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A touch of fate

A touch of fate



One time of her normal days someone gave her a flyer, she looked at it and saw a bar's name. At that time the only thing that went to her mind was money and there she decided to take that job, she became a stripper. All was going well until she made her first-ever mistake, she went drunk and had a one-night stand with a man she does not know; well she thinks she doesn't know. When she woke up she ran away crying to her pad; The man was ready to be with her but she refused and pushed him away thinking she have her boyfriend, but then that mistake she had done bloomed and became a kid. The two married each other after such difficulties they have to go through that made them thought that those were the end but then them knowing the whole truth of their lives blow their love out of the place. Will they survive and face the truth together or will they go on their separate ways? The Love they had grows without courage; and we all know that love without courage can't survive or will they?

Chapter 1 Prologue

I never imagined that a girl like me, who was abandoned in that orphanage, and a woman like me, who desired to avoid having children, would have the opportunity to give birth to a daughter.

I was a sinner, and as I became a stripper, I knew to myself that I also became a sinner in Christ, but fate has actually been good to me ever since, bringing, giving me the kind of man that I did not even wish for, I had lost hope for that. A woman that was left and never been in the favor of fate I could not imagine to have the chance to be loved deeply by a man.

Having someone in your life who can make you happy even when they aren't around is always a plus.

Yet while I wish I did, I don't have that. Strangely, here I am staring at the man I vowed to spend the rest of my life with when I thought I would never want to have a family of my own where I am the mother.

"I saw you stripped for the first time, and at that precise moment, I did not worry about anything else but to go in that stage and cover you in any way I can, but I was badly stopping myself on doing that; thinking why would I? you are a stranger to me, well, I wanted and needed to think that you are a stranger; but seeing you being disrespected by that man, I could not stop myself. my mind went empty, and my body moved the way it wanted without my mind's consent."He began by sharing his very first memory of the young me at that stage, which caused me to cry while staring intently into his eyes. "I never thought that the mistake you and I did will make me say thanks now, I can't even think of it as a mistake anymore, I now only think that it was a wonderful Precious memory that made the wonderful precious little girl of ours," he said.

"I swear that I will also take care of the both of you in any way I possibly can; with all my very best, I will treat you two as my Queen and Princess," the king continued. "The whole world might, no, the whole world will judge you because of your past, Our beautiful Princess will be asked by people who are not thinking well if she really is mine."

I muttered "Luke" in a voice that was filled with conflicting feelings. I had the impression that I was the only woman with a man like this. How lucky I am to have him and how much in love I am with him.

He then embraced my face with his hands and pulled me closer to him as he kissed me. "The only stripper girl I would be very glad to see naked stripped in my own bed, aren't I a nice man?" leaned his forehead on mine as his voice became husky, imagining what he wants. "I love my little princess and I love you, The one and only stripped girl that I will see" My lips quickly twitch into a smile. We're in front of the priest, you silly boy.

I laughed and gave him a quick shoulder punch, saying, "You're the only good man who have this much horny cells."

He winked at me and said, "I'm a kind man, but sometimes I can be awful for you. In a pleasing way."

I want to tease him, "Damn, where did you learn things like that."

He spouts, "Dude I'm a man, of course I know things like that," as he embraces me, "Come on, what do you expect me to be? A person who continues praying? Singing worship songs?"

I laughed and gave him a quick elbow poke, saying, "Alright, okay. Let's stop, father might hear us talking about this foolish stuff."


If a man with an angelic disposition fell in love with a lady like me,

Isn't that ironic?

Nonetheless, it was conceivable because of how severely he fell along with me.

Airports are neither my ideal or one of the places I would choose to visit, but they nonetheless become some of the most unforgettable locations that I will never forget.

It serves to separate people from one another. It transports them to a different location where they might stay and refuse to return home. It helps people reunite with loved ones in some cases. Another person is picked up so they can return to their house and loved ones.

But looking at it the good way, it serves as a lesson for me. That place made me who I am today. Despite all the challenges I've come through.


"How did Daddy find out about you, Mom?" My daughter questioned as the three of us lay in bed together snuggled.

"But, baby, your mommy wasn't found by your dad. Mommy made the first move to touch Daddy. Want to discover the reason? He smiled as he addressed the young child.

"Sure, please." Our princess laughed and said, "I want to know why, Daddy. I bet it's a wonderful story."

My daughter's face crumpled and I burst out laughing. "Okay baby, your mommy reach out to me because she thinks that daddy is so handsome."

"That's not true, Daddy; did you make that up?" My child scowled.

My spouse also pouted, "You don't sound convincing hon, try much harder," while I just smiled at them.

"Why doesn't my princess trust her father?" Pouting, he said that.

"Because mama doesn't appear like the kind of girl who would reach out first," she said.

I simply stare at them while a smile spreads across my face as they argue with one another.

This moment was not part of my plan before but here I am now enjoying every seconds of it hoping that this won't last.

I just love how this make me feel at peace.

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