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Jullie Ferdie


Devin Stone the alpha of the biggest pack ever heard 'The Red Moon Pack' , the reason the pack was name that is only known by the alpha himself. The pack is located in a city where both the humans and the were-beings reside and he is in control of it all. Kelly a human who is both feisty and at the same time rude and doesn't take shit from anybody no matter who you may be or the position you may hold in town. What happens when the man whom she hates a lot shows interest in her? What will happen when she finds herself slowly falling in love with him? What will happen when she finds out about his dark and scary secret? Will she still accept him? Will she agree to be his Luna and mate? If you wanna have answers to these questions and even more, grab your popcorn and ride along with me cause this ride is gonna be a long one. Possessive male lead, slight misunderstanding, not too annoying (hopefully). The book may contain some violence, and if you are a person who hates violence, then don't, I repeat don't open.

Chapter 1 WHAT A DAY!!!!

Kelly POV

" Gosh!!! Today had been very hectic, it was so stressful that I can hardly feel my bones" Tony complained to me, he is my very best friend and we are so inseperable almost like siblings.

"Why did you say so Tony?" I asked him while staring at him as if he has grown two horns on his head.

"Well, Kel today customers had been much and all the stress was on me" I watched him in disbelief as he threw his hands in the air and lamented bitterly.

"Tony, you must be sick in the head, what did you do that nobody has ever done in the whole wide world? Huh? What the hell exactly is that? I asked him while staring daggers at him.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, my role in this organization is very paramount and important" He argued.

"Okay, what exactly is that, that makes you special or any different from the rest of the people working here?" I asked him almost immediately.

"Well, don't you know that staying at the at the front door and welcoming the customers and at the same time keeping that smile on your face even though you are not happy, even though you're tired, that's the hardest thing for someone to do" He said.

"Well if you think that, that was too tiring and too much for you to do, then tomorrow afternoon, am going to talk to the manager to switch our positions, don't you think that, that would be much better for the both of us?" I asked with a grin plastered on my face, he gasped and screamed.

"Don't you dare!! Is that how much you hate me? That your job is too hard, you're really trying" I laughed real hard and pulled him along.

"Come on, let's go home" "But first, you must buy me ice-cream" I groaned and nodded my head in frustration.

Sorry for not introducing myself at first, am Kelly Smith, am 19 years old, a brunette but I love going platinum blonde, I don't know why I love that colour but what I know is that it damn suits me.

Am green eyed but no one has ever seen them except my parents and my elder brother. And one certain thing is that am a 'boss bitch'.


"Home Sweet Home!!!!" I screamed as soon as I got home.

I immediately slumped on the couch not even checking what or who was on the couch.

"Fuck Kel, don't you have eyes or have I become too small that you couldn't even notice me" My elder brother, Louis groaned.

"Oh!! Lulu, am so sorry, I was so, so tired that I didn't even bother to check who was on the couch" I pleaded with him while giving him the cute puppy eyes.

"Don't you even dare use that on me, cause you sure do know that's not going to work on me, if truly you're sorry, you will want to do anything to gain my forgiveness, right?" He asked while staring at me intensely.

"Yes, Lulu, anything" I replied.

"I need you to sleep on the couch and let me also flop on you" He answered.

"What, have you gone out of your mind, don't you know how huge and heavy you are, so that's your plan" I said.

"What?" He replied confusingly.

"That's your plan to get rid of me so that you can be eating my own portion of food, and also having all of mom and dad's attention all to yourself, you are so selfish Lulu" I replied.

"Come here you" He yelled and picked up the pillow while chasing me around the whole living room.

I hid beneath the dining table and sneaked behind his back and slapped him really hard at the back of the head.

Then I ran away while laughing my arse out, I just love slapping his head and I don't know why.

He dashed into the kitchen, and when he came out, I looked at him and my eyes nearly popped out of their socket when I saw him holding two knives with his eyes as red as that of an angry bull.

"Oh!! Oh!!!" I muttered and took to my heels immediately while he chased me.

I glanced back and when he was almost catching up on me, I yelled at the top of my voice.

"MOM!! DAD!!! Lulu is trying to commit murder here; you're just going to lose the best child ever to this abnormal human being".

I stopped running when I reached outside, he came towards me in steady steps while pointing the knives threatening at me.

As I tried to make an attempt to turn and run, I fell face flat to the ground, and there and now, I knew that I was doomed.

He grabbed me by the waist and said "Aren't you no longer running".

Then he lifted the knife to my throat, I was shivering miserably, is he really going to kill me, what have I done to him.

Then dad's voice thundered right at us "Louis, will you drop my daughter right now!!".

I sighed in relief when his tight grip on me was released; I ran towards dad and held him by the shoulders while sticking out my tongue playfully at him.

"But dad, she hit me first, and she flopped on me like I was some kind of bed" Louis complained.

"And so, isn't she your kid sister" Dad scolded him.

"I was just joking, I just wanted to scare her a little and she is a scary kitty cat, it's not fair, you always support on everything that she do while you scold me on every single mistake that I make" He whined as he stomped his feet on the ground.

Dad laughed at his childish behaviour and said "That's because you are a man and you need to be chastised when wrong, she is your baby sister you know, treat her with love".

"Never, Kel, am going to kill you" Dad laughed real hard at his childish character and went back into the house.

I immediately followed him because I still cherish my life and I wouldn't want any problematic brother to cut my life short for me, I looked back at him and he raised his thumb to his neck and sliced it gesturing that he's going to kill me. I gulped down in nothing hard and ran into the house. JESUS!! What a day!!

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