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Alpha’s Choice

Alpha’s Choice

M.Y Carolina


Aria thought that meeting her mate would be the best day of her life. Fate however, had other plans. Her mate was no other than Alexander Weatherly, the alpha of the Moonbeam pack and the worst playboy that ever existed. Alexander didn’t want to be tied down to anyone and specially to his annoying neighbor Aria Devine. There was no question, that Aria was hot, but she was too high maintenance for a playboy of his caliber. Alexander felt at at 25, he was too young to settle down.

Chapter 1 The presentation

I, Aria Devine, am late. I really can’t afford to be late today as I has a big presentation at work at ten and it’s 8:50am and I’m still home. My stupid alarm was set to PM instead of AM so now I am rushing out the door to make the train. As I’m rushing down the stairs I’m not looking where I’m going and suddenly feel as if I’ve hit a wall.

“You really should watch where you’re going,” said a gruff voice. I didn’t even have to look up to know that I’d bumped into my sexy and hot neighbor, Alexander Wetherly. I‘m in a rush, I said. I’m sorry for bumping into you, but I have to go. He doesn’t answer me so I keep going. I made it to the train station just as the doors were about to close. I had to use my laptop bag to hold the doors open. I breathed in for the first time since rushing out the door. I normally drive, but my car is in the shop so I’m forced to take the train to work. Although in all honesty, I prefer to take the train to the city, than actually drive. I rush into the office with only ten minutes to spare. My secretary, Sarah, asks if I need any help setting up. I tell her that all I need is in my laptop so I should be good to go.

My boss, Alicia and my boss’s boss, Carol will be at the meeting as well as the other department heads of Natural Beauty. Natural Beauty is a make up line that has been slowly building traction in the DC Metro area. We have all sorts of beauty products ranging from skin care to body care as well as make-up. In all, about fifteen people will attend the meeting. I’m going to be providing new policies and procedures for our production team. As I’m explaining the new procedures that need to be enacted, I see that the boardroom door opens and in strolls in Alexander. I’m confused as to why he’s here, but keep on with my presentation. I answer questions that the team has and as I am wrapping up, my boss says she has an announcement. She introduces Alex as the new partner. It seems that Alexander has bought twenty percent shares of Natural Beauty. I’m speechless. As the director of Human Resources, I thought I was supposed to be privy to these types of transactions. I am responsible for planning and leading the human resources department and its hiring protocols. My main responsibilities include planning personnel requirements, recruiting new employees, and assigning appropriate payment and benefit options to each member of personnel. I guess since he’s part owner now he can decide whether or not he wants to implement the changes that I’ve come up with.

Before I can ask him, he comes up and tells me he is impressed. I’m at a loss for words as I sit there and stare at him. He has that effect on me. He’s five foot ten, the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen and is all full muscle. I, on the other hand, am five foot five, black hair, hazel eyes and although I have a flat stomach, my breasts are a B cup and my butt isn’t too bad. I feel like I’m average compared to a demiGod and he knows it. It doesn’t help that I live next door to him. I see him with a different woman every night. I don’t know how he has time to perform his Alpha duties and still go out every night. “Cat got your tongue,” he asks me. I’m having a hard time forming the words. I feel stupid, because here I am a professional, career minded woman and he leaves me speechless. I finally form the words: “why this company?” You couldn’t have bought shares of any other company? He answers with: I didn’t know that you worked at this company and the shares were ones that I couldn’t pass up. You know that our pack is always looking to make investments. We have to keep our pack prospering, otherwise we risk losing money in the long run. It takes a lot to keep our pack clothed, fed and in nice homes.

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