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Falling in Love With a Big Star

Falling in Love With a Big Star

Zhihu Select


Life in showbiz is glamorous. The relationships in showbiz are dreamy and sweet. The best actor has a crush on me. The top idol hits on me. I, a little-known actress, become famous. ... This is a collection of exciting love stories in showbiz.

Chapter 1 From Fan to Wife(1)

Author: Zhi Zhi Wei Zhi Zhi


"Since you want to live off of someone, why didn't you come to me?"

Jaden Garner stared at the red marks on my collarbone, his eyes glinting coldly and dangerously.

"You have a girlfriend," I said. I turned my face and refused to look at him.

Jealousy welled up from the bottom of my heart.

Jaden was stunned for a moment. He did not speak for a while, then he suddenly grabbed my wrist. He laughed in the next second as he uttered my name, "Natalie Yates."

When he called my name with a smile, his voice was low and magnetic. I had to admit that he had a very nice voice.

However, it sounded very harsh to me.

What was he laughing at?

I tossed him a wary glance and quickly lifted the strap of my dress to cover the red marks.

Could it be...

Could it be that he was laughing at me because I spent years in the entertainment industry pretending to be reserved and innocent, yet I was now running out of the director's room in a disheveled state?

Was that why he asked me to live off of him?

Before I could react, Jaden held my waist with his broad palms, and then suddenly pulled me toward him. It was as if he wanted to embed me in his arms.

"Natalie," he whispered to me again and let out a sound that resembled a sigh as he moved his fingertips slowly up my face.

I stiffened, feeling hot and uncomfortable.

It was too close.

I was too close to him.

All of a sudden, I caught a whiff of a familiar fragrance of pine and cypress on him.

There was also an extremely faint trace of jasmine perfume in the mix. One would not notice it if one did not pay close attention.

The perfume belonged to a lady.

My pupils suddenly contracted. I knew I should stay away from him, but I felt ashamed and devastated when I realized that I was reluctant to leave him.

I could not help scolding myself in my heart.

He had a girlfriend, but I liked him. I was too despicable.

He suddenly grabbed the back of my neck with his right hand and forced me closer to him.

"Girlfriend? Do you have terrible eyesight? Huh?" He looked down at me as his hot breath tickled my skin, and his low and hoarse voice rang out beside my ear.

My breath hitched in my throat. My back tightened as he flirted with me, and my cheeks gradually became red and hot.

My face changed slightly after understanding what he meant.

My eyesight was great. I could see very clearly.

On the contrary, it was he who had bad eyesight!

Some memories suddenly appeared in my mind.

May 20th, which was exactly a month ago, was such a tender and romantic day.

The famous singer, Yael Quinn, happened to release a new album on that day, and Jaden chose to publicize his relationship on that day.

What he posted on Twitter was very simple. There were only two words, followed by a heart emoticon. It read: [My girl.]

A picture of a woman was uploaded along with the tweet.

The woman in the photo was richly bedecked, for she dressed in a fur coat and wore countless luxury goods on her body. Judging from the picture, she looked to be around 330 pounds, was an older woman, and had a kind appearance.

In a short time, Jaden's official love declaration became the top trending topic.

Jaden's family situation and his early life were terrible. His parents died young, but fortunately, he became famous at a young age, and his career had been smooth sailing ever since.

Jaden looked noble and indifferent. He was both good-looking and had great acting skills. He won many prizes and thrived in the industry for many years without scandals. Suffice it to say, he had a good reputation in the industry.

When the romance news broke out, the server was flooded with many comments and retweets, and it almost broke down. It was understandable, especially because the woman looked like a nouveau riche.

There were many comments.

The hottest comment had more than 500,000 likes. The profile picture was of Borden Milk, and the username read: [Deputy Director of Cutvine Eye Disease Research Center.] The comment was short and curt: [Hello.]

The second comment was liked by more than 400,000 users. It was written by the best actor, Yunus Garcia, who was one of Jaden's few friends in the circle. He commented: [Amazing!]

The third most liked comment was written by Yael, the famous singer who got his trending topic taken away by Jaden's announcement. It was a curse word.

