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Dining with the enemies

Dining with the enemies

OAP writes


"What in God's name are you doing with a gun Nelson?" Ava asked clearly terrified. "What else would I be doing with a gun?" He replied. "But, why would you point a gun at me?" "Because I want to kill you". "Kill me??? What on earth did I do wrong?" "How would you even know? you are evil and you can't even recollect how many evils you have done". "Nelson, what evil have I done to you?" "Don't call me Nelson again, I don't want to hear that name" "b...uuu...ttt" "Would you keep that unholy mouth of yours shut! you this fool, gold digger and riffraff. my name is Frederickson James Troy, the grandson of the one and only Fredrickson Daniel....which makes me the heir apparent to the 'Fredrickson's Empire' the one you thought you killed by drowning exactly five years ago in Bradford". "Jam...es, how's that even possible? I watched you drown". "Yes, you did...how callous can you be?" "Nooooooo noo, I checked your profile you were a citizen of New Zealand.... while James is a England'. "You are absolutely correct my sweetheart, I calculated you would have forgotten that I was given an honorary citizenship at birth by New Zealand... I told you about that didn't I?" "Butttt...the face, the facccccee". "Awwwn my darling, you're so tensed right now...how much does a facial surgery cost my baby? or have you forgotten that I am now the CEO of the Fredrickson's Empire... all thanks to you and no thanks to you". "I sold the shares...yes I did". "My sweet love, you were not informed that no shares belonging to the Fredrickson's family can be sold You were only paid off by my doctor...who treated me when I was hospitalised". "James... please forgive me, I am sooo sorry". "Forgive you? you wiped out my whole family...you rendered me homeless for months...I lost my memory for a whole three years and you almost ruined my family name and legacy... I will be a fool and bastard to let you go...good. bye Ava Smith". "What would you tell the authories?" "That you were hit by one of the opponents gun...have you forgotten that there is a limit to how they can question me? you made it that way darling. rest in pieces Ava". he said and set the gun to pull the trigger.

Chapter 1 Introducing the Fredrickson's

Amira combed her hair carefully, looking into the reflection of herself in the mirror. She sipped her coffee and picked up the picture on her dressing table. It was taken seven years ago when she was leaving this country to another.

She selected a red gown from her closet which had the most exquisite collections. She placed it back in it’s place and moved to the shoe rank, she stood fixed for a while trying to make a decision on what to pick but she was unable to.

After standing for what seem like an hour she decided to close her eyes to make a preference that she was going to settle for no matter the outcome. She wore a smile after the result and thought, ‘it couldn’t have been any perfect'.

She headed back to her dressing table, there were a lot of body lotions for different part of her body, she applied a few and got into the business of dressing up.

When she was done, she thought highly of her looks. She was tall and elegant, she bore looks like that of a princess, with skin that is as fair as porcelain, almond shaped eyes and thin pink lips, she was an epitome of beauty who had an old school girl charm. She was of great attitude and awesome potentials, she was idolized by many.

Fredrickson Amira, the only daughter and second child of the multi billionaire Fredrickson Daniel, who commanded a large chain of businesses, in the business world he was the don.

The Fredrickson's Empire was an organization that had over 20-30 league of business under one flag. They were into textile industry, tea plantation, programming and software development, copper manufacturing, mining, recycling, Agriculture and hotel management amongst others.

Fredrickson Daniel, an easy going kind of man, hardworking, decisive and refined. He demonstrated exemplary strength even while aging.

His success story comes with a lot of rejections and disappointment which were the stumbling block to his stepping stones.

He never stopping telling the society that his late wife played a significant role in the development of himself as well as his empire.

The Impact of my late wife in my success can not be over emphasis was his regular line. Late Mrs. Cristina Fredrickson was the strong pillar that never collapsed during his hard time, she was wise, brilliant, stunning and a wonder woman. No doubt Amira is the direct replica of her late mom, she died during the birth of Amira.

Amira felt the absence of her mom sometimes but with the help of Mrs. Cynthia who was a motherly figure to the family, she contributed a great deal in bringing up the kids when their mother passed. Their father consider her a very dedicated and compassionate person with subliminal attributes, she hasn’t proven to be otherwise all her years working for him. Although he wasn’t happy that only a few people knew she isn’t the mother to Amira and Clinton that made him feel like a part of his wife had been forgotten. He randomly console himself with the fact that Mrs. Cynthia was doing an incredible job raising his kids and treats them exactly the way their late mom would have. They both banged great grades in their high school and better grades in their colleges, how comforting that was for a busy business man like him who rarely had time to put his children in check.

