsa sat up with confidence, unwilling to be intimidated. "I do not always believe what I encounter in the news."

He responded, "Evidently," wearing a pitiful smile to match his disheveled appearance. "Otherwise, you would not be present here. Nevertheless, that is encouraging news, for it takes great bravery to venture out into this jungle. You strike me as a courageous young woman who possesses a distinct mind."

"Engaging in business meetings does not necessitate bravery. It solely depends on the nature of the individuals conducting business."

As the helicopter soared through a valley, covered in lush greenery and surrounded by undulating mountains, he added, "And the location. Few individuals possess the fortitude to visit the wolf in his lair."

Despite her efforts to remain open-minded, Elsa's mouth grew parched. "You are referring to Mr. Walsh as a wolf?"

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