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In the end it's him and I

In the end it's him and I



I'm Amara. Never been loved by my parents. Never been liked by my friends. Until one guy who saw me through my walls. He made me believe I'm loveable. Gave me strength to dream. Took my heart and crushed it. Left me with nothing. When i finally gathered the pieces he is back this time now as my boss. And he wants me back. Again. But I'm no more a naive girl i once was. He can't fool me with his charms again or that's what i thought. Will I be able to resist his charm this time?

Chapter 1 Pilot

I wake up and check my watch on the bedside table. Crap i overslept. i hurriedly change into my office attire with a toothbrush in my mouth. I have to hurry otherwise i am going the miss the bus which is the last thing i want. I ran to the bus stop and the see the bus is leaving. If i miss this bus i will have to wait 30 minutes for the next one.

"Stop the bus please" I shouted running after the bus. I tripped over a stone and fell on the ground. Bloody hell now my shoes are broken. What a fabulous start to my day. Now i have to go back to my house and change my shoes. It will make me even more late. I don't want my boss to hate me more than he already does.

I reach the office. I just want to sneak into my cabin without being spotted. But of course today nature decided it wants to make me suffer. I am almost near my cabin door just few more steps and i will be safe. A voice came from behind me "You are late" Dang it.

Does he think I not know that? I can't say this to his face. Wish i could. So i just apologized. Thankfully today he isn't in the mood to mess with me. At least something is working out in my favor. I got off with a warning only.

I work in a books publishing company. I absolutely adore my job. I have been a reader ever since i can remember. So when i heard there is a job which literally pays you to read books and review them. I jumped at the opportunity and thankfully got it. I'm basically living the life every reader wants.

I start reading the book which i have to review by tomorrow. Shit It's a romance book. I used to love reading romance until i tasted how it felt and got my heart broken. Now i avoid reading such books. Don't want to trigger my trauma. I avoid everything related to romance like a plague. I am 22 and only been in a relationship once. How sad is that?But work is work. I gotta do it.

It is the same old cliche book where heroine fells in love with a boy and boom they have a happy ending. Same old bullshit. Real life doesn't work like that. I threw the book on my desk and got up i am so not in the mood to read the cheesy stuff.

I look up to see it was lunch time. I'm so hungry i didn't even eat breakfast today. I eat my lunch alone everyday because i have no friends. Trust me it's not as depressing as it sounds. Being alone doesn't bother me like many people. Infact i adore my solitude and peace. I fail to understand why people look for love to fill their loneliness. My past experience has taught me it's better to stay alone for the rest of your life than getting your heart crushed. I don't want to experience that again in my life.

Finally office time has ended. I can't wait to go home. Today was so shitty now i just want to curl up in my bed and read a thriller. I am crossing the road when a car stopped just inches away from me. The impact made me fell. The driver don't even have the decency to check if I'm ok and just drove away.

"Asshole" My clothes are all covered with dirt. Just when i thought my day couldn't get anymore shitty. It did.Looks like mother nature isn't done making me suffer yet. i want to cry out of frustration. I just want to go home. I miss my fluffy bed, my unicorn pillow. My teddy. Don't judge me I'm 22 and still sleeps with a pillow.

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