Clinton Fredrickson, the heir to The Fredrickson's Empire, an handsome looking young man, the most eligible bachelor in town, only a few of his peers were a little close to achieving his achievements. Respectful, diligent, calm, cool and a lot more of phenomenal personalities made him the pride of his father. Life gave Mr. Fredrickson and his late wife a fair share as Clinton also share amazing characteristics with his father.

The wind blew softly but cold, it caressed Amira hair laying them back on her shoulder after swinging them in different directions. Her feet marched in order and the aura of her beauty left men waggling their tongues as she stepped in majestically to join the soiree organized by her father for Clinton who had just sealed the biggest deal of the century. She had decided to use the opportunity to surprise them with her arrival.

The music was slow and so melodious, it captured the heart of many and a lot danced in accordance with the rhythm.

Amira's heart ached as they played the music her and her boyfriend loved the most and sang word for word. It was the same song Clinton had used to teach her the first dancing steps she learnt. She couldn’t wait to show him how much danced steps she knew now, her boyfriend was talented and one of his numerous talents was dancing, so she could place a bet that she was doing much more better than her brother when it comes to dancing.

Clinton hardly removed his eyes from his phone as the meeting with share holder went on, it was somewhat obvious that he was expecting someone and his father couldn’t help but notice. He only wished that the person his son was this eager to see was the lady they had been waiting to meet all this while.

Clinton looked up from his phone where his gaze had been all this while and his face met with his father’s. They stared at each other for a while trying to convey their words through gestures.

Maybe his father’s wish were finally coming true, he thought. He has been seeing this lady for a while now, the butterfly in his belly seem not to stop playing so hard. His heart kept racing and he couldn’t stop thinking about her, the sparkle in her eyes, her smile, her carriage and charisma was all he could think of all day. It was as if she had him wrapped under her pretty fingers.

Finally, he believes that luck had come his way and he found someone who loved him for whom he was, there was this feeling she was for real and he had to stick with it maybe that will make a positive impact. He had gone through so many heart breaks and had redrawn himself from love but at last love found him and he hoped that for the umpteen time this was going to be his last attempt at love for good.

‘I am having a lot of troubles parking my car', she texted.

How didn’t he advise that she took a ride, the empire was definitely going to be crowded even the shareholders had their guest also. Her message instantly lightened up his mood and face, he excused himself from the board and went to attend to Cecilia.

Clinton passed by Amira in the waiting compartment, Amira resisted the urge to hug her brother so tight. She didn’t feel too bad when he couldn’t recognize her, she hid her face under the speck she wore, she would not bare any one recognizing her and spoiling the surprise she has carefully planned for months. The hardest part was passing through the place where Mrs. Cynthia and her son sat, but then she did and must successfully completed her mission too.

Clinton hurried back to the meeting when he was satisfied that Cecilia was in save hands. The girl at the waiting space had this familiar figure, he could have swore he knew her but then he wasn’t able to get himself together and think straight without remembering that his girl was somewhere out there in the cold waiting for his warmth. He wished the meeting could end just immediately, but this old men and women looked like they still had a thing or two to say.

Randomly, he would text her and asked if she was settling well and if she needed something. After a couple of replies she warned him not to get distracted that she was doing just fine, ‘Doing just fine without me?’ he texted

Not like that, of course I want you here but I understand you also have to been in that meeting so stop texting and focus. I’m not running clitty.

Is that supposed to be my pet name?

What's that?

Acting dumb doesn’t suit you well enough *smiley emoji*

I take that as a compliment, and yes clitty would be your pet name till I find something more suitable.

That’s lovely, I’m yet to get a pet name for you but I will soonest, hope that goes down well with you?

I’m okay with whatever you call me till you decided.

You want to know another awesome aspect of Clinton’s lady, she had the largest and purest of heart.

I envy your sense of understanding, he texted back.

Someone is flirting with your babe here, she replied.

I promise to get you his head, he typed and clenched his fist.

The meeting was getting longer than expected and Clinton wasn’t relaxed since the last text he got from Cecilia, how dare the guy flirt.

Amira stretched her feet for what was like the hundred and one time she was doing that, she signed up for this right? She went to the washroom and as if that’s was the sign the board were waiting for, the meeting ended.

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