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Living with my bully

Living with my bully

Åuthoress Pïxçy


"I will make your life a living night mare " That what Clara heard after teaching he's sister a lesson . She has to be he's personal maid to pay off her debt . All she wanted was a new life , home and beginning but got the exact opposite . Clara a naive teenager who got framed for taking drugs by her friends . She had to run away with her single mum to another city . She promised herself not to trust anyone again and not repeat the same mistakes again . She meets Lewis, a demi God of the school and also a top student , but also arrogant . She meets him bullying an old man on the road and confronted him . After Lewis proved his innocence she was embarrassed and left not knowing faith has another plans for them ; she didn't know he would actually be her classmate . She became his victim after that incident , She just wished she never knew him because it attracted lots of haters to her . Lewis, a straight top student , who is a rich billionaire and a demi God , he's also a bully but girls don't mind that because of how handsome he was . but was angry with his father for choosing to remarry after so many years, bumps into Clara . He promised himself that he would make her pay for the humiliation she caused him . His arrogant to everyone even to his own father but no one knows why . These two became enemies as Clara constantly got bullied by Lewis . He did everything to humiliate her but also saved her from other bullies . How will she fall for a bully ? What will happen when she finds out Lewis is already engaged to another girl? How will Clara react when she finds out she was adopted?

Chapter 1 Starting a new life

“ Clara, aren't you done, get your ass down here. “ I heard my mum's voice from downstairs .

“Am coming ma. “ I yelled back and I heard her scoff. Today is my first day going to Clifford High school.

We moved to this city recently with my mum and she says it is a must. I must attend school after the last incident that happened in my former school.

Furthermore, I actually don't want to talk about it. I just hope you'll find new friends, not some f* cking betrayers.

I grabbed my bad pack after combing your hair and wearing my sneakers. I ran downstairs, I met your mum making breakfast, and she smiled at me .

“ Good morning mum” I kissed her, and she ran her hands through my hair.

“Mum" I chuckled, fixing your ruined hair and she rolled her eyes.

I sat around the table eating when I caught mum staring at me . I raised a brow at her.

“ Mum" I dropped my fork and she cleared her throat. Like it's actually an important thing she wants to say.

“Honey you're starting a new school, that means new Friends. Please don't make friends like your old ones" She stared at me waiting for my reply, since we guys moved into this new city, this has been her anthem in the house. Reminding me of the friends I made that almost led me into drug dealing. And when the police got involved, they tagged me along with them. We had to move into a new city with my mum. But my mum doesn't seem to understand that I have gotten rid of the bad energy and friends, I won't repeat the same mistakes again. I looked at her sulking.

“Mum I have heard it like a billion times, my ears hurt already” I tried to hide the fact that I was hurt by what she said . I were on the inside not your ears.

“ If you say so, honey." She smiled, chewing on her food, and I rolled my eyes.

“Mum you said that yesterday, but you're repeating it today" I suddenly lost my interest in eating, I just wanted to get away from her, from everything I just needed fresh air.

I stood up grabbing my bag. I kissed her cheeks, she stared at me in surprise, before she could say anything else, I already left the house.

I know she's concerned about my well-being but it's hurting me every day.

Likewise, I stopped a taxi, but he looked at me and zoomed off.

Not only that, but I growled and kicked the air. “Some idiots still exist in this world” not long before I entered another taxi. He was staring at me through the rare mirror. I noticed it but pretended like I didn't.

I actually forgot I have long Ash hair, which made me look like a witch. Guess that's why the first taxi zoomed off like he saw a ghost.

I actually used to dye it in my previous school.

The dye usually washes off after two weeks, and it's annoying. I rolled my eyes looking through the window. I want to be alone, and the driver isn't making that happen with that look.

I came across a traffic jam, “gosh what is this” . The cars blew their horns like it's some kind of Human force causing it. I have to find out what this human force is before we spend the night here. I got down from the car, walking forward not without the wired glares from the public . I saw the crowd surrounding two people. But they definitely gave them their space.

It looks like an old man was being bullied by a teenager boy. What the f*ck, who is that son of a b!tch . I angrily walked to where the mob, that's where I heard what they were saying.

“I didn't steal your wallet, please, I'm just an old man.” The old man pleaded, but the idiot didn't let him go. He was determined to get his stupid wallet, I couldn't see their faces clearly, and he's determined to get that wallet from the old man .

I forced my way through the mob, then you saw his face clearly, he's the pure definition of beauty. From he's black hair to his square shoulders, his deep red lips.

"Hello, how can I help you?” His voice brought you back to reality and I rolled my eyes.

“ I can't let you bully this old man, you arrogant brat. '' I poked him in the chest and the crowd gasped, guessing he was bullying them too.

“My dear, he accused me of stealing. How can I do that can of thing my dear, " tears dropped from his eyes and I glared at the boy. “ Beauty and arrogant, how disgusting” .

He smirked like a devil in a play.

“See whatever you call yourself he's clearly not with your money, please carry your arrogance and get out” I spat out he disgusts me right I just want to stone him, but I'm afraid I might get arrested.

“ Am gonna count until five, bring out the money or there will be consequences'' he started counting. The old man was now shaking. He raised her hands and I looked around. That's when I saw two guards approach us, and they started searching for the old man.

“What.....what the hell are you doing ?” I started holding the guards against searching for the old man, but of course, they were way stronger than I was . Suddenly, one of their hands paused at the man's pants, bringing out the wallet from the old man's pocket. And I nearly lost my breath. “ This is the last time I will interfere in someone's business again “.

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