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Wild Fire in Love

Wild Fire in Love

Senshi Jadir


Say , how did you fall in love with me Again? Please Bianchi begged her boyfriend Austraus knight for the hundred time as they walked down hand in hand through the town. It's simple ; Austraus responded... "You fell first , I fell harder .

Chapter 1 Mysterious Light brown eyes!


Finally we are going to see hot smoking guys in the class everyday , Isabella squeeled happily as we walked inside our new class, sealing off another three more years of life to studies .

Not us duuh ! It's just You , i pointed out .

I know ..just don't rub it in my face she solemnly said .

We'll that's what you get for being stuck in a all girls school almost your life i said matter of fact.

Come on at least pretend that you're interested Chi chi support me , it's not fair on your part , Isabella protested with a pout .

Do you remember the last time I was actually, genuinely interested? I glared at her .

Forget it , she waved it off trying to avoid the topic .

Yeah I'll definitely .

The first class is history i muttered looking down at the routine that was circulated through WhatsApp group.

The lecturer walked in and started with him introducing himself and giving off the syallabus for the whole semester.

The lecturer ended the class early and left the room with full of shy and reserved gentleman and ladies.

I'm hungry!! Isabella whined ..making me wonder where does all the food she ates goes to!

You and your never ending hunger , go get something to eat I barked at her whilst trying to get a glimpse of Ashton walker .

Chi chi are you listening?

Yes clearly and loudly i lied.

Okay then see you in English class , she waved to me as she prepare to go into the next room .

I sat looking aimlessly outside towards the door when suddenly locking my eyes with the most beautiful light brown eyes I've ever seen in my entire life.

Dressed in a black pants, a pair of black converse , olive green jacket with a white and blue strap shirt, face covered with a black mask giving off the mysterious aura.

What's going on with me? How long since have i felt this feeling?

Falling in love wasn't my priority yet now I'm awestruck with a pair of beautiful light brown eyes.

I guess I'm going to have another sleepless night.

The day goes on with people trying to get to know eachother, whilst some excited to meet their online friends as the first term was held online due to the covid.

I had personally meet a lot of friends which I've been chatting with some of them a great personality while some kinda opposite with what I've been expecting.

The only thing which was upsetting was that I was the only one among my friend circle taking the subject Economics.

We'll perks of taking Eco during the Higher secondary Days!

Don't be sad Chi chi , Isabella comforted me rubbing my shoulder

It's fine Bella , I'm okay I expected this , thanking her silently for her comfort .

We parted ways as we lived miles apart. Her house situated at East side of the town and I at the extreme west .

Walking home with a mission in my mind - discovering who the mysterious guy was.

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