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I grew up with my parents fighting when inside but pretending to be all good outside in front of everyone and I happened to be caught up in their nonsense. I should have just left with my sister except she didn't tell me she was leaving, she elope with her lover and to cover their shame my parents made the media believe they let her go to live her life unlike me. My dad was a successful business man and my Mom a popular celebrity. I started giving up on things ever getting brighter for me until I met her, this peasant angel and I'm determined to keep her by my side. She might be the only light in my dark life.


Dave walked out of the bathroom standing in front of the mirror as he watched himself, it was another day of trying to see if things would go better for him. He exhaled and walked towards his wardrobe to select his clothes..

His father had just handed the whole organization to him without asking if he was okay with it. He took out the suite he would wear when his phone rang, he picked it up and saw the caller. It was his sister Lizzy who eloped with her boyfriend Ken after his parents said a no to their relationship.

"Hi Lizzy"

"Woah!, What's with the low reply it's me buddy" her jovia voice came from the other side.

"I know" he answered, he wasn't going to pretend he was excited hearing her voice, ever since she left he had been the only one carrying everything along even the two adults called his parents, he didn't even want to think of the part where she didn't say a word to him before eloping, it wasn't like he was some five years old.

"Oh. Well I wanted to ask if you'd like to hang out, you see I and Ken found this amazing place and.."

"I'm not coming, I'll be too busy" he interrupted.

"Oh well that's but...."

He ended the call before she could finish her sentence, he was so pissed and annoyed like why did she call him. Who did she think he was?.

"Dave!!" He heard his mother's call and turned to his door as she got in.

"You should knock" he told her and she laughed.

"I'm sorry honey but you're running late. Hurry today is your first day at the company you need to make a good impression"

"I will just go"

"Yeah" she answered and turned from him walking out of the room.

He exhaled when she had gone, that was how it always was, she didn't ask questions like every mother would and he was used to it. He walked to the door and locked it before changing his clothes.

The ride was a slow and quiet one as he sat looking through the window of the car. Suddenly the car came to a stop following the terrible traffic lingering on the road.

"How bad is it?" He asked

"I'll go check the front" Collin his driver answered and got down from the car.

Dave exhaled when all of a sudden water splashed on the window close to him, he looked at it when his eyes caught a girl, he didn't know what it was that got into him but he just couldn't take his eyes off her. She had a smile on her face as she raised the wet cloth cleaning the window, some other people took care of other cars nearby but his attention was only at her, his whole attention was at her. Who was she and how did she manage to catch his eyes. She was done and moved to the other side as his eyes followed her. She was done and knocked on the tinted window, he slowly whined the glass down and his eyes met her brown ones, they stared at each other for a while before she extended her hand to him.

"Huh?" He asked

"Money!" She replied. "I cleaned up your car so you need to pay me"

"Pay you?" He asked.


"I didn't ask you to clean my car"

"What?!" She thundered

"You're so loud.."

"You cannot not pay me, you didn't even ask me to stop if you were not going to pay me"

"I didn't ask you to clean so why should I ask you to stop"

"But..." She stammered

He could sense the disappoinment in her voice.

"I don't have time for this" he said and made to whine the glass window up but she hurriedly stopped him by placing both hands on it.

"Please don't.. do this, I need the money and no matter the amount you give me I'll take it but don't just ignore".

A smirk appeared on Dave's face as he whined the window up despite her resistance and hitting on it.

His driver came back and got in

"Better now, we should be on our way" the driver announced and immediately started the car driving speedily away.

"Collin wait!!" Dave shouted after seeing the girl running after them. Collin stepped hard on the breaks and the girl bumped right into them falling on the ground.

"I asked you to wait!!" Dave's angry voice came as he hurriedly got down from the car rushing to her side. She had a bruised kneel. "Are you okay?" He asked but she didn't answer. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at her bruise.

"It hurts!" She wailed.

Dave sighed and picked her from the ground carrying her bridal style in his arms. She stopped crying as they stared at each other, her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck and his around her waist, he looked away walking towards the car and placing her Inside it. She was quiet now and not resisting as he got in and stared at his driver.

"Take us to the hospital"

"Hospital?, But Sir you've got to be in the company and we've already lost some minutes in the terrible traffic...."

"Collin I said hospital unless you want me to drive there myself"

Collin reluctantly started the car driving to the hospital...

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