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Through my blindfold.

Through my blindfold.

Sophie Zakari


Chloe is a young, beautiful teenager. She has an abusive mother and supportive friends. She got caught up in a love triangle.

Chapter 1 The beginning.

"What were you thinking? You! Smoking? You're not a smoker Chloe, do not smoke" Sandy said to her friend.

"Why?" Chloe said back. "Medically, it's not good and you weren't like this before, What changed?" Mandy asked her. " Everything changed when that bastard left my mum, who the hell does he think he is to just walk out of our lives? Mum has been heartbroken, it's driving her insane,she yells at me for no reason and you think I'm okay? Chloe said tearing up. "Ohh Chloe, you'll be fine, Sandy and I are here for you, even if anyone walks out of your life, we both will be here forever". Mandy said. "I know, thanks, you both are my team for life, but my mum....I'm worried about her". Chloe said. "Your mum is not a baby anymore, it's just a phase, she'll pass I promise. She's just heartbroken, recall when Will left me, I was so heartbroken but I finally came over it, I promise she'll be okay." Mandy said. "Thank you Mandy" Chloe said. Sandy rolled her eyes.

Chloe was an eighteen year old young lady, she was very beautiful with blue eyes and golden hair. She sings beautifully and wants to be a successful star, her best friends Sandy and Mandy were identical twins. Mandy the softer twin was very emotional, brilliant, good-looking and a girl of many words, she talks a lot not minding if the listener was listening properly, she had brown long hair which reaches her waist and hazel eyes. Sandy on the other hand was the direct opposite of her sister, she talked less and had more action, she had beaten up a lot of boys and had dated no one. She cut her hair short and tinted it black,she always wore dark eyeliner and dressed like a man. Chloe loved both of dearly.

Chloe and her mum had moved from Canada to New York after her father was killed, she was 7 years old then, she met Sandy and Mandy two days after moving in. They were the opposite neighbors and they had an older brother called Mark. Unfortunately, Chloe's mum relocated again to another street but the friendship between the girls was already born and they wouldn't hesitate to visit each other. Chloe's mum Margaret detested the twins coming to her house because Sandy always broke her stuff. "I'm sorry Miss Margaret". Sandy always said but destroys something else later. Chloe had another friend who was a guy, his name was Alex, he was every girl's dream guy, but he preferred to hang out with the three girls and doing the lady's thing. He rarely visits Chloe because of her mum.

Margaret started seeing Elliot when Chloe was eleven and he became a part of their lives until he broke up with her leaving Margaret devastated and really shattered.

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