In other comments, countless male fans were crying as they wrote their blessings, and more than half of the female fans could not accept their idol's taste in women, so they announced that they would stop being his fans on the spot.

I felt like I was struck by lightning.

I was not only his fan, but I also wanted to be his wife.

Despite my acting degree, prominent and gorgeous facial features, as well as excellent acting skills, I had not been popular for many years.

A year ago, I accidentally collaborated with Jaden on a drama series. I even publicly confessed to him on Twitter because I developed feelings for him when we were acting alongside each other, but he avoided me.

After Jaden's official announcement, the netizens burst into a frenzy. Jaden would rather be kept by a rich lady old enough to be his mother than accept my confession.

At that moment, I became the laughingstock of the internet.

Even the tweet, which I confessed to Jaden a year ago, was found by the netizens and became a top trending topic.

People laughed, gloated, and scolded me.

Of course, I could not bear it. That day, I flew abroad directly, deleted Twitter, threw away my SIM card, and changed my contact information.

After hiding for a whole month, I finally made up my mind to come back.

Unexpectedly, Jaden bumped into me running out of the director's room that night. He stopped me and even told me to live off of him.

Furthermore, he made fun of my eyesight.

Thinking of that, I pressed my palm against his chest and struggled hard to push him away.

However, he pinned my hands above my head and firmly imprisoned me in that position.

I tried to break free, but my efforts were futile. I glared at him fiercely.

"My eyesight is perfectly fine."

I gritted my teeth and did my best to keep calm, trying not to let the emotions that I should not leak out.

Jaden stared at me with his dark and unfathomable eyes.

He sighed as if he was a little uncomfortable. He then turned his face and asked in a dull voice, "Do you think I look like someone who has a girlfriend?"

The atmosphere was still for a moment.

I trembled and could not believe it. I did not expect an elegant and aloof man like Jaden to say such shameless words.

Did he think that I was a fool or an outdated person who did not surf the internet?

I trembled with anger and pushed him away as I questioned, "Do you think that I'm stupid?"

Unexpectedly, Jaden glanced at me with eyes full of emotion. His lips were slightly parted, but he didn't say a thing.

I let out a bark of laughter out of anger and curled the corner of my lips into a smirk. At that moment, the aura I was exuding was almost glacial.

I steadied my breathing and looked up at him after a while.

He was looking back at me with a dark look in his eyes.

After staring at him for a long time, I suddenly smiled and said, "Do you really want to let me live off you?"

He frowned and said nothing.

I looked at him with irony in my eyes.

He did not even want me when I went up to him before. Now that I came out of the director's room, he suddenly felt that I was precious.

"I want you," he said in a low voice.

I sneered in my heart and leaned toward him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my warm lips against his ears.

"If you really want to be my sponsor, I have one condition in addition to giving me the resources I deserve."

His breathing suddenly became rapid. "What's the condition?"

I smiled, splayed my fingers on his warm chest, and rubbed his chest gently. I held in my laughter as my eyes gleamed.

His eyes, on the other hand, were gloomy and full of lust. The next second, he picked me up and brought me from the corridor to his room.

I fell into a soft bed. He leaned down, and his thin lips fell on the red marks on my collarbone. He bit me harshly as if he wanted to erase the marks left by others earlier.

I trembled and raised my chin slightly. When he kissed all the way along the collarbone, I, too, kissed him naturally. My words overflowed between our lips and teeth. "I want money."

Without an ounce of hesitation, he said in a low voice, "Okay."

I pushed him away slightly, gasped for a while, looked up at him, and smiled casually. "I want 312 thousand dollars, and I want it today."

He still promised me and kissed me again. "Okay."

My eyes were filled with tears. Somehow, I suddenly said without thinking, "I want you to break up with that old baby of yours..."

He stopped and looked a little confused. "Old—"

Before he could finish, I kissed him again and gritted my teeth. "Forget it."

I really did not want to hear his girlfriend's name from his mouth.

That night, I held his shoulders harshly. My heart felt like it was soaked in acid, and the feeling almost devoured me.

We did not sleep until we were completely exhausted.

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