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Scheduled Fate

Scheduled Fate



Have you ever wondered what will happen if the billionaire was female? Well, Fiona Katherine Winchester is the most coveted female of her time, billionaire and CEO of one of the leading companies in the world. She has both the abundance of riches, beauty and poise that makes her the most desired and unattainable female. However she finds it hard to trust anyone and harder to believe in love, therefore she dates, not for the pleasure or whatever relationships could offer but for her peace of mind especially from her overwhelming mother and the ever ambitious press. After her recent breakup, her path crosses with an incredibly attractive, con artist, Jacob Void. Not knowing of who his plans and easily falling into his well laid traps, they form a contract for his services. But oblivious of the plot fate had in store for both of them, they realize rather too late that their little contract could no longer bind their feelings and their lives would never go back to what it was before the contract.


If only he knew my plans, then he wouldn't be so passionate as he debased the poor waitress who was clearly not at fault. Well, that was Sebastian Prime for you. A multi-millionaire, as arrogant, rude and entitled as they come. Son and heir of Prime Constructions, one of the largest construction companies in the state, and owner of many estates.

If he knew I was planning to breakup with him tonight, then he wouldn't be working so hard to impress me at the expense of another's dignity. I sighed, I would have fulfilled my goal ten minutes ago, if he hadn't bumped into the waitress, causing the tray to topple its contents over the poor girl's uniform.

"Sebastian. She's clearly the harmed one. Honestly, you do not have any reason to be this mean." I tried to call him to back down and forgive a crime that wasn't even committed. Sebastian wasn't even harmed, neither was his clothes soiled, therefore I couldn't understand the use of the scathing admonitions and arrogance.

"Of course, there is. I must show her, her place. Lowliers like her should know their place in this society," he said, without even looking at me.

"I'm sorry sir. I deeply apologize sir." The young waitress begged.

The poor girl looked barely nineteen and now she was crying. I couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't only disgracing the child, but since he was causing a scene, I was part of this disgrace. I couldn't take it, it was quite clear that he had no regard for women beneath him and I wasn't going to be kept in those ranks. So I stood.

"Sebastian, I said it's enough. You are causing a scene." I said behind him, then looked at the girl and continued.

"My dear, you can go. Sebastian. Enough. Okay?" I looked back at Sebastian and waited for him to calm down, but I was a fool to underestimate his bigotry.

"Would you stop right there." He shouted at the girl who was about to leave.

"Sebastian?" I almost screamed. If attention wasn't already on us, his voice would have made sure everyone was now paying attention to us and I wasn't ready to make a scene.

"Would you shut up, Fiona," he shouted. If he wasn't looking at me, I would have believed he was talking to someone else, but no, it was my Fiona, my name, me, he referred to me. He told me to shut up. How dare he.

Don't get me wrong when I said he was a millionaire. Yes, he was a millionaire, but I wasn't a gold digger dating him for his money, it was the other way round. He was a millionaire, heir to a company, but, I was Fiona

Katherine Winchester, billionaire and CEO of Winchester Group of Industries, the third most successful company on the entire continent, and, his company worked for mine. He was dating me for my money and I was dating him for my peace of mind.

But not anymore, for our relationship expired over a week ago and today was the only time I had for him, the only time I had to lay out the news to him, hence if he wanted to make a scene, I would help him do it.

"You dare tell me to shut up? Sebastian? Girl, get me your Manager. Immediately." I turned to the girl and shouted. I was excellent in keeping my composure, so although I raised my voice, I still looked as civil as Queen Elizabeth.

"Don't you move an..."

"Now." I shouted, cutting Sebastian off and the girl, obviously feeling the shift in power, sped off.

"Fiona?" He turned to me now, fear obviously in his eyes, and called my name. It was clear that his senses were back, for his voice had calmed. Well, too late, Sebastian, too late.

"One more word from you and your father will be on his knees in my office tomorrow morning, Sebastian?" I said and walked back towards my chair. The instant he held my arms to stop me, I turned and, without blinking, I made sure his soft over pampered cheek felt my rage. With immediate effect, the slap made him release my arm and I didn't even have to utter a word. The gasps of the now attentive audience highlighted the sting and he slowly rubbed his cheek as he watched me sit.

"Fiona. Come on, you know how I lose my temper, you can't threaten your boyfriend like that." He said and began to sit. Oh now he listened.

"Don't you dare sit next to me-” I said and he straightened instantly, then I continued,

"-and who is my boyfriend? Who? You? Oh Sebastian love. We were over weeks ago. I just wanted to inform you, today. So yes, love, I can threaten whoever I want however I want." I said and sipped my wine. There was a difference between arrogance and power and I would make sure he learnt it.

I saw the girl returning behind a young man that I presumed was her manager and sipped again.

"Good evening sir, ma'am. Sir, you requested my presence." The manager said to Sebastian and I smiled at the rim of my glass before having another sip. It was indeed a classic. I saw the waitress whisper into his ear, then confusion washed into his face, then he looked at Sebastian who was now standing like a wet puppy, then at me.

"Sorry Ma'am. You um... requested my presence. I am Paul, the manager. We are so sorry for the inconveniences my waitress might have caused. This is just her first week, so she is still learning the ropes. I plead you give us another chance. This will never happen again," the manager said.

Without a word, I reached for my purse, took out my business card and handed it over to him. He took it, and immediately he saw the logo behind the card, his eyes widened, then when he read the content, he almost knelt before me while his eyeballs threatened to fall off.

I grinned. Yes, worship, that is what power brings. The begging, pleading and supplications began again, but this time with genuineness and full sincerity. It was no longer a repeatedly rehearsed line.

"I wasn't offended by your waiter. In fact, I called because I liked your wine. Tell me, is it specific to your restaurant?" I replied, ending his chorus of apologies.

"Oh?" Both the waitress and her manager were shocked.

"Is it not?" I asked.

"No... um I meant to say yes. Yes, it is specific to only our brand," The manager replied.

"Oh I see. Shame. I want a carton delivered to that address every month until I say so." I pointed at the card he held as I spoke.

"But Ma'am, a bottle costs 35 grand," he said.

"Yes, I saw. My generous ex here bought it as our farewell drink. Isn't he wonderful? How many are in a carton?" I asked.

"It's twel..."

"Never mind that, it doesn't matter. Speak to your management and get it done. " I said, cutting him off.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Wonderful. Sebastian here can handle the bills, it's beneath him after all." I took the last sip and rose.

"Alright Ma'am, is there anything else?" The manager asked.

"Oh and one more thing, also add, the bills for everything that was broken tonight, the spilled food, drinks, the dry cleaning, scratch that, the replacement of her dress, and her psychological damage fee, to his bills."

"Ma'am?" The manager asked, seriously confused about my order.

"I want the receipt to be delivered with my wine on Monday. Is that okay with you, Sebastian?" I looked at him and he nodded.

"Wonderful. Paul?" I said and smiled. Although I didn't ask, I was sure he got every command, that was power.

"Understood, Ma'am," The Manager replied, bowing slightly.

"Alright then. I had an,... eventful evening. Gentlemen? Ladies?" I said to the audience that never stopped watching before leaving the restaurant. This was going to make the news tomorrow.

"Fiona Katherine Winchester breaks up with Sebastian Prime over spilt wine. Most coveted Female Billionaire is once again single."

Curse Sebastian and my Mother, my upcoming weeks were going to be a living hell, I was sure of it.

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